2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM)

The 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (IEEE CIDM 2013) covers research in the field of computational intelligence applied to issues in data mining algorithms, applications, software and data and process mining systems, gathering together experts from academia as well as industry to discuss recent developments in the field.

IEEE CIDM 2013 has attracted 80 submissions of which 30 could be accepted as talks and 19 as posters. The symposium is organized in 7 sessions: three special sessions on “Interpretable systems in machine learning, data analysis, and visualization”, “Process Mining”, and “Data Mining in Industrial Applications”, accompanied by three regular sessions on “Computational intelligence methods for high dimensional data and time series”, “Efficient classification and clustering”, “Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Data and Social Media”, and a dedicated poster session including poster spotlights.

We are happy to also welcome two renowned experts in their fields as keynote speakers: Alessandro Sperduti will present research on “Learning with kernels for streams of structured data” and Kay Chen Tan will deliver a keynote on “Advances in Evolutionary Learning and Optimization”.