ArBaseLocalizationTask Class Reference

#include <ArBaseLocalizationTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for ArBaseLocalizationTask:

ArLocalizationManager List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class has the similar items of ArLocalizationTask and ArSonarLocalizationTask, right now thats just one enum, later it may grow to become more.

Public Types

enum  LocalizationState { ,
 State of the path plan, accessible using getState(). More...

Public Member Functions

virtual bool findLocalizationMeanVar (ArPose &mean, ArMatrix &var)
 Function returns what the current mean pose and its variance.
virtual void setCorrectRobotFlag (bool f)
 Used to switch off moveTo inside the child localization tasks.
virtual void setRobotPose (ArPose pose, ArPose spread=ArPose(-1.,-1.,-1.), int nSam=-1)
 Used to set the robot pose usually at the start of localization.
virtual bool getRobotIsLostFlag ()
 Finds if the robot is lost.
virtual ArPose getRobotHome ()
 Gets the robot home pose This pose is the initial best localized position determined by localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking() or localizeRobotAtHomeNonBlocking() methods.
ArRetFunctor< ArPose > * getRobotHomeCallback ()
 Get a functor that when called returns the robot's home pose This pose is the initial best localized position determined by localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking() or localizeRobotAtHomeNonBlocking() methods.
ArPose getHomePose ()
virtual bool localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking (double distSpread, double angleSpread)
 Localize robot at start or while initialization.
virtual bool localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking ()
 Try localizing at each home position, choosing the best to be the current and the stored "home" position.
virtual std::list< ArPose > getCurrentSamplePoses ()
 Gets the current sample poses if relevant.
virtual LocalizationState getState (void)
 Get the localization state.
virtual double getLocalizationScore (void)
 Get the localization score.
virtual double getLocalizationThreshold (void)
 Get the localization threshold.
virtual bool checkLocalizationIdle (void)
 Get the localization idle.
virtual void setLocalizationIdle (bool f)
 Set the localization idle.
virtual void setLocalizationThreshold (double t)
 Set the localization threshold.
virtual ArTransform getEncoderToLocalizationTransform (void)
 Get the robot encoder to the localization pose transform.
const char * getName (void)
 Gets the name of this task.
virtual int getPoseInterpPosition (ArTime timeStamp, ArPose *position)
See also:

ArRetFunctor2< int, ArTime,
ArPose * > * 
getPoseInterpPositionCallback (void)
 Gets the callback that will call getPoseInterpPosition.
virtual bool convertLLA2RobotCoords (double lat, double lon, double alt, double &ea, double &no, double &up)
 Convert LLA to Robot.
virtual bool convertRobot2LLACoords (double ea, double no, double up, double &lat, double &lon, double &alt)
 Convert Robot to LLA.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ArBaseLocalizationTask::LocalizationState

State of the path plan, accessible using getState().

LOCALIZATION_FAILED  Task not initialized.
LOCALIZATION_SUCCESS  Failed localization.
LOCALIZATION_INIT_COMPUTING  Failed to reach goal because superseded.
LOCALIZATION_MOVE_COMPUTING  Localization init in progress.
LOCALIZATION_IDLE  Localization move in progress.
INVALID  Invalid state.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void ArBaseLocalizationTask::setRobotPose ( ArPose  pose,
ArPose  spread = ArPose(-1., -1., -1.),
int  nSam = -1 
) [inline, virtual]

Used to set the robot pose usually at the start of localization.

This one with a spread around the set pose.

Reimplemented in ArLocalizationManager.

ArPose ArBaseLocalizationTask::getHomePose (  )  [inline]


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