Session Agent-Based Modeling of Markets
Chair Shu-Heng Chen
Co-Chair Uzay Kaymak

Price Variation Limits and Financial Market Bubbles: Artificial Market Simulations with Agents’ Learning Process
Takanobu Mizuta, Kiyoshi Izumi and Shinobu Yoshimura

Analysis on the Number of XCS Agents in Agent-Based Computational Finance
Tomohiro Nakada and Keiki Takadama

Empirical Anaylsis of Liquidity Provision of an Order Driven Market
William Cheung

A Study of Dark Pool Trading Using an Agent-Based Model
Sheung Yin Kevin Mo, Mark Paddrik and Steve Y. Yang

How (In)Efficient is After-Hours Trading?
Aistis Raudys, Esther Mohr and Günter Schmidt