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Predicting Actions from Static Scenes

Tuan-Hung Vu1, Catherine Olsson2, Ivan Laptev1, Aude Oliva2, and Josef Sivic1

1WILLOW, ENS/INRIA/CNRS UMR 8548, Paris, France

2CSAIL, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Abstract. Human actions naturally co-occur with scenes. In this work we aim to discover action-scene correlation for a large number of scene categories and to use such correlation for action prediction. Towards this goal, we collect a new SUN Action dataset with manual annotations of typical human actions for 397 scenes. We next discover action-scene associations and demonstrate that scene categories can be well identified from their associated actions. Using discovered associations, we address a new task of predicting human actions for images of static scenes. We evaluate prediction of 23 and 38 action classes for images of indoor and outdoor scenes respectively and show promising results. We also propose a new application of geo-localized action prediction and demonstrate ability of our method to automatically answer queries such as “Where is a good place for a picnic?” or “Can I cycle along this path?”.

Keywords: Action prediction, scene recognition, functional properties

LNCS 8693, p. 421 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014