Poster Sessions - ICORR 2011


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Poster Session 1 (Wednesday 10h20-11h15)

INRS Posters

  • Upper Limb training in hemiparetic patients using the Armeo system
    C. Colomer, S. Torromé, A. Baldoví, L. Pérez-Salamero, P. Morera, C. Mascarós, I.Verdecho, M. Navarro, J. Cases, B. Moliner, J. Ferri and E. Noe.
  • The use of virtual task parameter scaling and robotically simulated global forces to shape motor adaptations in persons with mild to moderate hemiparesis.
    G.G.Fluet, Q. Qiu, I. Lafond, S. Saleh, A. Merians and S. Adamovich
  • Reorganization of spinal neuronal networks after locomotor training in human spinal cord injury
    N. Hajela, A. Smith, C. Mummidisetty, W. Rymer and M. Knikou
  • Generalization of training-induced relaxation of muscular dystonia across tasks in patients with writer’s cramp
    J. Hermsdörfer, K. Allgöwer, W. Fürholzer and B. Baur
  • Referred Sensations elicited by video-mediated mirroring of hands
    S. Hoermann, H. Regenbrecht, L. Franz and B. Dixon
  • Modulation of spinal neuronal circuitries by transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation
    M. Hubli, M. Altermatt and M. Bolliger
  • Intensive coordinative training in degenerative cerebellar disease
    W. Ilg, D. Brötz, S. Burkard, M. Giese, L. Schöls and M. Synofzik
  • Bimanual coordination in stroke recovery: Kinematic analysis provides open leads to individualize upper limb rehabilitation
    J. Metrot, D. Mottet, I.Relave, H. Bonnin, J. Pelissier, L.VanDokkum, K. Torre and I. Laffont
  • Using the Lokomat to apply forces against lower limb movements enhances treadmill training in people with incomplete spinal cord injury.
    K. Pauhl, A. Bigelow, A. Krassioukov, J. Eng and T. Lam
  • Acute and subacute phase rehabilitation in post-stroke patients: a new robot-assisted upper-limb rehabilitation program
    G. Rosati, A. Rossi, M. Armani and S. Masiero

ICVR Posters

Poster Session 2 (Wednesday, 16h00-17h00)

Poster Session 3 (Thursday, 10h20-11h15)

Poster Session 4 (Thursday, 16h00-17h00)

Poster Session 5 (Friday, 10h20-11h15)