Industrial Forum: Deployment Challenges
for Field Robotics Applications

ICRA 2010 will feature an Industrial Forum organized by the IEEE RAS Industrial Activities Board (IAB). This year’s Industrial Forum is focused on field robotics applications in real-world scenarios and the challenges faced by technology developers and application users. Of particularly interest are successful implementations and challenges encountered in various domains. The Forum will focus on field robotics applications in the Oil, Mining, Agricultural, Forestry and Marine industries. The Forum has a distinguished panel of international speakers with participation from industry. All people who have registered for tutorials or workshops are automatically eligible to attend the forum. However, people must register for the Forum separately in order to obtain a reserved seat as seating is restricted to 200 people. Lunch will be available for registered participants. Register for the forum at:

Location: Arteaga Hall, Egan Center Street Level

Time: Friday, May 7, 9:00 am – 2:00pm

Organizers: Alex Zelinsky, CSIRO, Australia
Raj Madhavan, NIST, USA