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Let There Be Color! Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions

Michael Waechter, Nils Moehrle, and Michael Goesele

TU Darmstadt, Germany

Abstract. 3D reconstruction pipelines using structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo techniques are today able to reconstruct impressive, large-scale geometry models from images but do not yield textured results. Current texture creation methods are unable to handle the complexity and scale of these models. We therefore present the first comprehensive texturing framework for large-scale, real-world 3D reconstructions. Our method addresses most challenges occurring in such reconstructions: the large number of input images, their drastically varying properties such as image scale, (out-of-focus) blur, exposure variation, and occluders (e.g., moving plants or pedestrians). Using the proposed technique, we are able to texture datasets that are several orders of magnitude larger and far more challenging than shown in related work.

LNCS 8693, p. 836 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014