Podium Sessions - ICVR 2011


Monday 27 June 13:15-14:00 Podium Session 1: Sensory Impairment
  Virtual Environment Support Orientation Skills of Newly Blind - A Case Study
O. Lahav, D. W. Schloerb, M. A. Srinivasan
  Remote Hearing Screening As Part of Auditory Telerehabilitation; A Preliminary Report
A. Hemakom, A. Noymai, P. Israsena, S. Boonyanukul and C. Chinnarat
  Using 3D for Rebalancing the Visual System of Amblyopic Children
A. Gargantini, M. Bana, F. Fabiani
Monday 27 June 14:00-15:15 Podium Session 2: Posture and Balance
  Playing the Goblin Post Office game improves movement control of the core: A case study.
G. Barton, R. Foster, G. Holmes, P. Butler, M. Hawken
  Postural responses of adults with cerebral palsy to combined base of support and visual field rotation
J. Slaboda, R. T. Lauer, E. A. Keshner
  Visual Sensitivity Modulates Postural Sway in a Virtual Environment in Healthy Elderly and Individuals with Stroke
E. A. Keshner, J. Slaboda
  Head stabilization shows multisensory dependence on spatiotemporal properties of visual-inertial passive stimulation
W. G. Wright, M. Agah, K. Darvish, E. A. Keshner
  BioTrak: a comprehensive overview
R. Lloréns, J. A. Gil-Gómez, P. Mesa-Gresa, M. Alcañiz, C. Colomer, E. Noé
Monday 27 June 15:45-17:00 Podium Session 3: Post-stroke Rehabilitation
  Optic flow in a virtual environment can impact on locomotor steering post stroke
J. Berard, J. Fung, A. Lamontagne
  Mirror feedback in virtual reality elicits ipsilesional motor cortex activation in chronic stroke patients
E. Tunik, S. Saleh, H. Bagce, A. Merians, S. Adamovich
  Rehabilitation Robot for Unimanual and Bimanual Training of Hemiparetic Subjects
M. Trlep, M. Mihelj, U. Puh, M. Munih
  Integrative Motor, Emotive and Cognitive Therapy for Elderly Patients Chronic Post-Stroke - A Feasibility Study of the BrightArm� Rehabilitation System
B. Rabin, G. Burdea, J. Hundal, D. Roll, F. Damiani
  Neurorehabilitation of Poststroke Cognitive Impairments with the Use of Computed Programs
S. Prokopenko, E. Mozheyko, T. Koryagina, M. M. Petrova, D. S. Kaskayeva, E. Arakchaa, T. Chernyh
Tuesday 28 June 10:50-11:50 Podium Session 4: Games for Rehabilitation
  Usability of Technology Supported Social Competence Training for Children on the Autism Spectrum
P. L. Weiss, E. Gal, S. Cobb, L. Millen, T. Hawkins, T. Glover, M. Zancanaro, L. Giusti, S. Eden
  An Investigation of User Acceptance and Flow Experience Using Video-Capture Gaming Technology for Exercise.
G. Barry
  The Effects of Visual Feedback in Therapeutic Exergaming on Motor Task Accuracy
J. Doyle, D. Kelly, M. Patterson, B. Caulfield
Tuesday 28 June 11:50-12:35 Podium Session 5: Upper Limb Rehabilitation
  Virtual Rehabilitation of Upper-Limb Function in TBI: A Mixed-Approach Evaluation of the Elements System
P. H. Wilson, N. Mumford, J. Duckworth, P. Thomas, D. Shum, G. Williams
  Arm motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke: Effects of two training environments
S. K. Subramanian, C. Lourenco, H. Sveistrup, M. F. Levin
  Short-term Practice with Customized 3D Immersive Videogame Improves Arm-Postural Coordination in Patients with TBI
K. Ustinova
Tuesday 28 June 14:45-16:00 Podium Session 6: Gait, Locomotion and Navigation
  Influence of moving visual surroundings on walking
A. Mert, L. Hak, W. Bles
  The effect of differing optic flow on steering behaviours during goal-oriented locomotion
A. Garcia Popov, A. Lamontagne
  Perceptual and navigational strategies for obstacle circumvention in a virtual environment
A. Darekar, G. Aravind, A. Lamontagne, J. Fung
  Treadmill Training with Virtual Reality to Decrease Risk of Falls in Idiopathic Fallers: a Pilot Study
A. Mirelman, N. Raphaeli-Beer, M. Dorffman, M. Brozgul, J. Hausdorff
  Axis of visual field rotation and order of presentation differentially affect postural responses in virtual environment
R. V. Buddharaju, L. Lanaria, E. A. Keshner
Tuesday 28 June 16:30-17:30 Podium Session 7: Rehabilitation for Brain Injuries
  Emotive, Cognitive and Motor Rehabilitation Post Severe Traumatic Brain Injury– A new convergent approach
G. Burdea, B. Rabin, A. Chaperon, J. Hundal
  Effectiveness of executive functions training within a virtual supermarket for adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
M. Jacoby, S. Averbuch, Y. Sachar, N. Katz, P. L. Weiss, R. Kizony
  Development of an Interactive Artifact for Cognitive Rehabilitation based on Augmented Reality
C. Kirner, T. G. Kirner
Wednesday 29 June 10:50-12:35 Podium Session 8: Virtual Reality Training for Pain and Disability
  Exploring the Synergies of a Hybrid BCI – VR Neurorehabilitation System
S. Bermudez I Badia, A. García Morgade, H. Samaha, P. F. Verschure
  Development of virtual environments for patient-centered rehabilitation
S. T. König, A. Duenser, C. Bartneck, J. Dalrymple-Alford, G. Crucian
  Chronic Pain Rehabilitation with a Serious Game using Multimodal Input
C. Schönauer, S. Jansen – Kosterink, H. Kaufmann, M. Vollenbroek-Hutten, T. Pintaric
  Effects of Shading and Droplines on Object Localization in VR for Patients with Neurological Conditions
W. M. van Den Hoogen, P. Feys, I. Lamers, S. Notelaers, K. Baeten, L. Kerkhofs, K. Coninx, W. Ijsselsteijn
  Virtual reality rehabilitation system for neuropathic pain and motor dysfunction in spinal cord injury patients
M. Villiger, J. Spillman, B. Meilick, D. Kiper, P. Pyk, N. Estevez, S. Kollias, A. Curt, M.-C. Hepp-Reymond, S. Hotz-Boendermaker, K. Eng
  Comparison of powered wheelchair driving performance in a real and in a simulated environment [Video]
P. Archambault, J. Ng Fuk Chong, G. Sorrento, F. Routhier, P. Boissy
Wednesday 29 June 16:45-17:30 Podium Session 9: Rehabilitation for Children
  Dynamic Gaze Measurement with Adaptive Response Technology in Virtual Reality based Social Communication for Autism
U. Lahiri, Z. Warren, N. Sarkar
  Validation of the Elements/RE-ACTION System for use with Children: Evaluation of performance across developmental stages
D. Green, P. H. Wilson

  Describing the Attention Deficit profile of Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Using a Virtual Classroom Environment
Y. Gilboa, S. Rosenblum, A. Fattal-Valevski, H. Toledano-Alhadef, A. Rizzo, N. Josman