2009 IEEE International Conference on

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Technical Papers

Oct 12

Rm1 Human-Computer Interaction I Human-Computer Interaction II Human-Computer Interaction III Human-Computer Interaction IV
Rm2 Assistive Technology I Assistive Technology II Human-Machine Cooperation and Systems I Human-Machine Cooperation and Systems II
Rm3 Systems Safety and Security User Interface Design Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems Web Intelligence and Interaction
Rm4 Human-Computer Symbiosis for Information Retrieval Biometric Systems and Bioinformatics I Biometric Systems and Bioinformatics II TBA
Rm5 Soft Computing I Soft Computing II Soft Computing III Soft Computing IV
Rm6 Image Processing/Pattern Recognition I Image Processing/Pattern Recognition II Image Processing/Pattern Recognition III Image Processing/Pattern Recognition IV
Rm7 Discrete Event Systems Evolutionary Computation I Evolutionary Computation II Evolutionary Computation III
Rm8 Computational Intelligence I Computational Intelligence II Fuzzy Control Systems and Applications Agent-Based Modeling
Rm9 Human Centered Transportation System I Human Centered Transportation System II Systems Engineering and Sustainability I Systems Engineering and Sustainability II
Rm10 Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems and Control I Fuzzy Logic Systems and Control II Intelligent Computing in Medical / Health Care Systems I Informatics and Computational Intelligence
Rm11 Manufacturing Systems and Automation I Manufacturing Systems and Automation II Conflict Resolution I Conflict Resolution II
Rm12 Smart Sensor Networks I Smart Sensor Networks II Intelligent Internet Systems I Intelligent Internet Systems II
Rm13 Environmental Decision Support and Visualization Systems Grey Systems I Grey Systems II Grey Systems III
Rm14 Intelligent Learning in Control Systems I Intelligent Learning in Control Systems II Intelligent RFID Systems Intelligent Signal Processing and Its Applications

Oct 13

Rm1 Human-Machine Interface & Communications I Human-Machine Interface & Communications II Human-Machine Interface & Communications III Kansei
Rm2 Human Factors I Human Factors II Human Performance Modeling I Human Performance Modeling II
Rm3 Information Systems for Design and Marketing Design Methods Interactive and Digital Media Image Sharing and Retrieval
Rm4 Brain-based Information Communications Multimedia Systems and Web Intelligence Granular Computing I Granular Computing II
Rm5 Soft Computing V Soft Computing VI Heuristic Algorithms TBA
Rm6 Image Processing/Pattern Recognition V Image Processing/Pattern Recognition VI Image Processing/Pattern Recognition VII Image Processing/Pattern Recognition VIII
Rm7 Swarm Intelligence Swarm Intelligence/Knowledge-based Systems Fuzzy Systems and Their Applications I Fuzzy Systems and Their Applications II
Rm8 Innovative Methodology of Soft Computing for Management Engineering Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems Computational Intelligence III Computational Intelligence IV
Rm9 Machine Learning I Machine Learning II Machine Learning III Machine Learning IV
Rm10 Cognitive Radio Networks and Technologies Cognitive Radio Networks/Communication Networks Self-Organization and Complex Distributed Systems Signal and Image Processing
Rm11 Conflict Resolution III Conflict Resolution IV Underwater Sensing and Automatic Target Recognition Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks
Rm12 Intelligent Control for Mobile Robots Robotic Systems I Robotic Systems II Robotic Systems III
Rm13 Distributed Intelligent Systems System Modeling & Control I System Modeling & Control II Enterprise Information Systems I
Rm14 The System of Vehicle, Driver, Environment and Control The System of Vehicle, Driver, Environment and Control Discrete Event Systems and Petri Nets I Discrete Event Systems and Petri Nets II

Oct 14

Rm1 Visual Information Processing I Visual Information Processing II Visual Information Processing III TBA
Rm2 Large-Scale/Complex Syst, Syst of Sys I Large-Scale/Complex Syst, Syst of Sys II Systems and Cybernetics Systems
Rm3 Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis I Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis II Intelligent Transportation Systems and Power Systems Remote Services
Rm4 Intelligent Transportation Systems Media Computing Artificial Immune Systems Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications
Rm5 Neural Networks and Their Applications I Neural Networks and Their Applications II Neural Networks and Their Applications III Neural Networks and Their Applications IV
Rm6 Machine Vision I Machine Vision II Systems Biology Consumer and Industrial Applications/ Micro and Nano Systems
Rm7 Fuzzy Forecasting Hybrid models of NN, Fuzzy Sys & Evolutionary Computing I Hybrid models of NN, Fuzzy Sys & Evolutionary Computing II TBA
Rm8 Information Assurance & Intel. Multimedia Computation I Optimization I Optimization II Education Technology and Training
Rm9 Homeland Security I Homeland Security II Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems I Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems II
Rm10 Decision Making and Management for Infrastucture Systems I Decision Making and Management for Infrastucture Systems II Decision Support Systems I Decision Support Systems II
Rm11 Collaborative Virtual Workspaces in Design, Engineering, and Construction Collaborative Commerce Collaborative Manufacturing and Supply Chains Role-Based Systems/Quality & Reliability Engineering
Rm12 Robotic Systems IV Robotic Systems V Mechatronics Medical Mechatronics and Mobile Robotics
Rm13 Enterprise Information Systems II Enterprise Information Systems III System Modeling & Control III System Modeling & Control IV
Rm14 Distributed, Complex Software Systems Control of Uncertain Systems Control of Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems Cooperative Systems and Control