ArCentralMultiRobot Class Reference

#include <ArCentralMultiRobot.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class that gathers information from multiple robots and makes it all available in another config.

Use this class in a central multi-robot server program.



Public Member Functions

 ArCentralMultiRobot (ArCentralManager *manager, ArConfig *config, ArServerInfoDrawings *drawings, ArServerHandlerCommands *handlerCommands=NULL, ArServerHandlerPopup *popupHandler=NULL)
virtual ~ArCentralMultiRobot ()
void forwarderAdded (ArCentralForwarder *forwarder)
 Called when a new forwarder is added.
void forwarderRemoved (ArCentralForwarder *forwarder)
 Called when a new forwarder is added.
void loopOnceLegacy (void)
 Runs through all the clients and sends 'em the data (in the legacy way).
void loopOnceNew (void)
 Runs through all the clients and sends 'em the data (in the new way).
virtual ArDrawingData * getGetPathsDrawingData (void)
 Gets data used for visualizing all the paths of the robots.
void netGetPaths (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Sends the packet for all of the robot paths.
virtual ArDrawingData * getGetStraightPathsDrawingData (void)
 Gets data used for visualizing all the paths of the robots.
void netGetStraightPaths (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Sends the packet for all of the robot paths.
virtual void * runThread (void *arg)
 Sends the packet for all of the robot positions.


class  Robot
 This class holds the information from the client robot and also holds the pointers to the functors to delete when this item is deleted. More...

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