Session Special Session on General Intelligence in Embodied Agents
Chair Ben Goertzel
Co-Chair Wojciech Skaba

The Creativity Mechanisms in Embodied Agents: An Explanatory Model
Jiří Wiedermann

Evaluating Actuators in a Purely Information-Theory Based Reward Model
Wojciech Skaba

A Connectionist Model for 2-Dimensional Modal Logic
Min Jiang, Yang Yu, Fei Chao, Minghui Shi and Changle Zhou

The CogPrime Architecture for Embodied Artificial General Intelligence
Ben Goertzel, Shujing Ke, Ruiting Lian, Jade O’Neill, Keyvan Sadeghi, Dingjie Wang, Oliver Watkins
and Gino Yu

A Mind-World Correspondence Principle
Ben Goertzel