Author Index - ICORR 2011

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



Abdollahi, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Accoto, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Acosta, S. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Adamovich, S. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Agrawal, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B2 2/B4 5/B23

Experimental Studies on the Human Gait Using a Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (T-PAD)

Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child

Design of a Minimally Constraining, Passively Supported Gait Training Exoskeleton: ALEX II

Aissaoui, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B7

A new dynamic model of the manual wheelchair for straight and curvilinear propulsion

AL ANI, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B27

Nonlinear and Nonstationary Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Motor Imagery

Alders, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Alizadeh-Meghrazi, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Alqasemi, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B14

Task-Oriented Control of a 9-DoF WMRA System for Opening a Spring-Loaded Door Task

Ambrosini, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Amirabdollahian, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A9

Using an Embedded Reality Approach to Improve Test Reliability for NHPT Tasks

An, Q. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B11
Podium Session: 1

Multi-Day Training with Vibrotactile Feedback for Virtual Object Manipulation

Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis of Standing-Up Motion for Development of an Assistance System

Ansari, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B35

Wrist-RoboHab: a Robot for Treatment and Evaluation of Brain Injury Patients

Arcas Ruiz-Ruano, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B21

Telerehabilitation: Toward a Cost-Efficient Platform for Post-Stroke Neurorehabilitation

Archambault, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B11

Evaluation of the JACO robotic arm:clinico-economic study for powered wheelchair users with upper-extremity disabilities

Arimatsu, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Artemiadis, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18
Podium Session: 6

Interlimb Coordination Evoked by Unilateral Mechanical Perturbation During Body-Weight Supported Gait

Pediatric Anklebot

Asama, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B11

Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis of Standing-Up Motion for Development of an Assistance System

Asami, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B5

An Upper-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Tremor Suppression Control

Asseldonk, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B6 3/B22 4/B12

Model Predictive Control Based Gait Pattern Generation for Wearable Exoskeletons

Rendering potential wearable robot designs with the LOPES gait trainer

Velocity-Dependent Reference Trajectory Generation for the LOPES Gait Training Robot

Austin, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Avanzini, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Azevedo Coste, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B19

Improving Valid and Deficient Body Segment Coordination to Improve FES-Assisted Sit-to-Stand in Paraplegic Subjects


Badilli Demirbas, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B30

Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby

Bae, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B17

Biomechanical Assessment of Electric Lifting Chair for Persons with Disability

Baiden, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B12

Assistive Control of Motion Therapy Devices Based on Pneumatic Soft-Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers

Baniasad, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B35

Wrist-RoboHab: a Robot for Treatment and Evaluation of Brain Injury Patients

Barakova, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B42

From Training to Robot Behavior: Towards Custom Scenarios for Robotics in Training Programs for ASD

Basteris, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39 5/B24 5/B26 2/B35

Integrating Proprioceptive Assessement with Proprioceptive Training of Stroke Patients

Adaptive Regulation of Assistance Ôas NeededÕ in Robot-Assisted Motor Skill Learning and Neuro-Rehabilitation

Neural Correlates of Motor Learning and Performance in a Virtual Ball Putting Task

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Bastiaens, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Belter, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B6

Performance Characteristics of Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hands

Benthem de Grave, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B17

Quantifying Lower Limb Joint Position Sense Using a Robotic Exoskeleton: a Pilot Study

Bergamasco, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B42 2/B38

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Bergmann, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B27

Virtual Reality to control active Participation in a subacute Stroke Patient during robot-assisted Gait Training

Berliner, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B39

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Bertoni, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Bhakta, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Bigras, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B7

A new dynamic model of the manual wheelchair for straight and curvilinear propulsion

Bishop, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B40

A Pilot Study of Robotic-Assisted Exercise for Hand Weakness after Stroke

Black, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B15

Semi-Autonomous Competency Assessment of Powered Mobility Device Users

Blickhan, R. (

Podium Session: 1

Proof of Concept of an Artificial Muscle: Theoretical Model, Numerical Model, and Hardware Experiment

Boake, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B39

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Boldrini, E. (

Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Bonato, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B20

Design of Human-Machine Interface and Altering of Pelvic Obliquity with RGR Trainer

Bonnet, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B19

Improving Valid and Deficient Body Segment Coordination to Improve FES-Assisted Sit-to-Stand in Paraplegic Subjects

Bowler, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A9

Using an Embedded Reality Approach to Improve Test Reliability for NHPT Tasks

Brady, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B39

Clinical Training and Competency Guidelines for Using Robotic Devices

Brokaw, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Brunetti, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B23

Enhancing Functional Electrical Stimulation for Emerging Rehabilitation Robotics in the Framework of Hyper Projec

Brügger, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B31

An fMRI Pilot Study to Evaluate Brain Activation Associated with Locomotion Adaptation

Buchanan, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Bullock, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B28

Classifying Human Manipulation Behavior

Burdea, G. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Burdet, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B20

Instrumented Sorting Block Box for Children, a Preliminary Experiment

Bureau, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A11

Variable Stiffness Structure for Limb Attachment

Burgess, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Development of a Parametric Kinematic Model of the Human Hand and a Novel Robotic Exoskeleton

Burridge, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Burton, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Development of a Parametric Kinematic Model of the Human Hand and a Novel Robotic Exoskeleton

Buurke, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B34 3/B16
Podium Session: 3

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

Objective Measurement of Synergistic Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke: an Explorative Study

Influence of reaching direction on visuomotor adaptation: an explorative study


Cai, Z. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Cajigas, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B20

Design of Human-Machine Interface and Altering of Pelvic Obliquity with RGR Trainer

Capogrosso, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B25

Computational Aspects of MN Activity Estimation: a Case Study with Post-Stroke Subjects

Cappa, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18

Pediatric Anklebot

Carey, J. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

Carpinella, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Carpino, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Carrozza, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34 5/B7 2/B1
Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach

Vibrotactile Sensory Substitution in Multi-Fingered Hand Prostheses: Evaluation Studies

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Carvalho, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements

Casadio, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B32
Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Multijoint Arm Stiffness During Movements Following Stroke: Implications for Robot Therapy

Case, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Castelli, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18

Pediatric Anklebot

Castermans, T. (

Podium Session: 1

An Active Foot Lifter Orthosis Based on a PCPG Algorithm

Cattaneo, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Celik, O. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B42

Mechanical Design of a Distal Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Cenciarini, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B25

Biomechanical Considerations in the Design of Lower Limb Exoskeletons

Ceres, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B29

Characterizing Head Motor Disorders to Create Novel Interfaces for People with Cerebral Palsy

Chang, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B34 3/B19 4/B23

Development of a One-Body Optical Torque Sensor for Rehabilitation Robotic Systems

Shoulder Mechanism Design of an Exoskeleton Robot for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation

Stochastic Estimation of Human Shoulder Impedance with Robots: An Experimental Design

Chang, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Chang, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Chen, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B20
Podium Session: 2

Instrumented Sorting Block Box for Children, a Preliminary Experiment

Chen, X. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B4
Podium Session: 2

Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child

Chen, D. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Chen, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B36
Podium Session: 2

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Chen, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B36
Podium Session: 2

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Cheng, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Chetouani, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B3

