Program at a Glance

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ICRA'10 Technical Program Tuesday May 4, 2010

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 11

Track 12

Track  13

08:30-10:00 TuA1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Aerial Robotics: Communication, Perception and Control

08:30-10:00 TuA2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Novel Designs and Architectures

08:30-10:00 TuA3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Biologically Inspired Swimming Robots

08:30-10:00 TuA4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Range Sensing

08:30-10:00 TuA5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Human Robot Interaction

08:30-10:00 TuA6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Human Robot Interaction for Assistive Technology

08:30-10:00 TuA7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Algorithms and Representations for SLAM

08:30-10:00 TuA8 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Autonomous Navigation

08:30-10:00 TuA9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Path Planning and Coordination for Multiple Robots

08:30-10:00 TuA10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 AI Reasoning Methods

08:30-10:00 TuA11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Detection and Surveillance

08:30-10:00 TuA12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Human Detection, Tracking and Listening

08:30-10:00 TuA13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Micro and Nano Scale Automation














10:25-11:45 TuB1 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu A 50 Years of Robotics: Field Robotics

10:25-11:45 TuB2 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu B/C 50 Years of Robotics: Industrial Robotics and Automation

10:25-11:45 TuB3 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu D/E 50 Years of Robotics: Medical and Life Sciences

10:25-11:45 TuB4 Dena'ina Center Kahtnu 1/2 50 Years of Robotics: Energy, Environment and Society















13:15-14:10 TuPL
Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu A/B/C
Plenary: Robotics from Anthropomorphism














14:20-15:50 TuD1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Aerial Robotics: Design, Modeling and Control

14:20-15:50 TuD2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Control of Parallel Robots

14:20-15:50 TuD3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Snake Robot Locomotion

14:20-15:50 TuD4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Personal and Service Robots

14:20-15:50 TuD5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Grasping Mechanisms

14:20-15:50 TuD6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Compliant Control and Robot Safety

14:20-15:50 TuD7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Behavior Learning

14:20-15:50 TuD8 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Sensing and Perception for Autonomous Navigation

14:20-15:50 TuD9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Path Planning for Multi-Agent Systems

14:20-15:50 TuD10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments

14:20-15:50 TuD11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Image Matching and Registration

14:20-15:50 TuD12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Surgical Robot Design

14:20-15:50 TuD13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Video Session: Novel Robotic Systems














16:10-17:40 TuE1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Aerial Vehicles: Planning and Control

16:10-17:40 TuE2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Mechanism Design for Manipulators

16:10-17:40 TuE3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Biomimetic Robots

16:10-17:40 TuE4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Field Robotics

16:10-17:40 TuE5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Grasping: Algorithms

16:10-17:40 TuE6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Haptic Controls

16:10-17:40 TuE7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Feature Matching for SLAM

16:10-17:40 TuE8 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Place Recognition and Localization

16:10-17:40 TuE9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Task Allocation, Coordination and Control in Distributed Robot Systems

16:10-17:40 TuE10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Motion Planning, Scheduling and Coordination

16:10-17:40 TuE11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Image Processing, Estimation and Calibration

16:10-17:40 TuE12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Medical Robot Systems I

16:10-17:40 TuE13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Microscale Actuation and Manipulation














17:45-19:15 TuF1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Quadrotor Control

17:45-19:15 TuF2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Compliance in Actuation and Design

17:45-19:15 TuF3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Bipedal Locomotion

17:45-19:15 TuF4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Teleoperation and Networked Robots

17:45-19:15 TuF5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Mobile Manipulation

17:45-19:15 TuF6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Haptic Interfaces

17:45-19:15 TuF7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Learning and Adaptation for Sensing

17:45-19:15 TuF8 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Visual Odometry

17:45-19:15 TuF9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Communication and Motion Planning in Robot Networks

17:45-19:15 TuF10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Motion and Path Planning

17:45-19:15 TuF11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Multi-View Recognition and Pose Estimation

17:45-19:15 TuF12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Medical Robot Systems II

17:45-19:15 TuF13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Flexible Automation and Manufacturing



ICRA'10 Technical Program Wednesday May 5, 2010

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 11

Track 12

Track 13

08:30-10:00 WeA1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Compliance and Force Control

08:30-10:00 WeA2 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Novel Actuators

08:30-10:00 WeA3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Lower Limb Rehabilitation

08:30-10:00 WeA4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Space and Underwater Applications

08:30-10:00 WeA5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Models for Grasping

08:30-10:00 WeA6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Haptics and Human Augmentation

08:30-10:00 WeA7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Learning and Adaptation in Humanoids

08:30-10:00 WeA8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Visual Tracking and Navigation

08:30-10:00 WeA9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Stochastic Multi-Robot and Modular Robot Systems

08:30-10:00 WeA10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Motion and Path Planning for Articulated Systems

08:30-10:00 WeA11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Omnidirectional Vision

08:30-10:00 WeA12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 MRI-Compatible Robots

08:30-10:00 WeA13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Filtering, Estimation and Localization














10:25-11:45 WeB1 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu A 50 Years of Robotics: Perception

10:25-11:45 WeB2 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu B/C 50 Years of Robotics: Learning

10:25-11:45 WeB3 Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu D/E 50 Years of Robotics: Planning

10:25-11:45 WeB4 Dena'ina Center Kahtnu 1/2 50 Years of Robotics: Control















13:15-14:10 WePL
Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu A/B/C
Plenary: Automation to Understand and Ultimately Improve Health and the Environment for the Future














14:20-15:50 WeD1 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Mechanics and Planning for Multibody Systems

14:20-15:50 WeD2 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Cellular and Modular Robots

14:20-15:50 WeD3 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Climbing and Navigating Rough Terrain

14:20-15:50 WeD4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Search and Rescue Robots

