
The IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010) will be held on October 18-22, 2010 at the Taipei International Conference Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan. IROS 2010 is the 23rd year of the conference, since its inception in 1988. The conference theme is ¡§Intelligent Robotics in the Next Transition¡¨ The theme of IROS 2010 is chosen such that the conference would continue reflect the ever increasing interest in interactions, co-works, and co-existence of robots with human, cognitive robotics and other forms of intelligent machines and systems, with the goal for improving the better quality of human life. IROS 2010 continues to attract a large number of participants, paper submissions, and accepted papers whose quality remains high. IROS 2010 had 1798 papers submitted from more than 50 countries. We will have 828 papers for oral presentation and 144 for interactive discussions at the conference after first going through a rigorous review process, then by second going through a quality control process conducted at the Program Committee (PC) meeting in May 2010. The technical Program of IROS 2010 consists of 1 Keynote Talk, 3 Plenary Talks, one day Robot Industry Forum, half day Robotics Education Forum, 140 technical sessions in 14 tracks, 17 workshops/tutorials, and 16 video presentations, 14 exhibitions, and Robot Competitions.

In conjunction with IROS2010 Conference, 2010 Taipei International Robot Exhibition and Robot Competitions will be taken place at the same venue. We have prepared this Conference Digest to assist you as much as possible to attend the sessions you are most interested. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the IROS 2010 organizing committee members. The conference with such scale will not be possible without their strong commitment and efforts. Last but definitely not the least , our sincere gratitude go to all the authors, invited speakers, and exhibitors, for your participation and provide the intellectual sharing on experiences. We hope you will enjoy Taipei experience while you find IROS 2010 a fruitful, memorable conference technically and socially. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Taipei!

General Chair
Ren C. Luo

Program Chair
Hajime Asama