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RGBD Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms

Houwen Peng1, Bing Li1, Weihua Xiong1, Weiming Hu1, and Rongrong Ji2

1Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2Department of Cognitive Science, Xiamen University, China

Abstract. Although depth information plays an important role in the human vision system, it is not yet well-explored in existing visual saliency computational models. In this work, we first introduce a large scale RGBD image dataset to address the problem of data deficiency in current research of RGBD salient object detection. To make sure that most existing RGB saliency models can still be adequate in RGBD scenarios, we continue to provide a simple fusion framework that combines existing RGB-produced saliency with new depth-induced saliency, the former one is estimated from existing RGB models while the latter one is based on the proposed multi-contextual contrast model. Moreover, a specialized multi-stage RGBD model is also proposed which takes account of both depth and appearance cues derived from low-level feature contrast, mid-level region grouping and high-level priors enhancement. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness and superiority of our model which can accurately locate the salient objects from RGBD images, and also assign consistent saliency values for the target objects.

LNCS 8691, p. 92 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014