An Embedded Human Motion Capture System for an Assistive Walking Robot

Chisari, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B25 5/B42

Computational Aspects of MN Activity Estimation: a Case Study with Post-Stroke Subjects

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Cho, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B2

Kinematics Analysis of Sit-To-Stand Assistive Device for the Elderly and Disabled

Cho, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B9

Jointless Structure and Under-Actuation Mechanism for Compact Hand Exoskeleton

Choi, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B1

Development and Evaluation of an Assistive Computer Interface by SEMG for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries

Choi, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B18

Conceptualization of an Exoskeleton Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device Using a Link Structure

Chugo, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B13

A Depressurization Assistance Control Based on the Posture of a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Chénier, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B7

A new dynamic model of the manual wheelchair for straight and curvilinear propulsion

Cioi, D. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Cipriani, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B7

Vibrotactile Sensory Substitution in Multi-Fingered Hand Prostheses: Evaluation Studies

Clady, X. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B3

An Embedded Human Motion Capture System for an Assistive Walking Robot

Collins, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A10

An Exoskeleton Using Controlled Energy Storage and Release to Aid Ankle Propulsion

Colombo, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B15

Modeling Upper Limb Clinical Scales by Robot-Measured Performance Parameters

Coninx, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Coscia, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B25

Computational Aspects of MN Activity Estimation: a Case Study with Post-Stroke Subjects

Cozens, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Craig, T. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Crespi, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A2

Assistance Using Adaptive Oscillators: Robustness to Errors in the Identification of the Limb Parameters

Culmer, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Curt, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population


D'Alonzo, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B7

Vibrotactile Sensory Substitution in Multi-Fingered Hand Prostheses: Evaluation Studies

da Silva-Sauer, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B25

A Two-class Self-Paced BCI to Control a Robot in Four Directions

Dalley, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B9

Multigrasp Myoelectric Control for a Transradial Prosthesis

Damiano, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B24

Haptic Recreation of Elbow Spasticity

Dan, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Danziger, Z. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Dario, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B14

INS/EKF Based Stride Length, Height and Direction Intent-Detection for Walking Assistance Robots

Dautenhahn, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A9

Using an Embedded Reality Approach to Improve Test Reliability for NHPT Tasks

Dawson, M. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

De Bruijn, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B15

Semi-Autonomous Competency Assessment of Powered Mobility Device Users

De Luca, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

De Rossi, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B1

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

de Witte, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B26

Evaluation of Short Term Effects of the IROMEC Robotic Toy for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Degani, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B21

The Basic Mechanics of Bipedal Walking Lead to Asymmetric Behavior

Degris, T. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

Dehez, B. (

Podium Session: 1

ShouldeRO, an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex

Delaloye, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A2

Assistance Using Adaptive Oscillators: Robustness to Errors in the Identification of the Limb Parameters

Delaplace, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B27

Nonlinear and Nonstationary Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Motor Imagery

Delconte, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B15

Modeling Upper Limb Clinical Scales by Robot-Measured Performance Parameters

DeSouza, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B7

Recognizing Hand Movements from a Single sEMG Sensor Using Guided Under-Determined Source Signal Separation

Dewald, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B22 4/B28
Podium Session: 6

The ACT-4D: a Novel Rehabilitation Robot for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

The Relationship Between the Flexion Synergy and Stretch Reflexes in Individuals with Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke

Wrist and Finger Torque Sensor for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Dhaher, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B21

The Basic Mechanics of Bipedal Walking Lead to Asymmetric Behavior

Di Palo, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Dijk, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B12

Rendering potential wearable robot designs with the LOPES gait trainer

Dissanayake, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B15

Semi-Autonomous Competency Assessment of Powered Mobility Device Users

Dollar, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B25 5/B6 5/B8 3/B28

Performance Characteristics of Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hands

Biomechanical Considerations in the Design of Lower Limb Exoskeletons

On the Mechanics of the Knee during the Stance Phase of the Gait

Classifying Human Manipulation Behavior

Domingo, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B17

Quantifying Lower Limb Joint Position Sense Using a Robotic Exoskeleton: a Pilot Study

Drogos, J. (

Podium Session: 6

The Relationship Between the Flexion Synergy and Stretch Reflexes in Individuals with Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke

Dubey, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B14

Task-Oriented Control of a 9-DoF WMRA System for Opening a Spring-Loaded Door Task

Durfee, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B3

Tiny Hydraulics for Powered Orthotics

Duschau-Wicke, A. (

Podium Session: 4

Online Learning and Adaptation of Patient Support During ADL Training

Dutoit, T. (

Podium Session: 1

An Active Foot Lifter Orthosis Based on a PCPG Algorithm

Dutta, A. (

Podium Session: 2

Walking after Partial Paralysis Assisted with EMG-Triggered or Switch-Triggered Functional Electrical Stimulation

Duvinage, M. (

Podium Session: 1

An Active Foot Lifter Orthosis Based on a PCPG Algorithm

Dye, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B8

Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Social Interaction in a Socially Assistive RobotÐGuided Therapeutic Setting


Eng, D. (

Podium Session: 3

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Engsberg, J. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Erdogan, A. (

Podium Session: 4

Passive Velocity Field Control of a Forearm-Wrist Rehabilitation Robot

Erol Barkana, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B30

Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby


Fahimi, F. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

Falchi, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach

Farahmand, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B35

Wrist-RoboHab: a Robot for Treatment and Evaluation of Brain Injury Patients

Farelo, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B14

Task-Oriented Control of a 9-DoF WMRA System for Opening a Spring-Loaded Door Task

Farris, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B11

Control and Implementation of a Powered Lower Limb Orthosis to Aid Walking in Paraplegic Individuals

Fattal, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B19

Improving Valid and Deficient Body Segment Coordination to Improve FES-Assisted Sit-to-Stand in Paraplegic Subjects

Feijs, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B42

From Training to Robot Behavior: Towards Custom Scenarios for Robotics in Training Programs for ASD

Felder, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A6

Knee Orthopaedic Device, how Robotic Technology Can Improve Outcome in Knee Rehabilitation

Ferrante, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Ferrarin, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Ferrigno, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Feys, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Filippi, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach

Fishbach, A. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Fite, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B10

A Configuration Dependent Muscle Model for the Myoelectric Control of a Transfemoral Prosthesis

Fluet, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A12
Podium Session: 3

Upper Limb Assessment Using a Virtual Peg Insertion Test

Fluet, G. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Fluit, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Fontana, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Foresti, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B4

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Fotoohi, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B13

Building a Safe Care-Providing Robot

Fraisse, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B19

Improving Valid and Deficient Body Segment Coordination to Improve FES-Assisted Sit-to-Stand in Paraplegic Subjects

Francisco, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B39

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Frappier, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B11

Evaluation of the JACO robotic arm:clinico-economic study for powered wheelchair users with upper-extremity disabilities

Freeman, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Frisoli, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B42 2/B38

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Fujita, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B13

A Depressurization Assistance Control Based on the Posture of a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Fung, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects


Galloway, J. (jacgallo@UDel.Edu)

Poster Session/Number: 2/B4

Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child

Garay, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B23

Enhancing Functional Electrical Stimulation for Emerging Rehabilitation Robotics in the Framework of Hyper Projec

