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Workshop Scope

Analyzing road scenes using cameras could have a crucial impact in many domains, such as autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), personal navigation, mapping of large scale environments, and road maintenance. For instance, vehicle infrastructure, signage, and rules of the road have been designed to be interpreted fully by visual inspection. As the field of computer vision becomes increasingly mature, practical solutions to many of these tasks are now within reach. Nonetheless, there still seems to exist a wide gap between what is needed by the automotive industry and what is currently possible using computer vision techniques. The goal of this workshop is to allow researchers in the fields of road scene understanding and autonomous driving to present their progress and discuss novel ideas that will shape the future of this area. In particular, we would like this workshop to bridge the large gap between the community that develops novel theoretical approaches for road scene understanding and the community that builds working real-life systems performing in real-world conditions.

Contributed Papers

Invited Speakers / Demos

Organizing Committee

Program Committee

