ArPoseStorage Class Reference

#include <ArServerClasses.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

After an attempt is made to restore a pose (successful or not) this class will start to write the robot's pose into the file that is attempted to restore from.

Unless told otherwise in the constructor it'll also save to the file when Aria exits.

Public Member Functions

 ArPoseStorage (ArRobot *robot, const char *baseDirectory="", int poseWriteIntervalInMSecs=1000, bool addAriaExitCB=true)
 ~ArPoseStorage ()
bool savePose (void)
 Saves the pose of a robot to a file for restoring later.
bool restorePose (const char *fileName)
 Restores the pose of a robot from a file saved earlier.

Protected Member Functions

void userTask (void)
 Internal user task call that will occasionally write the pose to disk.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ArPoseStorage::ArPoseStorage ( ArRobot *  robot,
const char *  baseDirectory = "",
int  poseWriteIntervalInMSecs = 1000,
bool  addAriaExitCB = true 


baseDirectory the base directory to write into
addAriaExitCB whether to add the aria exit callback or not
poseWriteIntervalInMSecs if this is non-zero then the class will call savePose every poseWriteInternvalInMSecs milliseconds

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:14 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1