Gassert, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A12 2/A4
Podium Session: 4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Upper Limb Assessment Using a Virtual Peg Insertion Test

Design of a Robotic Device for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Hand Sensory Function

Geers, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Gelderblom, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B26

Evaluation of Short Term Effects of the IROMEC Robotic Toy for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Geytenbeek, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B29

Characterizing Head Motor Disorders to Create Novel Interfaces for People with Cerebral Palsy

Gharabaghi, A. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Giannoni, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B24

Integrating Proprioceptive Assessement with Proprioceptive Training of Stroke Patients

Gillen, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B40

A Pilot Study of Robotic-Assisted Exercise for Hand Weakness after Stroke

Gillesen, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B42

From Training to Robot Behavior: Towards Custom Scenarios for Robotics in Training Programs for ASD

Goedhart, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Goetschalckx, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Goldfarb, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B11 5/B5 5/B9

Ground Adaptive Standing Controller for a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis

Multigrasp Myoelectric Control for a Transradial Prosthesis

Control and Implementation of a Powered Lower Limb Orthosis to Aid Walking in Paraplegic Individuals

Goljar, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

Gomez-Rodriguez, M. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Gonzalez, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B18

Preliminary Results of Online Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities

Gonçalves, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements

Gosselin, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B11

On the Development of a Walking Rehabilitation Device with a Large Workspace

Graber, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Grantner, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Gregg IV, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B21

The Basic Mechanics of Bipedal Walking Lead to Asymmetric Behavior

Grosse-Wentrup, M. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Gräser, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B13

Building a Safe Care-Providing Robot

Gu, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B19

Development of a One-Body Optical Torque Sensor for Rehabilitation Robotic Systems

Guanziroli, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Guglielmelli, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Guidali, M. (

Podium Session: 4

Online Learning and Adaptation of Patient Support During ADL Training

Günther, M. (

Podium Session: 1

Proof of Concept of an Artificial Muscle: Theoretical Model, Numerical Model, and Hardware Experiment


Hallett, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B27

Development of a VR-based Treadmill Control Interface for Gait Assessment of Patients with ParkinsonÕs Disease

han, c. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B18

Conceptualization of an Exoskeleton Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device Using a Link Structure

han, j. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B18

Conceptualization of an Exoskeleton Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device Using a Link Structure

Handzic, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B31

Motion Controlled Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe for Rehabilitation

Hardegger, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B4

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Harlaar, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B29

Characterizing Head Motor Disorders to Create Novel Interfaces for People with Cerebral Palsy

Harrison, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a gradient descent algorithm

Hasegawa, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B9 4/B8

Tongue Motion-Based Operation of Support System for Paralyzed Patients

Exoskeletal Meal Assistance System (EMAS II) for Progressive Muscle Dystrophy Patient

Hayashi, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B5 4/B9

A Lower-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Perception-Assist

An Upper-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Tremor Suppression Control

Hazarika, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B12

Recognition of Grasp Types Through Principal Components of DWT Based EMG Features

He, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Hebert, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Heitmann, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B12

Robotic Wheelchair Control Interface Based on Headrest Pressure Measurement

Hekman, E. (

Podium Session: 5

A Passive Exoskeleton with Artificial Tendons

Helbok, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B40

A Pilot Study of Robotic-Assisted Exercise for Hand Weakness after Stroke

Herman, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Hesse, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B16

Adaptive Locomotor Training on an End-Effector

Hidler, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B39

Clinical Training and Competency Guidelines for Using Robotic Devices

Hill, J. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Ho, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1 3/B36
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Hoey, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Holley, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Hollnagel, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B31

An fMRI Pilot Study to Evaluate Brain Activation Associated with Locomotion Adaptation

Honeycutt, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B29

Asymmetric Passive Dynamic Walker

Hoon, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B15

Subject-Specific Lower Limb Waveforms Planning via Artificial Neural Network

Hoover, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B10

A Configuration Dependent Muscle Model for the Myoelectric Control of a Transfemoral Prosthesis

Horiuchi, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B18

Preliminary Results of Online Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities

Hsiao-Wecksler, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B3

Tiny Hydraulics for Powered Orthotics

Hu, X. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1 3/B36
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Huang, F. (

Podium Session: 6

Evaluation of Negative Viscosity as Upper Extremity Training for Stroke Survivors

Huang, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B10
Podium Session: 6

Effects of Ankle Stiffness on Gait Selection of Dynamic Bipedal Walking with Flat Feet

Hughes, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Huq, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Huskens, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B42

From Training to Robot Behavior: Towards Custom Scenarios for Robotics in Training Programs for ASD

Hussein, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B25

Patient Adaptive Control of End-Effector Based Gait Rehabilitation Devices Using a Haptic Control Framework

Häufle, D. (

Podium Session: 1

Proof of Concept of an Artificial Muscle: Theoretical Model, Numerical Model, and Hardware Experiment


Ijspeert, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A2 2/B1

Assistance Using Adaptive Oscillators: Robustness to Errors in the Identification of the Limb Parameters

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Ikehara, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13
Podium Session: 5

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

IMAI, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B26

Development of Gait Training System Powered by Pneumatic Actuator like Human Musculoskeletal System

In, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B9

Jointless Structure and Under-Actuation Mechanism for Compact Hand Exoskeleton

Inal, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B30

Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby

Inoue, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Iseki, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B27

Development of a VR-based Treadmill Control Interface for Gait Assessment of Patients with ParkinsonÕs Disease

Ito, K. (

Podium Session: 5

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Ito, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40
Podium Session: 5

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Ivlev, O. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B12

Assistive Control of Motion Therapy Devices Based on Pneumatic Soft-Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers


Jackson, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Jaijongrak, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A5

A Haptic and Auditory Assistive User Interface: Helping the Blinds on their Computer Operations

Janes, W. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Jang, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B14

INS/EKF Based Stride Length, Height and Direction Intent-Detection for Walking Assistance Robots

Javh, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke


Poster Session/Number: 5/B27

Nonlinear and Nonstationary Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Motor Imagery

Jiménez-Fabián, R. (

An Active Foot Lifter Orthosis Based on a PCPG Algorithm

Jo, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Johnson, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B19

Quantifying Learned Non-Use after Stroke Using Unilateral and Bilateral Steering Tasks

Jordan, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B4

Robotic Arm Skate for Stroke Rehabilitation

Jovic, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B19

Improving Valid and Deficient Body Segment Coordination to Improve FES-Assisted Sit-to-Stand in Paraplegic Subjects

Juarez Robles, A. (

Podium Session: 4

Design of a Robotic Device for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Hand Sensory Function

Jun, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Jung, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B14

INS/EKF Based Stride Length, Height and Direction Intent-Detection for Walking Assistance Robots


Kadivar, Z. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B39
Podium Session: 3

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Kakoty, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B12

Recognition of Grasp Types Through Principal Components of DWT Based EMG Features

Kale, A. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Kamper, D. (

Podium Session: 2

Use of an Electromyographically Driven Hand Orthosis for Training after Stroke

Kan, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Kang, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B18

Conceptualization of an Exoskeleton Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device Using a Link Structure

Kapadia, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Kawakami, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Keller, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B21 2/A11

