Title of the workshop: Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Re-Identification VS-Re-ID 2014

Accepted papers:

  1. Learning Action Primitives for Multi-Level Video Event Understanding T. Lan, L. Chen, Z. Deng, G.T. Zhou, and G. Mori
  2. Learning Skeleton Stream Patterns with Slow Feature Analysis for Action Recognition Y. Shan, Z. Zhang, K. Huang
  3. A Novel Visual Word Co-occurrence Model for Person Re-identification Z. Zhang, Y. Chen, V. Saligrama
  4. Joint Learning for Attribute-Consistent Person Re-Identification S. Khamis, C.H. Kuo, V.K. Singh, V.D. Shet, and L.S. Davis
  5. Person re-identification by discriminatively selecting parts and features A. Bhuiyan, A. Perina and V. Murino
  6. Calibration Methodology for Distant Surveillance Cameras P. Gemeiner, B. Micusik, R.Pflugfelder
  7. Improving Global Multi-target Tracking with Local Updates A. Milan, R. Gade, A. Dick T.B. Moeslund, I. Reid
  8. Saliency Weighted Features for Person Re-Identification N. Martinel, C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti
  9. Regularized Bayesian Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification V. E. Liong, J. Lu, Y. Ge
  10. Investigating Open-World Person Re-identification Using a Drone R. Layne, T.M. Hospedales, S. Gong
  11. The HDA+ data set for research on fully automated re-identification systems D. Figueira, M. Taiana, A. Nambiar, J. Nascimento and A. Bernardino