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Good Image Priors for Non-blind Deconvolution

Generic vs. Specific

Libin Sun1, Sunghyun Cho2, Jue Wang2, and James Hays1

1Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA

2Adobe Research, Seattle, WA 98103, USA

Abstract. Most image restoration techniques build “universal” image priors, trained on a variety of scenes, which can guide the restoration of any image. But what if we have more specific training examples, e.g. sharp images of similar scenes? Surprisingly, state-of-the-art image priors don’t seem to benefit from from context-specific training examples. Re-training generic image priors using ideal sharp example images provides minimal improvement in non-blind deconvolution. To help understand this phenomenon we explore non-blind deblurring performance over a broad spectrum of training image scenarios. We discover two strategies that become beneficial as example images become more context-appropriate: (1) locally adapted priors trained from region level correspondence significantly outperform globally trained priors, and (2) a novel multi-scale patch-pyramid formulation is more successful at transferring mid and high frequency details from example scenes. Combining these two key strategies we can qualitatively and quantitatively outperform leading generic non-blind deconvolution methods when context-appropriate example images are available. We also compare to recent work which, like ours, tries to make use of context-specific examples.

Keywords: deblur, non-blind deconvolution, gaussian mixtures, image pyramid, image priors, camera shake

LNCS 8692, p. 231 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014