Telerehabilitation: Toward a Cost-Efficient Platform for Post-Stroke Neurorehabilitation

Variable Stiffness Structure for Limb Attachment

Kenyon, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Kerkhofs, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Kiguchi, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B5 4/B9

A Lower-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Perception-Assist

An Upper-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Tremor Suppression Control

Kim, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B3 3/B1
Podium Session: 4

Development and Evaluation of an Assistive Computer Interface by SEMG for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries

Bimanual Shoulder Flexion System with Surface Electromyography for Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke:A Preliminary Study

Kim, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B18
Podium Session: 4

Conceptualization of an Exoskeleton Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device Using a Link Structure

Kim, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B27
Podium Session: 4

Development of a VR-based Treadmill Control Interface for Gait Assessment of Patients with ParkinsonÕs Disease

Kim, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18
Podium Session: 4

Pediatric Anklebot

Kim, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B2
Podium Session: 4

Kinematics Analysis of Sit-To-Stand Assistive Device for the Elderly and Disabled

Kim, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B24
Podium Session: 4

Haptic Recreation of Elbow Spasticity

Kim, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16
Podium Session: 4

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Kim, Y. (

Podium Session: 4

Design of a Robotic Device for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Hand Sensory Function

Kim, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B9
Podium Session: 4

Jointless Structure and Under-Actuation Mechanism for Compact Hand Exoskeleton

King, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B4

Robotic Arm Skate for Stroke Rehabilitation

Kirschbaum, J. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Kita, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Klein, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B20

Instrumented Sorting Block Box for Children, a Preliminary Experiment

Klein, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B26

Evaluation of Short Term Effects of the IROMEC Robotic Toy for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Kobetic, R. (

Podium Session: 2

Walking after Partial Paralysis Assisted with EMG-Triggered or Switch-Triggered Functional Electrical Stimulation

Koeneman, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Koenig, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B16 3/B27

A Review on Bio-Cooperative Control in Gait Rehabilitation

Virtual Reality to control active Participation in a subacute Stroke Patient during robot-assisted Gait Training

Kojima, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Koller-Hodac, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A6

Knee Orthopaedic Device, how Robotic Technology Can Improve Outcome in Knee Rehabilitation

Kollias, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B31

An fMRI Pilot Study to Evaluate Brain Activation Associated with Locomotion Adaptation

Komeda, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Koo, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B34

Shoulder Mechanism Design of an Exoskeleton Robot for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation

Koopman, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B1 4/B12 2/B40

Locomotor Adaptation and Retention to Gradual and Sudden Dynamic Perturbations

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Rendering potential wearable robot designs with the LOPES gait trainer

Kordasz, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B14

Study on Possible Control Algorithms for Lower Limb Rehabilitation System

Kostic, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B10

Influence of Planar Manipulandum to the Hand Trajectory During Point to Point Movement

Kovic, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Koyama, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Krabben, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B16
Podium Session: 3

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

Objective Measurement of Synergistic Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke: an Explorative Study

Kramer, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Krebs, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18
Podium Session: 6

Interlimb Coordination Evoked by Unilateral Mechanical Perturbation During Body-Weight Supported Gait

Pediatric Anklebot

Krewer, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B27

Virtual Reality to control active Participation in a subacute Stroke Patient during robot-assisted Gait Training

Krueger, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B25

Patient Adaptive Control of End-Effector Based Gait Rehabilitation Devices Using a Haptic Control Framework

Kuczkowski, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B14

Study on Possible Control Algorithms for Lower Limb Rehabilitation System

Kumazawa, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A5

A Haptic and Auditory Assistive User Interface: Helping the Blinds on their Computer Operations

Kuo, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B17

Clinical Effects of Combined Bilateral Arm Training with Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Stroke

Kurbanhusen, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B2

Experimental Studies on the Human Gait Using a Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (T-PAD)

Kwon, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B3

Bimanual Shoulder Flexion System with Surface Electromyography for Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke:A Preliminary Study

Köhn, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B12

Robotic Wheelchair Control Interface Based on Headrest Pressure Measurement


Lafond, I. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Lai, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B17

Clinical Effects of Combined Bilateral Arm Training with Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Stroke

Laliberté, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B11

On the Development of a Walking Rehabilitation Device with a Large Workspace

Lam, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B17

Quantifying Lower Limb Joint Position Sense Using a Robotic Exoskeleton: a Pilot Study

Lambercy, O. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A12 2/A4
Podium Session: 4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Upper Limb Assessment Using a Virtual Peg Insertion Test

Design of a Robotic Device for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Hand Sensory Function

Laschi, C. (

Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Lawson, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B5

Ground Adaptive Standing Controller for a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis

Lee, S. (

Podium Session: 2

Use of an Electromyographically Driven Hand Orthosis for Training after Stroke

Lee, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B9
Podium Session: 2

Jointless Structure and Under-Actuation Mechanism for Compact Hand Exoskeleton

Lenzi, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B1

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Leonardis, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Leonardo, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A6

Knee Orthopaedic Device, how Robotic Technology Can Improve Outcome in Knee Rehabilitation

Levesley, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Li, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B2

iHandRehab: an Interactive Hand Exoskeleton for Active and Passive Rehabilitation

Li, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B36

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Lim, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B15

Subject-Specific Lower Limb Waveforms Planning via Artificial Neural Network

lim, p. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B3

Modulation of Weight Off-loading Level over Body-weight Supported Locomotion Training

Lin, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B17

Clinical Effects of Combined Bilateral Arm Training with Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Stroke

List, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B4

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Listenberger, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Lloyd, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B5

A Neuromusculoskeletal Model of the Human Lower Limb:Towards EMG-Driven Actuation of Multiple Joints in Powered Orthoses

Loconsole, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Loureiro, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B41

Design of the ROBIN System: Whole-Arm Multi-Model Sensorimotor Environment for the Rehabilitation of Brain Injuries whil

Low, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B3 5/B15 2/B2

Modulation of Weight Off-loading Level over Body-weight Supported Locomotion Training

SynchronizedCoordinationWalking with Impact-less Footpad Contact of an Overground GaitRehabilitationSystem: NaTUre-gaits

Subject-Specific Lower Limb Waveforms Planning via Artificial Neural Network

Luft, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Luh, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B17

Clinical Effects of Combined Bilateral Arm Training with Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Stroke

Lum, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Lynch, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B21

The Basic Mechanics of Bipedal Walking Lead to Asymmetric Behavior


Madgwick, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a gradient descent algorithm

Maheu, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B11

Evaluation of the JACO robotic arm:clinico-economic study for powered wheelchair users with upper-extremity disabilities

Makower, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B6

Effector Force Requirements to Enable Robotic Systems to Provide Assisted Exercise in People with Upper Limb Impairment

Malosio, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B8

Analysis of Elbow-Joints Misalignment in Upper-Limb Exoskeleton

Marchal-Crespo, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B31

An fMRI Pilot Study to Evaluate Brain Activation Associated with Locomotion Adaptation

Marriott, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B17

Quantifying Lower Limb Joint Position Sense Using a Robotic Exoskeleton: a Pilot Study

