Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction and Visualization of Plant Growth for Phenotyping

Jacket Demby's, Ali Shafiekhani, Felix B. Fritschi and Guilherme N. DeSouza
University of Missouri-Columbia

Why this paper extension webpage?

In this webpage, we provide additional materials for our paper. You will mainly find links to download the dataset of the "African Violet Plant". The dataset includes both the 2D images, the 3D original point clouds processed using COLMAP, and the aligned 3D point clouds highlighed in the results section of our paper. The aligned 3D point clouds provided here, are from the 7DoF (3 rotations, 3 translations, 1 scale) transformation that provides the lower temporal registration error as mentioned in the paper.


You can preview some of the visualization from the timelapsed 2D raw images, the 3D point clouds, and the aligned timelapsed 3D point clouds using VisND.

Visualization of the Timelapsed 2D Raw Images

360 view of a single data collection


in this view

Timelapsed 2D view of the flowers blooming


in this view

Visualization of the 3D Point Clouds

360 view of a single point cloud (1)


in this view

360 view of a single point cloud (2)


in this view

Visualization of the Timelapse 3D Point Clouds

Timelapsed 3D view of the flowers blooming in VisND (1)


in this view

Timelapsed 3D view of the flowers blooming in VisND (2)


in this view


You can contact the corresponding authors if you have any question regarding this work.

Email Us

Jacket Demby's:

Ali Shafiekhani:

Felix B. Fritschi:

Guilherme DeSouza:
