Title Forensic Bioinformatics: Decoding Information through Molecular Alphabets
Speaker Dr. Amit Kumar
Chair Hong Yan

Processing and authenticity of the evidences gathered from the scene of crime has been a challenge to the forensic science laboratories and the crime investigation agencies. Unfortunately, for a giant country like India the number of competent laboratories and experts who assist on forensic cases and help the Police in investigation are less than 10% as required, meaning that there is a high risk of undiscovered mistakes and ultimately, a wrongful conviction. Experts are needed, but they simply do not have enough time to analyze as many cases as they would like. There is a clear gap between the Forensic Scientists and the Investigating officers which needs to be filled immediately to gain standards in Crime Investigation. Being the backbone of almost all the disciplines of applied sciences in 21st century, IT is expected to come up with a solution to the challenges faced by crime investigation agencies. Problems range from the fingerprint investigation to the DNA level evidences. It (IT) is expected to come up with the tools to solve Cyber crimes, Analysis of Mix DNA Samples, Bank signature forges, property crimes, DNA Data banking of the suspects, Criminal cases, Mass disasters like Air crashes, Train Accidents and Tsunamis etc. Bioinformatics has connected Biology and Computer science in an efficient manner and the domains like Medical Informatics and Forensic Bioinformatics has born already. Current time requires multidisciplinary Researchers to come up with solutions in this didiatic situation. This talk is a brief review on current advances of IT and CI, Electronics and related engineering areas in forensic science and also the ones which require immediate attention of Information technology to dwindle the uncertainties.

Dr. Amit Kumar is CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of BioAxis DNA Research Centre (BDRC) Pvt Ltd. He also serves as the Secretary of IEEE Hyderabad Section, Chairman of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Hyderabad Section. He is member of the reputed Neural Networks Technical Committee (NNTC) of the Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Dr Amit Kumar is a member of IEEE, ISCB, APBIONET, ACM and PRIB. He obtained his PhD in Applied Bioinformatics in 2007. Dr Kumar was nominated as “Pioneers in Genomic education 2010”. He has organized, chaired and delivered Invited talks in several National and International Conferences like IEEE SSCI 2013 Singapore, POCO 2012 Budapest, POCO 2011 Beijing, IEEE Hyd COW 2012 Vishakapatnam, PRIB 2007 Singapore, PRIB 2008 Australia, WCCI 2010 Barcelona Spain, DNA 2009 at Andhra Pradesh Police academy and DNA 2010- Osmania University, DNA 2011-GSI Lucknow, DNA 2012 at AIMSCS Hyderabad Central University and several IEEE events. He has published more than 20 Research Papers in peer reviewed national and International Journals. Under his able guidance BioAxis DNA Research Centre successfully reached the nomination of Leaders of tomorrow 2010 awards by ET Now and India Mart. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society of Hyderabad Section received the Outstanding Chapter award under his chairmanship and he was the Secretary of IEEE Hyderabad Section in 2012 when the section received the Outstanding Large Section award. His Research Interests are Reverse Vaccinology, Forensic Bioinformatics, DNA Forensics, Rational drug discovery, Forensic Criminology and Police Administration etc. He is also a Post Graduate in Criminology and Police Administration. Dr Amit kumar has been invited Resource person at number of Reputed Academic and Research Institutions, Police Academies and Police Training colleges. Apart from the vast Industrial experience presently 4 PhD students are working under his guidance and he has adjudicated several PhD Theses in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.