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Geodesic Regression on the Grassmannian*

Yi Hong1, Roland Kwitt2, Nikhil Singh1, Brad Davis3, Nuno Vasconcelos4, and Marc Niethammer1, 5

1Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA

2Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg, Austria

3Kitware Inc., Carrboro, NC, USA

4Statistical and Visual Computing Lab, UCSD, CA, USA

5Biomedical Research Imaging Center, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Abstract. This paper considers the problem of regressing data points on the Grassmann manifold over a scalar-valued variable. The Grassmannian has recently gained considerable attention in the vision community with applications in domain adaptation, face recognition, shape analysis, or the classification of linear dynamical systems. Motivated by the success of these approaches, we introduce a principled formulation for regression tasks on that manifold. We propose an intrinsic geodesic regression model generalizing classical linear least-squares regression. Since geodesics are parametrized by a starting point and a velocity vector, the model enables the synthesis of new observations on the manifold. To exemplify our approach, we demonstrate its applicability on three vision problems where data objects can be represented as points on the Grassmannian: the prediction of traffic speed and crowd counts from dynamical system models of surveillance videos and the modeling of aging trends in human brain structures using an affine-invariant shape representation.

Keywords: Geodesic regression, Grassmann manifold, Traffic speed prediction, Crowd counting, Shape regression

Electronic Supplementary Material:

LNCS 8690, p. 632 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014