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Synchronization of Two Independently Moving Cameras without Feature Correspondences

Tiago Gaspar1, Paulo Oliveira1, and Paolo Favaro2

1Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

2University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Abstract. In this work, a method that synchronizes two video sequences is proposed. Unlike previous methods, which require the existence of correspondences between features tracked in the two sequences, and/or that the cameras are static or jointly moving, the proposed approach does not impose any of these constraints. It works when the cameras move independently, even if different features are tracked in the two sequences. The assumptions underlying the proposed strategy are that the intrinsic parameters of the cameras are known and that two rigid objects, with independent motions on the scene, are visible in both sequences. The relative motion between these objects is used as clue for the synchronization. The extrinsic parameters of the cameras are assumed to be unknown. A new synchronization algorithm for static or jointly moving cameras that see (possibly) different parts of a common rigidly moving object is also proposed. Proof-of-concept experiments that illustrate the performance of these methods are presented, as well as a comparison with a state-of-the-art approach.

LNCS 8689, p. 189 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014