ArLocalizationManager Class Reference

#include <ArLocalizationManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for ArLocalizationManager:

ArBaseLocalizationTask List of all members.

Detailed Description

Task that fuses the output of the multiple localization threads.

Public Member Functions

 ArLocalizationManager (ArRobot *robot, ArMapInterface *ariaMap)
 Base constructor with all the necessary inputs.
virtual ~ArLocalizationManager (void)
bool fuseTwoDistributions (ArPose m1, ArMatrix V1, double s1, double threshold1, ArPose m2, ArMatrix V2, double s2, double threshold2, ArPose &mean, ArMatrix &Var, double &s, double &threshold)
 Fuse two distributions to make one mean pose and one variance matrix.
bool addLocalizationTask (ArBaseLocalizationTask *loca)
 Adds a localization to be managed.
bool removeLocalizationTask (ArBaseLocalizationTask *loca)
 Removes a localization from the managing.
virtual bool findLocalizationMeanVar (ArPose &mean, ArMatrix &Var)
 The actual mean var calculator for the virtual in the base class.
virtual void setCorrectRobotFlag (bool a)
 Sets the flag deciding whether to reflect localized pose onto the robot.
virtual void setRobotPose (ArPose pose, ArPose spread=ArPose(0, 0, 0), int nSam=0)
 Used to set the robot pose usually at the start of localization.
virtual bool localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking (double distSpread, double angleSpread)
 Localize robot at start or while initialization.
virtual double getLocalizationScore (void)
 Returns the weighted average of the scores from the localizations in its list.
virtual void setLocalizationScore (double f)
 Function to set the score.
virtual double getLocalizationThreshold (void)
 Get the localization threshold.
virtual void setLocalizationThreshold (double t)
 Set the localization threshold.
virtual ArBaseLocalizationTaskgetLightLocalizationPtr (void)
 Function to get the light loca pointer.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void * runThread (void *ptr)
 Function used to run the task as a thread.
bool reconfigureLocalization (void)
 Needed if the params are changed or loaded again.

Member Function Documentation

bool ArLocalizationManager::fuseTwoDistributions ( ArPose  m1,
ArMatrix  V1,
double  s1,
double  threshold1,
ArPose  m2,
ArMatrix  V2,
double  s2,
double  threshold2,
ArPose &  mean,
ArMatrix &  Var,
double &  s,
double &  threshold 

Fuse two distributions to make one mean pose and one variance matrix.

Combines two gaussian distributions into one. Also interpolates the score as the weighted average of the two dists.

m1,: Mean of first distribution.
V1,: Variance matrix of the first distribution.
s1,: Score of the first localization.
m2,: Mean of second distribution.
V2,: Variance matrix of the second distribution.
s2,: Score of the second localization.
mean,: Mean of the combine.
Var,: Variance matrix of the combine.
s,: Score of the combined localization.
true if successful else false.

bool ArLocalizationManager::addLocalizationTask ( ArBaseLocalizationTask loca  ) 

Adds a localization to be managed.

Adds a localization to be managed.

The localization task to be added.

bool ArLocalizationManager::removeLocalizationTask ( ArBaseLocalizationTask loca  ) 

Removes a localization from the managing.

Removes a localization to be managed.

The localization task to be added.

bool ArLocalizationManager::findLocalizationMeanVar ( ArPose &  mean,
ArMatrix &  var 
) [virtual]

The actual mean var calculator for the virtual in the base class.

Return the last mean and variance from all the localization threads.

mean Reference to the pose to be filled on return.
var Reference to the matrix to be filled on return.

Reimplemented from ArBaseLocalizationTask.

void ArLocalizationManager::setCorrectRobotFlag ( bool  f  )  [virtual]

Sets the flag deciding whether to reflect localized pose onto the robot.

Sets the correct robot flag, this flag decides if the localization results will be poked into the robot.

f,: Value to be set to.

Reimplemented from ArBaseLocalizationTask.

void ArLocalizationManager::setRobotPose ( ArPose  pose,
ArPose  spread = ArPose(0, 0, 0),
int  nSam = 0 
) [virtual]

Used to set the robot pose usually at the start of localization.

This one with a spread around the set pose.

Do the fusing.

Reimplemented from ArBaseLocalizationTask.

bool ArLocalizationManager::localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking ( double  distSpread,
double  angleSpread 
) [virtual]

Localize robot at start or while initialization.

Sets robot pose for localization init.

pose,: The pose to initialize to.
spread,: The spread about the mean pose.
nSum,: Unused.

Do the fusing.

Reimplemented from ArBaseLocalizationTask.

virtual double ArLocalizationManager::getLocalizationScore ( void   )  [inline, virtual]

Returns the weighted average of the scores from the localizations in its list.

Only the XY pose uncertainity is used for now compute the weight. The theta uncertainity is ignored.

Reimplemented from ArBaseLocalizationTask.

virtual ArBaseLocalizationTask* ArLocalizationManager::getLightLocalizationPtr ( void   )  [inline, virtual]

Function to get the light loca pointer.

Do the fusing.

void * ArLocalizationManager::runThread ( void *  ptr  )  [protected, virtual]

Function used to run the task as a thread.

The main loop for the background localization thread.

Do the fusing.

MPL commenting this out since it causes a deadlock and isn't needed

MPL commenting this out since it causes a deadlock and isn't needed

bool ArLocalizationManager::reconfigureLocalization ( void   )  [protected]

Needed if the params are changed or loaded again.

A function to setup the laser if it wasnt connected first time around.

true if successful else false.

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:13 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1