Title Big Data and Clinical Decision Support Systems
Speaker Prof. Henrique Martins
Chair Amir Hussain

Healthcare institutions like hospitals are storing increasingly larger and better datasets on health, disease, as well as patterns of care. Health outcomes data, data that allows prevision and data on risks for certain disease or disease aspects. Guarantee good data entry, storage and coherent retrieval is critical for subsequent use of health-related data in projects applying data-mining, machine-learning and other intelligent computing methodologies. On the other hand, if decision support systems are not operating embedded in daily practice and do not return value at the moment and point of care, clinicians are less likely to engage with information technology and less lightly to use it for patient care. The Center for Investigation and Creativity in Informatics (www.ci2.pt) at Hospital Fernando Fonseca, Portugal has experience in using data from emergency room (ER) and other clinical settings to model care needs. Triage data can be used to estimate peak use of beds in adult populations. Equally it can feed models of flu syndrome, where peak incidence in children help anticipate the peak use of ER by adults, in up to 4-5 weeks. Applications can be developed for online real-time medical literature search guided by concrete data elements of a particular patient through a tool which uses the patient electronic health record, machine-learning algorithms and users preferences to optimize query results. This Keynote will discuss:

Prof. Martins is an Internal Medicine Specialist. He obtained his PhD degree from the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge with a thesis on “The use of Mobile ICT in clinical Settings”. He holds a Master in Management from the University of Cambridge and a Masters in HIV/AIDS from the University of Barcelona. He has several publications in the area of Mobile computing in healthcare.

He works as CMIO – Chief Medical Information Officer at the Hospital Fernando Fonseca, and coordinates the Center for Investigation and Creativity in Informatics (www.ci2.pt), where he supervises projects in robotics, mobile computing and database exploration and intelligent systems. He additionally currently works at the Ministry of Health as Adjunct for Health IT to the Health Secretary of State and is responsible for the new Health Information Sharing Platform for Electronic Health Records and for nationwide efforts on complete electronic prescription and Clinical informatics. He teaches health management, leadership and medical informatics in Portugal and abroad.