
All exhibits will be in La Perouse Hall of the Egan Center. Exhibits will commence on the morning of Tuesday, May 4, 2010 and will end at lunch on Thursday, May 6, 2010.

The list below reflects exhibitors who had signed up as this publication went to print. The actual display during the conference will be slightly different depending on additional signups.

Coffee and tea will be served on the first level foyer and pastries in the exhibit hall during scheduled breaks.

Company Logo URL Booth #
Aldebaran-Robotics logo1 www.aldebaran-robotics.com/en/ 21
Barrett Technology Inc. Barrett_300x200 www.barrett.com/robot/index.htm 8
Butterfly Haptics butterflyhaptics.com 22
Clearpath Robotics Inc. Clearpath Logo (Q309) www.clearpathrobotics.com 15
GOSTAI http://icra2010.grasp.upenn.edu/sites/icra2010/files/GI_logo.gif www.gostai.com 13 and 14
HOKUYO logo3 www.hokuyo-aut.jp 20
iRobot iRobot_logo_green www.irobot.com 3 and 4
IEEE RAS logo4 www.ieee-ras.org Exhibition Area
KUKA Robotics kuka_logo www.kukarobotics.com 24
Meka Robotics logo5 www.mekabot.com 19
MIT Press MITpress2_300x200 mitpress.mit.edu 9
MobileRobots Inc. logo6 www.mobilerobots.com 29 and 30
National Instruments logo7 www.ni.com/robotics   6
ROBOSOFT logo_robosoft_accroche www.robosoft.com 12
ROBOSYNTHESIS www.robosynthesis.com 5
Robotiq Inc logo8 www.robotiq.com 11
Robotis logo9 www.robotis.com 7
Sage Publishing Sage_LOGO_450x305_72ppiRGB www.sagepub.com/home.nav 18
SCHUNK SCHUNK logo www.schunk-modular-robotics.com 17
SimLab SimLab_300x200 www.simlab.co.kr 10
SpringBoard SpringBoard LOGO-gold tag gospringboard.org    16
Springer Springer_300x200 www.springer.com 31 and 32
Wiley Wiley_300x200 www.wiley.com 23
Willow Garage http://icra2010.grasp.upenn.edu/sites/icra2010/files/WG_logo.gif www.willowgarage.com 1 and 2