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A Non-Linear Filter for Gyroscope-Based Video Stabilization

Steven Bell1, Alejandro Troccoli2, and Kari Pulli2

1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

2NVIDIA Research, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Abstract. We present a method for video stabilization and rolling-shutter correction for videos captured on mobile devices. The method uses the data from an on-board gyroscope to track the camera’s angular velocity, and can run in real time within the camera capture pipeline. We remove small motions and rolling-shutter distortions due to hand shake, creating the impression of a video shot on a tripod. For larger motions, we filter the camera’s angular velocity to produce a smooth output. To meet the latency constraints of a real-time camera capture pipeline, our filter operates on a small temporal window of three to five frames. Our algorithm performs better than the previous work that uses a gyroscope to stabilize a video stream, and at a similar level with respect to current feature-based methods.

Keywords: video stabilization, rolling-shutter, gyroscopes

LNCS 8692, p. 294 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014