ArServerHandlerLocalization Class Reference

#include <ArServerClasses.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Handles calls from the client to relocalize.

Public Member Functions

 ArServerHandlerLocalization (ArServerBase *server, ArRobot *robot, ArBaseLocalizationTask *locTask, bool addResetToHome=true, bool setSimPoseOnLocalize=true)
virtual ~ArServerHandlerLocalization ()
void localizeToPose (ArPose pose, bool lockRobot=true, double xySpread=-1, double thSpread=-1)
 Localizes to a point given.
void setSimPose (ArPose pose, bool lockRobot=true)
 Function that'll do the work of resetting the sim pose on localize.
void netResetToHome (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Networking request callback that localizes the robot to home.
void netLocalizeToPose (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Networking request callback that localizes to a point given.
void addSimpleRelativeCommands (ArServerHandlerCommands *commands)
 Adds the simple relative localize commands.

Protected Member Functions

void userTask (void)
 Function that'll reinforce the set pose.

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:14 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1