BaseArnl Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ArActionLostAction for stopping the robot if it gets lost or localization isn't active
ArBaseLocalizationTaskThis class has the similar items of ArLocalizationTask and ArSonarLocalizationTask, right now thats just one enum, later it may grow to become more
ArCentralMultiRobotClass that gathers information from multiple robots and makes it all available in another config
ArCentralMultiRobot::RobotThis class holds the information from the client robot and also holds the pointers to the functors to delete when this item is deleted
ArLocalizationManagerTask that fuses the output of the multiple localization threads
ArMultiRobotPeerRangeDeviceThis is the class that will make range data from multiple robots
ArMultiRobotPeerRangeDevice::ConnectorThreadThis class runs a thread that connects all the data objects
ArMultiRobotRangeDeviceThis is the class that will make range data from multiple robots
ArPathPlanningTaskTask that performs path planning and path following in a seperate asynchronous thread
ArPoseStorageAfter an attempt is made to restore a pose (successful or not) this class will start to write the robot's pose into the file that is attempted to restore from
ArServerDrawingDestinationThis class is for drawing destinations on the screen
ArServerHandlerLocalizationHandles calls from the client to relocalize
ArServerHandlerMultiRobotThis class handles the server side of dispensing information to the central server
ArServerHandlerMultiRobotPeerThis class handles the server side of dispensing information for multi robot driving
ArServerInfoLocalizationSends localization point information to the client
ArServerInfoPathSends path information to the client
ArServerModeGotoHandles going to a goal or point

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:13 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1