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Sequential Max-Margin Event Detectors

Dong Huang, Shitong Yao, Yi Wang, and Fernando De La Torre

Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA

Abstract. Many applications in computer vision (e.g., games, human computer interaction) require a reliable and early detector of visual events. Existing event detection methods rely on one-versus-all or multi-class classifiers that do not scale well to online detection of large number of events. This paper proposes Sequential Max-Margin Event Detectors (SMMED) to efficiently detect an event in the presence of a large number of event classes. SMMED sequentially discards classes until only one class is identified as the detected class. This approach has two main benefits w.r.t. standard approaches: (1) It provides an efficient solution for early detection of events in the presence of large number of classes, and (2) it is computationally efficient because only a subset of likely classes are evaluated. The benefits of SMMED in comparison with existing approaches is illustrated in three databases using different modalities: MSRDaliy Activity (3D depth videos), UCF101 (RGB videos) and the CMU-Multi-Modal Action Detection (MAD) database (depth, RGB and skeleton). The CMU-MAD was recorded to target the problem of event detection (not classification), and the data and labels are available at http://humansensing.cs.cmu.edu/mad/.

Keywords: Event Detection, Activity Recognition, Time Series Analysis, Multi-Modal Action Detection

LNCS 8691, p. 410 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014