2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain (CCMB)

Computational Intelligence (CI) has for many years drawn inspiration from the brain to produce data and signal processing techniques and systems which are capable of learning, evolving, adapting, self-organizing, communicating effectively with humans and machines and controlling complex systems. Brain-inspired methods are now widely used to process data produced by the brain with the aim of improving our understanding of how the brain functions and produces the remarkable intelligence exhibited by humans, which is yet elusive for computational systems.

This Symposium focuses on several core topics associated with cognitive algorithms, mind and brain, which are deemed to be of critical Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), Computational models of functional and dysfunctional brain circuitry and Cognitive Robotics.

In general, we are interested in dynamic brain models and brain inspired methods which are used to differentiate between signals from different domains, uniquely fingerprint signals for identification, feature extraction, classification, modelling, prediction and more but the main topics of interest include studies of Cortical dynamics, theory & experiments, Brain-machine interfaces & neuroprostheses, Motor circuitry of the brain, Autonomous robot control, Brain rhythms and their cognitive relevance, Embodied cognition modeling, Neural Modelling Fields (NMF), Cognitive robotics, Perceptual processing, Evolutionary and multi-agent modeling, Psychological and neurological disorders, Language learning and evolution, Cognitive and emotional processing and Socio-cultural modelling