Local Information

Taipei is located in northern Taiwan, covering 271.8 square kilometers. Its population is approximated at 2.62 million people. As the capital of Republic of China (Taiwan), Taipei is a vibrant blend of traditional culture and cosmopolitan life. People are certain to have an unforgettable experience in this remarkable city. For further information, please go to the following website of Taipei City government: http://english.taipei.gov.tw


Taipei has a subtropical climate, with an average temperature of 22°C (72°F) in the day time and cooler at night in October. Delegates are recommended to bring a light jacket. For further information, please refer to the website of the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan: http://www.cwb.gov.tw/eng/index.htm


The monetary unit is the New Taiwan dollar (NT$). The exchange rate in recent months has been approximately NT$32 for US$1 (Please notice that this is subject to changes). Foreign currency can be exchanged at most banks, hotels, department stores and international airports. For different currencies, please go visit the Currency web individually.


Mandarin Chinese is the official language in Taiwan though other dialects are also spoken. Many people can speak some English, which is the most widely studied foreign language.

Power Supply

The power supply for electricity is AC 110 Volts/ 60 Hz. Power outlets only accept flat two-parallel pin plugs, type A. Please bring your own electrical outlet adapter to adjust the AC plug on your equipment. Participants from areas with different currents may bring a transformer to operate the electrical appliances.

Liability and Insurance

The Organizing Committee will endeavor to provide an enjoyable conference. However, neither the Organizing Committee nor the Organizer accepts any liability whatsoever for any injury, illness, damage or loss suffered by an attendee during his/her stay in Taiwan. Participants are advised to take out their own comprehensive travel insurance in their respective countries.