Martelli, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B24

Detecting Falls by Analyzing Angular Momentum

Masia, L. (

Podium Session: 6

A Novel Mechatronic System for Measuring End-Point Stiffness: Mechanical Design and Preliminary Tests

Masiero, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Mataric, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B8

Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Social Interaction in a Socially Assistive RobotÐGuided Therapeutic Setting

Matjacic, Z. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B21

On Stability and Passivity of Haptic Devices Characterized by a Series Elastic Actuation and Considerable End-Point Mass

Matsumoto, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B1

A Concept of Needs-Oriented Design and Evaluation of Assistive Robots Based on ICF

Matsuoka, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B11
Podium Session: 1

Multi-Day Training with Vibrotactile Feedback for Virtual Object Manipulation

Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis of Standing-Up Motion for Development of an Assistance System

Mavroidis, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B20

Design of Human-Machine Interface and Altering of Pelvic Obliquity with RGR Trainer

Mazzoleni, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34
Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach

Mazzone, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B15

Modeling Upper Limb Clinical Scales by Robot-Measured Performance Parameters

McAmis, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B38

Symmetry Modes and Stiffnesses for Bimanual Rehabilitation

McGregor, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B3

Modulation of Weight Off-loading Level over Body-weight Supported Locomotion Training

McGuire, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B19

Quantifying Learned Non-Use after Stroke Using Unilateral and Bilateral Steering Tasks

McPherson, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B22
Podium Session: 6

The ACT-4D: a Novel Rehabilitation Robot for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

McPherson, J. (

Podium Session: 6

The Relationship Between the Flexion Synergy and Stretch Reflexes in Individuals with Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke

Mead, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B8

Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Social Interaction in a Socially Assistive RobotÐGuided Therapeutic Setting

Meadmore, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Melhuish, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Development of a Parametric Kinematic Model of the Human Hand and a Novel Robotic Exoskeleton

Merians, A. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Meuleman, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B17

Effect of Added Inertia on the Pelvis on Gait

Micera, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B25 3/B24

Detecting Falls by Analyzing Angular Momentum

Computational Aspects of MN Activity Estimation: a Case Study with Post-Stroke Subjects

Mihailidis, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B32

A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

Mihelj, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22 3/B30 2/B41
Podium Session: 4

Task Difficulty Adjustment in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Using Psychophysiological Responses

Challenges in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Robotics

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Milavec, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B30

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Miller, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B28

Wrist and Finger Torque Sensor for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Min, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Mirbagheri, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B7

The Effects of Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training on Spasticity and Volitional Control

Miyoshi, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B26

Development of Gait Training System Powered by Pneumatic Actuator like Human Musculoskeletal System

Molier, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B34
Podium Session: 3

Objective Measurement of Synergistic Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke: an Explorative Study

Influence of reaching direction on visuomotor adaptation: an explorative study

Molinari Tosatti, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B8

Analysis of Elbow-Joints Misalignment in Upper-Limb Exoskeleton

Molteni, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Monacelli, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B27

Nonlinear and Nonstationary Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Motor Imagery

Monaco, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B25 3/B24

Detecting Falls by Analyzing Angular Momentum

Computational Aspects of MN Activity Estimation: a Case Study with Post-Stroke Subjects

Moon, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B17

Biomechanical Assessment of Electric Lifting Chair for Persons with Disability

morasso, p. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B24 2/B32
Podium Session: 6

Integrating Proprioceptive Assessement with Proprioceptive Training of Stroke Patients

A Novel Mechatronic System for Measuring End-Point Stiffness: Mechanical Design and Preliminary Tests

Multijoint Arm Stiffness During Movements Following Stroke: Implications for Robot Therapy

Moreno, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B23

Enhancing Functional Electrical Stimulation for Emerging Rehabilitation Robotics in the Framework of Hyper Projec

Motomura, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B1

A Concept of Needs-Oriented Design and Evaluation of Assistive Robots Based on ICF

Mozaffari Foumashi, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Mueller, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Muir, K. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Munih, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22 2/B41
Podium Session: 4

Task Difficulty Adjustment in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Using Psychophysiological Responses

Challenges in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Robotics

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

Munih, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B30
Podium Session: 4

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Murray, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Mussa-Ivaldi, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B32
Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Multijoint Arm Stiffness During Movements Following Stroke: Implications for Robot Therapy

Müller, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B27

Virtual Reality to control active Participation in a subacute Stroke Patient during robot-assisted Gait Training


Nagamura, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Nef, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Ness, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B7

The Effects of Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training on Spasticity and Volitional Control

Neuhaus, P. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Nichols, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B39

Clinical Training and Competency Guidelines for Using Robotic Devices

Nichols, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B30

Time Independent Functional Task Training

Nishida, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B1

A Concept of Needs-Oriented Design and Evaluation of Assistive Robots Based on ICF


Poster Session/Number: 4/B26

Development of Gait Training System Powered by Pneumatic Actuator like Human Musculoskeletal System

Noorden, J. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Notelaers, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Novak, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22 4/B16 3/B30 2/B41
Podium Session: 4

Task Difficulty Adjustment in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Using Psychophysiological Responses

A Review on Bio-Cooperative Control in Gait Rehabilitation

Challenges in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Robotics

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Novakovic, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B26

Neural Correlates of Motor Learning and Performance in a Virtual Ball Putting Task

Nunes, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements


O'Malley, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B42 3/B39 3/B13

Effect of Progressive Visual Error Amplification on Human Motor Adaptation

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Mechanical Design of a Distal Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Oblak, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B21

On Stability and Passivity of Haptic Devices Characterized by a Series Elastic Actuation and Considerable End-Point Mass

Ocepek, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

Ochoa, J. (

Podium Session: 2

Use of an Electromyographically Driven Hand Orthosis for Training after Stroke

Okawa, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B1

A Concept of Needs-Oriented Design and Evaluation of Assistive Robots Based on ICF

Olenšek, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22 3/B30 2/B41
Podium Session: 4

Task Difficulty Adjustment in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Using Psychophysiological Responses

Challenges in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Robotics

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Oliveira, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements

Omlin, X. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B16

A Review on Bio-Cooperative Control in Gait Rehabilitation

Oscari, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Osu, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Otaka, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Otten, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B18

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

Oura, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B8

Exoskeletal Meal Assistance System (EMAS II) for Progressive Muscle Dystrophy Patient

Ozkul, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B30

Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby


Pagello, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B5

A Neuromusculoskeletal Model of the Human Lower Limb:Towards EMG-Driven Actuation of Multiple Joints in Powered Orthoses

Paranjape, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B19

Quantifying Learned Non-Use after Stroke Using Unilateral and Bilateral Steering Tasks

Parenti-Castelli, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Park, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B14

INS/EKF Based Stride Length, Height and Direction Intent-Detection for Walking Assistance Robots

Park, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B3

Bimanual Shoulder Flexion System with Surface Electromyography for Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke:A Preliminary Study

Park, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B23

Stochastic Estimation of Human Shoulder Impedance with Robots: An Experimental Design

Park, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B24 4/B27

Haptic Recreation of Elbow Spasticity

Development of a VR-based Treadmill Control Interface for Gait Assessment of Patients with ParkinsonÕs Disease

Patel, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B7

The Effects of Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training on Spasticity and Volitional Control

