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Rolling Guidance Filter

Qi Zhang1, Xiaoyong Shen1, Li Xu2, and Jiaya Jia1

1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2Image & Visual Computing Lab, Lenovo R&T, Hong Kong

Abstract. Images contain many levels of important structures and edges. Compared to masses of research to make filters edge preserving, finding scale-aware local operations was seldom addressed in a practical way, albeit similarly vital in image processing and computer vision. We propose a new framework to filter images with the complete control of detail smoothing under a scale measure. It is based on a rolling guidance implemented in an iterative manner that converges quickly. Our method is simple in implementation, easy to understand, fully extensible to accommodate various data operations, and fast to produce results. Our implementation achieves realtime performance and produces artifact-free results in separating different scale structures. This filter also introduces several inspiring properties different from previous edge-preserving ones.

Keywords: Image filter, scale-aware processing, edge preserving

LNCS 8691, p. 815 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014