W07 – Computer Vision with Local Binary Patterns Variants

W07-03: Local Binary Patterns to Evaluate Trabecular Bone Structure from Micro-CT Data: Application to Studies of Human Osteoarthritis

W07-04: Fast Features Invariant to Rotation and Scale of Texture

W07-05: Impact of topology-related attributes from Local Binary Patterns on texture classification

W07-09: Gait-based Person Identification using Motion Interchange Patterns

W07-10: Micro-Facial Movements: An Investigation on Spatio-Temporal Descriptors

W07-11: Analysis of sampling techniques for learning binarized statistical image features using fixations and salience

W07-12: Facial Expression Analysis Based on High Dimensional Binary Features

W07-15: Weight-optimal Local Binary Patterns

W07-16: Some faces are more equal than others: Hierarchical organization for accurate and efficient large-scale identity-based face retrieval

W07-17: On the Effects of Illumination Normalization with LBP-Based Watchlist Screening