Patoglu, V. (

Podium Session: 4

Passive Velocity Field Control of a Forearm-Wrist Rehabilitation Robot

Patton, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B29 5/B33
Podium Session: 6

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Evaluation of Negative Viscosity as Upper Extremity Training for Stroke Survivors

Limit-Push Training Reduces Motor Variability

Patton, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B36
Podium Session: 6

Startle Reduces Recall of a Recently Learned Internal Model

Pedrocchi, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B8

Analysis of Elbow-Joints Misalignment in Upper-Limb Exoskeleton

Pedrocchi, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B19

A Novel Biofeedback Cycling Training to Improve Gait Symmetry in Stroke Patients: a Case Series Study

Pehlivan, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B42

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Mechanical Design of a Distal Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Pennycott, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B23

Effects of Added Inertia and Body Weight Support on Lateral Balance Control During Walking

Perez-Gracia, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B41

Single Degree-of-Freedom Exoskeleton Mechanism Design for Finger Rehabilitation

Pernalete, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Perreault, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B4

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Perry, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B21 2/A11

Telerehabilitation: Toward a Cost-Efficient Platform for Post-Stroke Neurorehabilitation

Variable Stiffness Structure for Limb Attachment

Peters, J. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Pfeifer, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B4

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Pietrusinski, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B20

Design of Human-Machine Interface and Altering of Pelvic Obliquity with RGR Trainer

Pilarski, P. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

Piovesan, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B32

Multijoint Arm Stiffness During Movements Following Stroke: Implications for Robot Therapy

Pisano, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B15

Modeling Upper Limb Clinical Scales by Robot-Measured Performance Parameters

Pitto, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B26

Neural Correlates of Motor Learning and Performance in a Virtual Ball Putting Task

Poje, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

Pons, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B23

Enhancing Functional Electrical Stimulation for Emerging Rehabilitation Robotics in the Framework of Hyper Projec

Popovic, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B10

Influence of Planar Manipulandum to the Hand Trajectory During Point to Point Movement

Popovic, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Popovic, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B10

Influence of Planar Manipulandum to the Hand Trajectory During Point to Point Movement

Posteraro, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach

Prange, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B34 3/B16
Podium Session: 3

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

Objective Measurement of Synergistic Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke: an Explorative Study

Influence of reaching direction on visuomotor adaptation: an explorative study

Pratt, J. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Pressman, A. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury

Procopio, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B42

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Puzzolante, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B34

Robot-Aided Therapy on the Upper Limb of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients: a Biomechanical Approach


Qiu, Q. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Quiney, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B7

The Effects of Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training on Spasticity and Volitional Control

Quintero, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B11

Control and Implementation of a Powered Lower Limb Orthosis to Aid Walking in Paraplegic Individuals


Ragonesi, C. (clbr@UDel.Edu)

Poster Session/Number: 2/B4

Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child

Ravichandran, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B36

Startle Reduces Recall of a Recently Learned Internal Model

Raya, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B29

Characterizing Head Motor Disorders to Create Novel Interfaces for People with Cerebral Palsy

Reed, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B31 5/B38 4/B29

Symmetry Modes and Stiffnesses for Bimanual Rehabilitation

Asymmetric Passive Dynamic Walker

Motion Controlled Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe for Rehabilitation

Reggiani, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B5

A Neuromusculoskeletal Model of the Human Lower Limb:Towards EMG-Driven Actuation of Multiple Joints in Powered Orthoses

Reinkensmeyer, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B41 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Single Degree-of-Freedom Exoskeleton Mechanism Design for Finger Rehabilitation

Ribeiro, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements

Riek, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B15

Using Robots to Help People Habituate to Visible Disabilities

Riener, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B23 4/B16 5/B4 2/B31 2/B14 3/B27
Podium Session: 4

A Review on Bio-Cooperative Control in Gait Rehabilitation

Effects of Added Inertia and Body Weight Support on Lateral Balance Control During Walking

INS/EKF Based Stride Length, Height and Direction Intent-Detection for Walking Assistance Robots

An fMRI Pilot Study to Evaluate Brain Activation Associated with Locomotion Adaptation

Online Learning and Adaptation of Patient Support During ADL Training

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Rietman, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B16
Podium Session: 3

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

Objective Measurement of Synergistic Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke: an Explorative Study

Rim, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B3 3/B1

Development and Evaluation of an Assistive Computer Interface by SEMG for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries

Bimanual Shoulder Flexion System with Surface Electromyography for Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke:A Preliminary Study

Rinderknecht, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A2

Assistance Using Adaptive Oscillators: Robustness to Errors in the Identification of the Limb Parameters

Rivera, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B7

Recognizing Hand Movements from a Single sEMG Sensor Using Guided Under-Determined Source Signal Separation

Robinson, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B15

Using Robots to Help People Habituate to Visible Disabilities

Rocon, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B29

Characterizing Head Motor Disorders to Create Novel Interfaces for People with Cerebral Palsy

Rodrigues, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B32

Cable-Based Parallel Manipulator for Rehabilitation of Shoulder and Elbow Movements

Rogers, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Ron-Angevin, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B25

A Two-class Self-Paced BCI to Control a Robot in Four Directions

Rong, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Ronsse, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A2 2/B1 4/B12

Assistance Using Adaptive Oscillators: Robustness to Errors in the Identification of the Limb Parameters

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Rendering potential wearable robot designs with the LOPES gait trainer

Rosati, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Ross, S. (

Podium Session: 3

Ankle Control and Strength Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Rutgers Ankle CP - a Case Study

Rossi, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B42
Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Rossi, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18
Podium Session: 5

Pediatric Anklebot

Routhier, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B11

Evaluation of the JACO robotic arm:clinico-economic study for powered wheelchair users with upper-extremity disabilities

Rozario, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B33

Arm Control Recovery Enhanced by Error Augmentation

Ryerson, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B39

Clinical Training and Competency Guidelines for Using Robotic Devices

Rymer, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B7

The Effects of Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training on Spasticity and Volitional Control


Saegusa, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13
Podium Session: 5

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Sakaida, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B13

A Depressurization Assistance Control Based on the Posture of a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Sakata, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Sakurai, T. (

Podium Session: 5

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Saleh, S. (

Podium Session: 3

A Comparison of Motor Adaptations to Robotically Facilitated Upper Extremity Task Practice Demonstrated by Children with

Sancha-Ros, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B25

A Two-class Self-Paced BCI to Control a Robot in Four Directions

Sandini, G. (

Podium Session: 6

A Novel Mechatronic System for Measuring End-Point Stiffness: Mechanical Design and Preliminary Tests

Sanguineti, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Sanguineti, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B26 2/B35

Adaptive Regulation of Assistance Ôas NeededÕ in Robot-Assisted Motor Skill Learning and Neuro-Rehabilitation

Neural Correlates of Motor Learning and Performance in a Virtual Ball Putting Task

Sankai, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B9

Tongue Motion-Based Operation of Support System for Paralyzed Patients

Sapin, J. (

Podium Session: 1

ShouldeRO, an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex

Sartori, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B5

A Neuromusculoskeletal Model of the Human Lower Limb:Towards EMG-Driven Actuation of Multiple Joints in Powered Orthoses

