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Pose Locality Constrained Representation for 3D Human Pose Reconstruction

Xiaochuan Fan, Kang Zheng, Youjie Zhou, and Song Wang

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of South Carolina, USA

Abstract. Reconstructing 3D human poses from a single 2D image is an ill-posed problem without considering the human body model. Explicitly enforcing physiological constraints is known to be non-convex and usually leads to difficulty in finding an optimal solution. An attractive alternative is to learn a prior model of the human body from a set of human pose data. In this paper, we develop a new approach, namely pose locality constrained representation (PLCR), to model the 3D human body and use it to improve 3D human pose reconstruction. In this approach, the human pose space is first hierarchically divided into lower-dimensional pose subspaces by subspace clustering. After that, a block-structural pose dictionary is constructed by concatenating the basis poses from all the pose subspaces. Finally, PLCR utilizes the block-structural pose dictionary to explicitly encourage pose locality in human-body modeling – nonzero coefficients are only assigned to the basis poses from a small number of pose subspaces that are close to each other in the pose-subspace hierarchy. We combine PLCR into the matching-pursuit based 3D human-pose reconstruction algorithm and show that the proposed PLCR-based algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm that uses the standard sparse representation and physiological regularity in reconstructing a variety of human poses from both synthetic data and real images.

Keywords: 3D human pose reconstruction, subspace clustering, hierarchical pose tree

LNCS 8689, p. 174 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014