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LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM

Jakob Engel, Thomas Schöps, and Daniel Cremers

Technical University Munich, Germany

Abstract. We propose a direct (feature-less) monocular SLAM algorithm which, in contrast to current state-of-the-art regarding direct methods, allows to build large-scale, consistent maps of the environment. Along with highly accurate pose estimation based on direct image alignment, the 3D environment is reconstructed in real-time as pose-graph of keyframes with associated semi-dense depth maps. These are obtained by filtering over a large number of pixelwise small-baseline stereo comparisons. The explicitly scale-drift aware formulation allows the approach to operate on challenging sequences including large variations in scene scale. Major enablers are two key novelties: (1) a novel direct tracking method which operates on , thereby explicitly detecting scale-drift, and (2) an elegant probabilistic solution to include the effect of noisy depth values into tracking. The resulting direct monocular SLAM system runs in real-time on a CPU.

LNCS 8690, p. 834 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014