Satici, A. (

Podium Session: 4

Passive Velocity Field Control of a Forearm-Wrist Rehabilitation Robot

Sato, Y. (

Podium Session: 5

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Sauer, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B14

Study on Possible Control Algorithms for Lower Limb Rehabilitation System

Sawicki, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A10

An Exoskeleton Using Controlled Energy Storage and Release to Aid Ankle Propulsion

Schlink, P. (

Podium Session: 4

Online Learning and Adaptation of Patient Support During ADL Training

Schmitt, S. (

Podium Session: 1

Proof of Concept of an Artificial Muscle: Theoretical Model, Numerical Model, and Hardware Experiment

Schoelkopf, B. (

Podium Session: 2

Towards Brain-Robot Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation

Schoepflin, Z. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B4

Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child

Schouten, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B18 4/B22

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

The ACT-4D: a Novel Rehabilitation Robot for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Schubring-Giese, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Secoli, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Sergi, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Shamaei, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B8

On the Mechanics of the Knee during the Stance Phase of the Gait

Sharp, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B29

Limit-Push Training Reduces Motor Variability


Poster Session/Number: 4/B26

Development of Gait Training System Powered by Pneumatic Actuator like Human Musculoskeletal System

Shin, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B34

Shoulder Mechanism Design of an Exoskeleton Robot for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation

Smith, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B41

Design of the ROBIN System: Whole-Arm Multi-Model Sensorimotor Environment for the Rehabilitation of Brain Injuries whil

Sohn, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B34

Shoulder Mechanism Design of an Exoskeleton Robot for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation

Solaro, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B39

A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis

Soma, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B18

Preliminary Results of Online Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities

Song, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Sotgiu, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B42

Design and Implementation of a Training Strategy in Chronic Stroke with an Arm Robotic Exoskeleton

Spagnol, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B33

Improving Robotics for Neurorehabilitation: Enhancing Engagement, Performance, and Learning with Auditory Feedback

Squeri, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B24 2/B35

Integrating Proprioceptive Assessement with Proprioceptive Training of Stroke Patients

Adaptive Regulation of Assistance Ôas NeededÕ in Robot-Assisted Motor Skill Learning and Neuro-Rehabilitation

Stampacchia, G. (

Podium Session: 5

Changes on EMG Activation in Healthy Subjects and Incomplete SCI Patients Following a Robot-Assisted Locomotor Training

Steeves, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14 3/B33

Computer Vision-Based Classification of Hand Grip Variations in Neurorehabilitation

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Stefanov, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B12

Robotic Wheelchair Control Interface Based on Headrest Pressure Measurement

Stegall, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B23

Design of a Minimally Constraining, Passively Supported Gait Training Exoskeleton: ALEX II

Stegemann, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Stein, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B40

A Pilot Study of Robotic-Assisted Exercise for Hand Weakness after Stroke

Stepp, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B11
Podium Session: 1

Multi-Day Training with Vibrotactile Feedback for Virtual Object Manipulation

Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis of Standing-Up Motion for Development of an Assistance System

Sterpi, I. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B15

Modeling Upper Limb Clinical Scales by Robot-Measured Performance Parameters

Stienen, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B18 3/B16
Podium Session: 6

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

The Relationship Between the Flexion Synergy and Stretch Reflexes in Individuals with Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke

Stienen, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B22 4/B28
Podium Session: 6

The ACT-4D: a Novel Rehabilitation Robot for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Wrist and Finger Torque Sensor for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Strachota, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B19

Quantifying Learned Non-Use after Stroke Using Unilateral and Bilateral Steering Tasks

Suezawa, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B9

Tongue Motion-Based Operation of Support System for Paralyzed Patients

Sukal Moulton, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B28

Wrist and Finger Torque Sensor for the Quantification of Upper Limb Motor Impairments Following Brain Injury

Sullivan, J. (

Podium Session: 3

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Sung, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B13

Effect of Progressive Visual Error Amplification on Human Motor Adaptation

Susanto, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Sushko, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B29

Asymmetric Passive Dynamic Walker

Sutton, R. (

Podium Session: 1

Online Human Training of a Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller via Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning


Tagliamonte, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B6

Design of a Rotary Passive Viscoelastic Joint for Wearable Robots

Takahashi, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B9

Tongue Motion-Based Operation of Support System for Paralyzed Patients

Takahashi, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B40

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Takase, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B13

A Depressurization Assistance Control Based on the Posture of a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Takeda, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Tanaka, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13
Podium Session: 5

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Tang, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Taylor, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Tchekanov, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B19

Quantifying Learned Non-Use after Stroke Using Unilateral and Bilateral Steering Tasks

Terpstra, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B17

Effect of Added Inertia on the Pelvis on Gait

Thiemjarus, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A5

A Haptic and Auditory Assistive User Interface: Helping the Blinds on their Computer Operations

Tomelleri, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B16

Adaptive Locomotor Training on an End-Effector

Tong, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B20 5/B31
Podium Session: 3

Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: the Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL)

Design & Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform

Tong, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1 3/B36
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System

Torres, T. (

Podium Session: 5

Design and Evaluation of Mina a Robotic Orthosis for Paraplegics

Tow, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B2

SynchronizedCoordinationWalking with Impact-less Footpad Contact of an Overground GaitRehabilitationSystem: NaTUre-gaits

Townson, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

TRAD, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B27

Nonlinear and Nonstationary Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Motor Imagery

Trieu Phat, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B15

Subject-Specific Lower Limb Waveforms Planning via Artificial Neural Network

Triolo, R. (

Podium Session: 2

Walking after Partial Paralysis Assisted with EMG-Triggered or Switch-Triggered Functional Electrical Stimulation

Troncossi, M. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B38

Preliminary Results of BRAVO Project

Truyens, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B36

Facilitating Robot-Assisted Training in MS Patients with Arm Paresis

Tseng, H. (

Podium Session: 2

Body Machine Interface: Remapping Motor Skills after Spinal Cord Injury


Poster Session/Number: 3/B22

Velocity-Dependent Reference Trajectory Generation for the LOPES Gait Training Robot

Turton, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3

Development of a Parametric Kinematic Model of the Human Hand and a Novel Robotic Exoskeleton


Unluhisarcikli, O. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B20

Design of Human-Machine Interface and Altering of Pelvic Obliquity with RGR Trainer

Ushiba, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B28

A Sensory Feedback System Utilizing Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Patients with Sensory Loss

Ushida, T. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity


Vaidyanathan, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A3 2/A3

Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a gradient descent algorithm

Development of a Parametric Kinematic Model of the Human Hand and a Novel Robotic Exoskeleton

Vallery, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B23 5/B4

Effects of Added Inertia and Body Weight Support on Lateral Balance Control During Walking

Model-Based Estimation of Active Knee Stiffness

Valls Miro, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B15

Semi-Autonomous Competency Assessment of Powered Mobility Device Users

van Asseldonk, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B34 4/B18 2/B1 2/B40 5/B17

Locomotor Adaptation and Retention to Gradual and Sudden Dynamic Perturbations

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

Influence of reaching direction on visuomotor adaptation: an explorative study

Effect of Added Inertia on the Pelvis on Gait

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

van den Kieboom, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B1

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

van der Kooij, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B6 5/B1 4/B18 2/B1 3/B22 3/B16 4/B12 2/B40 5/B17
Podium Session: 5

