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The 3D Jigsaw Puzzle: Mapping Large Indoor Spaces

Ricardo Martin-Brualla1, Yanling He1, Bryan C. Russell2, and Steven M. Seitz1

1University of Washington, USA

2Intel, USA

Abstract. We introduce an approach for analyzing annotated maps of a site, together with Internet photos, to reconstruct large indoor spaces of famous tourist sites. While current 3D reconstruction algorithms often produce a set of disconnected components (3D pieces) for indoor scenes due to scene coverage or matching failures, we make use of a provided map to lay out the 3D pieces in a global coordinate system. Our approach leverages position, orientation, and shape cues extracted from the map and 3D pieces and optimizes a global objective to recover the global layout of the pieces. We introduce a novel crowd flow cue that measures how people move across the site to recover 3D geometry orientation. We show compelling results on major tourist sites.

Keywords: Indoor scene reconstruction, maps, 3D jigsaw puzzle

LNCS 8691, p. 1 ff.

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014