14:20-15:50 WeD5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Motion Planning for Manipulation and Grasping

14:20-15:50 WeD6 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Orthoses, Protheses and Rehabilitation Systems

14:20-15:50 WeD7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Learning Models, Trajectories and Strategies

14:20-15:50 WeD8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Navigation and Control

14:20-15:50 WeD9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Distributed Systems for Estimation, Tracking and Pursuit

14:20-15:50 WeD10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Motion and Trajectory Planning

14:20-15:50 WeD11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Recognition and Detection

14:20-15:50 WeD12 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Microrobot Design

14:20-15:50 WeD13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Localization, Mapping and Control for Multiple Vehicles



ICRA'10 Technical Program Thursday May 6, 2010

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 11

Track 12

Track 13

08:30-10:00 ThA1 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Control and Planning

08:30-10:00 ThA2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Flexible Actuators

08:30-10:00 ThA3 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Dynamically Stable Humanoids

08:30-10:00 ThA4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Multi-UAV Systems and Collision Avoidance

08:30-10:00 ThA5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Anthropomorphic Robot Systems

08:30-10:00 ThA6 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Physical Human Robot Interaction

08:30-10:00 ThA7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Data Fusion and Mapping

08:30-10:00 ThA8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 3D and Vision Based SLAM

08:30-10:00 ThA9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Distributed Systems: Coordinated Control

08:30-10:00 ThA10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Motion Planning and Learning

08:30-10:00 ThA11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Sensing and Recognition

08:30-10:00 ThA12 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Force and Contact Sensing in Medicine

08:30-10:00 ThA13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Calibration and System Identification














10:20-11:35 ThB1 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Kinematically Redundant Systems

10:20-11:35 ThB2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Mechanism Design of Mobile Robots

10:20-11:35 ThB3 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Robot Designs Inspired by Bacteria, Mold and Insects

10:20-11:35 ThB4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Robotics in Agriculture, Construction and Forestry

10:20-11:35 ThB5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Industrial Robots

10:20-11:35 ThB6 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Force Sensing, Teleoperation and Virtual Reality

10:20-11:35 ThB7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Sensor Fusion and Mapping

10:20-11:35 ThB8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Intelligent Transportation Systems

10:20-11:35 ThB9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Control of Grasping and Manipulation

10:20-11:35 ThB10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Collision Avoidance

10:20-11:35 ThB11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Visual Tracking I

10:20-11:35 ThB12 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Micro-Nano Robotics

10:20-11:35 ThB13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Micro and Nano Robotics for Biological Applications














13:15-14:10 ThPL Dena'ina Center Tikahtnu A/B/CPlenary: Towards a 10, 000 Mobile Robot Smart Warehouse














14:20-15:50 ThD1 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Motion Control of Manipulators I

14:20-15:50 ThD2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Mechanism Design and Actuation

14:20-15:50 ThD3 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Humanoid Locomotion

14:20-15:50 ThD4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Marine Robotics: Localization, Control and Navigation

14:20-15:50 ThD5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Dynamic Manipulation

14:20-15:50 ThD6 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Rehabilitation Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction

14:20-15:50 ThD7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Localization for Mobile Robots I

14:20-15:50 ThD8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Navigation on Uneven Terrain

14:20-15:50 ThD9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Multi-Agent Coordination

14:20-15:50 ThD10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Motion Planning and Trajectory Control

14:20-15:50 ThD11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Visual Tracking II

14:20-15:50 ThD12 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Vision and Motion Compensation for Medical Robots

14:20-15:50 ThD13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Software Tools for Robotics














16:10-17:40 ThE1 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Motion Control of Manipulators II

16:10-17:40 ThE2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Kinematics of Parallel Robots

16:10-17:40 ThE3 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Legged Robots

16:10-17:40 ThE4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Marine Robotics: Motion and Path Planning

16:10-17:40 ThE5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Cognitive Human Robot Recognition and Learning

16:10-17:40 ThE6 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Tactile Sensing

16:10-17:40 ThE7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 Localization for Mobile Robots II

16:10-17:40 ThE8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Wheeled Robots: Dynamics, Control and Planning

16:10-17:40 ThE9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Multi-Robot Systems and Swarms

16:10-17:40 ThE10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Systems

16:10-17:40 ThE11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Visual Learning

16:10-17:40 ThE12 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Neurorobotics and Human Measurement

16:10-17:40 ThE13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Planning with Deformation and Contact














17:45-19:15 ThF1 Egan Center Second Level Room Boardroom Robust and Adaptive Control

17:45-19:15 ThF2 Egan Center Lower Level Room 1 Underactuated Robots

17:45-19:15 ThF3 Egan Center Lower Level Room 13/14 Walking Robots

17:45-19:15 ThF4 Egan Center Lower Level Room 2 Marine Robotics: Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicles

17:45-19:15 ThF5 Egan Center Lower Level Room 11/12 Teleoperation Systems

17:45-19:15 ThF6 Egan Center Street Level Room Cook Hall Teleoperation with Haptics

17:45-19:15 ThF7 Egan Center Lower Level Room 3 SLAM Solutions for Indoor Environments

17:45-19:15 ThF8 Egan Center Lower Level Room 9/10 Wheeled Robots: Sensing, Estimation and Calibration

17:45-19:15 ThF9 Egan Center Lower Level Room 4 Networked Robots

17:45-19:15 ThF10 Egan Center Lower Level Room 7/8 Surveillance and Spatio-Temporal Coverage

17:45-19:15 ThF11 Egan Center Lower Level Room 5 Visual Servoing

17:45-19:15 ThF12 Egan Center Street Level Room Arteaga Human Augmentation and Medical Applications

17:45-19:15 ThF13 Egan Center Lower Level Room 6 Actuation and Control