Spring Uses in Exoskeleton Actuation Design

Locomotor Adaptation and Retention to Gradual and Sudden Dynamic Perturbations

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

A Passive Exoskeleton with Artificial Tendons

An Explorative Study into Changes in Circle Drawing after Gravity Compensation Training in Chronic Stroke Patients

Effect of Added Inertia on the Pelvis on Gait

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach

Model Predictive Control Based Gait Pattern Generation for Wearable Exoskeletons

Rendering potential wearable robot designs with the LOPES gait trainer

Velocity-Dependent Reference Trajectory Generation for the LOPES Gait Training Robot

van Dijk, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B1
Podium Session: 5

Spring Uses in Exoskeleton Actuation Design

van Dijk, W. (

Podium Session: 5

A Passive Exoskeleton with Artificial Tendons

van Vuuren, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B18

Position and Torque Tracking: Series Elastic Actuation versus Model-Based-Controlled Hydraulic Actuation

Vanstipelen, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B26

Evaluation of Short Term Effects of the IROMEC Robotic Toy for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Varol, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B5 5/B9

Ground Adaptive Standing Controller for a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis

Multigrasp Myoelectric Control for a Transradial Prosthesis

Vashista, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B2

Experimental Studies on the Human Gait Using a Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (T-PAD)

Vasudevan, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B31

Motion Controlled Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe for Rehabilitation

Velasco-ALvarez, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B25

A Two-class Self-Paced BCI to Control a Robot in Four Directions

Velik, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A11

Variable Stiffness Structure for Limb Attachment

Veneman, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A11

Variable Stiffness Structure for Limb Attachment

Verlinden, O. (

Podium Session: 1

An Active Foot Lifter Orthosis Based on a PCPG Algorithm

Vetter, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B35

Development of an Evaluation Function for Eye-Hand Coordination Robotic Therapy

Vicentini, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B8

Analysis of Elbow-Joints Misalignment in Upper-Limb Exoskeleton

Vigaru, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Vitiello, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B1

Oscillator-Based Walking Assistance: a Model-Free Approach


Wade, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B8

Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Social Interaction in a Socially Assistive RobotÐGuided Therapeutic Setting

Waldner, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B16

Adaptive Locomotor Training on an End-Effector

Walpen, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A6

Knee Orthopaedic Device, how Robotic Technology Can Improve Outcome in Knee Rehabilitation

WANG, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B1

Spring Uses in Exoskeleton Actuation Design

Wang, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B3 2/B2

Modulation of Weight Off-loading Level over Body-weight Supported Locomotion Training

SynchronizedCoordinationWalking with Impact-less Footpad Contact of an Overground GaitRehabilitationSystem: NaTUre-gaits

Wang, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B6

Model Predictive Control Based Gait Pattern Generation for Wearable Exoskeletons

Wang, Q. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B10

Effects of Ankle Stiffness on Gait Selection of Dynamic Bipedal Walking with Flat Feet

Wei, X. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A1
Podium Session: 3

An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects

Werner, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B16

Adaptive Locomotor Training on an End-Effector

Wespe, P. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A4

A Small-Scale Robotic Manipulandum for Motor Training in Stroke Rats

Wiggin, B. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/A10

An Exoskeleton Using Controlled Energy Storage and Release to Aid Ankle Propulsion

Wilkening, A. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B12

Assistive Control of Motion Therapy Devices Based on Pneumatic Soft-Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers

Williams, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B18

Pediatric Anklebot

Willms, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Winfree, K. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B23

Design of a Minimally Constraining, Passively Supported Gait Training Exoskeleton: ALEX II

Wolbrecht, E. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B41

Single Degree-of-Freedom Exoskeleton Mechanism Design for Finger Rehabilitation

Wong, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B4

Robotic Arm Skate for Stroke Rehabilitation

Wright, Z. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B36

Startle Reduces Recall of a Recently Learned Internal Model

Wu, F. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B17

Clinical Effects of Combined Bilateral Arm Training with Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Stroke

Wyss, D. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B23

Effects of Added Inertia and Body Weight Support on Lateral Balance Control During Walking


Xia, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B3

Tiny Hydraulics for Powered Orthotics

Xingda, Q. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B15

Subject-Specific Lower Limb Waveforms Planning via Artificial Neural Network

Xue, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B36

Post-Stroke Wrist Rehabilitation Assisted with an Intention-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-Robot System


Yamamoto, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B26 5/B40

Development of Gait Training System Powered by Pneumatic Actuator like Human Musculoskeletal System

Development of an Upper Limb Patient Simulator for Physical Therapy Exercise

Yang, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B16 4/B2

Walking and Sit-to-Stand Support System for Elderly and Disabled

Kinematics Analysis of Sit-To-Stand Assistive Device for the Elderly and Disabled

Yao, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B2

iHandRehab: an Interactive Hand Exoskeleton for Active and Passive Rehabilitation

Yokota, S. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B13

A Depressurization Assistance Control Based on the Posture of a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Yoon, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B27

Development of a VR-based Treadmill Control Interface for Gait Assessment of Patients with ParkinsonÕs Disease

Yozbatiran, N. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B39

Robotic Training and Kinematic Analysis of Arm and Hand After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: a Case Study

Robotic Training and Clinical Assessment of Forearm and Wrist Movements after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury:a Case Study

Yu, W. (

Poster Session/Number: 2/B18

Preliminary Results of Online Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities

Yuge, L. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B13
Podium Session: 5

Development of Closed-Fitting-Type Walking Assistance Device for Legs and Evaluation of Muscle Activity

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift

Yuk, G. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B2

Kinematics Analysis of Sit-To-Stand Assistive Device for the Elderly and Disabled

Yusa, H. (

Podium Session: 5

Walking Assistance Apparatus Using a Spatial Parallel Link Mechanism and a Weight Bearing Lift


Zariffa, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14 3/B33

Computer Vision-Based Classification of Hand Grip Variations in Neurorehabilitation

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

Zenzeri, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B24

Integrating Proprioceptive Assessement with Proprioceptive Training of Stroke Patients

Zhang, Y. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B2

iHandRehab: an Interactive Hand Exoskeleton for Active and Passive Rehabilitation

Zhang, H. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B4

Feasibility Studies of Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation at Clinic and Home Settings Using RUPERT

Zheng, R. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B2

iHandRehab: an Interactive Hand Exoskeleton for Active and Passive Rehabilitation

Ziherl, J. (

Poster Session/Number: 5/B22 3/B30 2/B41
Podium Session: 4

Task Difficulty Adjustment in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Using Psychophysiological Responses

Challenges in Biocooperative Rehabilitation Robotics

Psychophysiological Responses to Robot Training in Different Recovery Phases after Stroke

River Multimodal Scenario for Rehabilitation Robotics

Zivanovic, V. (

Poster Session/Number: 3/B14

Effect of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device on Upper Limb Function in a Sub-Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Population

ZONG, C. (

Poster Session/Number: 4/B3

An Embedded Human Motion Capture System for an Assistive Walking Robot