ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal Class Reference

#include <ArPathPlanningTask.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This is the action for local obstacle avoidance and path following. This class uses the ArPathPlanningTask methods to drive the robot safely.

Public Member Functions

 ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal (double maxVel, double maxRotVel, ArPathPlanningTask *ppt, ArRangeDevice *laser, ArRangeDevice *sonar)
 Constructor, sets the maximums and the parent pointer.
virtual ~ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal (void)
 Destructor, no new objects, we don't need to do anything.
virtual ArActionDesired * fire (ArActionDesired currentDesired)
 Fire, this is what the resolver calls to find out what this action wants.
virtual void deactivate (void)
 Overrides base deactivate to uninitialize ArPathPlanningTask.
void setTotalVel (double lvel, double avel)
 Set the two vels.
void setEndMoveParams (void)
 Set end move params such as accels and decels for fine positioning.
void setHeadingParams (void)
 Set params such as accels and decels for heading only situations.
void clearRangeDevices (void)
 Clear the range devices.
void clearCumRangeDevices (unsigned int cyt)
 Clear the cumulative range devices.
void setMaxVel (double v)
 Set max vel.
void setMaxRotVel (double r)
 Set max rot vel.
void setFailedTimes (int i)
 Set times failed.
void setRangeFactor (double r)
 Set range factor.
void setEndMoveFlag (bool f)
 Set end move flag.
void setPlanState (ArPathPlanningTask::LocalPlanningState s)
 Set plan state.
void setReplannedTimes (int f)
 Set the no of times to replan to a goal.
double getMaxVel (void)
 Get max vel.
double getRotMaxVel (void)
 Get max rot vel.
int getFailedTimes (void)
 Get times failed.
double getRangeFactor (void)
 Get range factor.
bool getEndMoveFlag (void)
 Get end move flag.
ArPathPlanningTask::LocalPlanningState getPlanState (void)
 Get last plan state.
int getReplannedTimes (void)
 Set the no of times to replan to a goal.
void setCurrentDynamicParams (ArActionDesired curDesired)
 Set the desired action.
double getFailedTimeRatio (void)
 This gets how close we are to failing as a ratio between 0 and 1.
virtual ArActionDesired * getDesired (void)
 Get the desired action.
double computeSafeDecel (double obsDist, double linVel, double rotVel, double currentDecel, bool &eStopFlag, bool &brakeFlag)
 Computes the safe deceleration from obstacle distance if any.
ArActionDesired * stop (double obsDist, double linVel, double rotVel, double currentDecel)

Protected Attributes

ArRangeDevice * myLaser
 This holds the laser info.
ArRangeDevice * mySonar
 Holds sonar stuff.
ArActionDesired myDesired
 What the action wants to do.
double myMaxVel
 Max translational velocity.
double myMaxRotVel
 Max rotational velocity.
double myVel
 Current linear velocity.
double myRotVel
 Current angular velocity.
double myHeading
 Current heading;.
 Link to the class that does the actual path planning.
int myFailedTimes
 Failed times.
double myRangeFactor
 Range factor.
bool myEndMoveFlag
 End move flag.
ArPose myEndMoveEncoderGoal
 End move position.
ArPathPlanningTask::LocalPlanningState myPlanState
 Planning state.
int myReplannedTimes
 No of times the same goal was replanned.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal ( double  maxVel,
double  maxRotVel,
ArPathPlanningTask ppt,
ArRangeDevice *  laser,
ArRangeDevice *  sonar 

Constructor, sets the maximums and the parent pointer.

maxVel,: Maximum translational velocity.
maxRotVel,: Maximum rotational velocity.
ppt,: The pointer to the pathplanning class which does the work.

Member Function Documentation

ArActionDesired * ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::fire ( ArActionDesired  currentDesired  )  [virtual]

Fire, this is what the resolver calls to find out what this action wants.

This is the guts of the action. Virtual function redefined. Here the path planning flags and variables are used to set the actual robot velocity.

currentDesired,: The ArActionDesired pointer.

void ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::deactivate ( void   )  [virtual]

Overrides base deactivate to uninitialize ArPathPlanningTask.

deactivates the action.

void ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::setTotalVel ( double  linVel,
double  rotVel 

Set the two vels.

Sets the linear and rotational velocites at a shot.

linVel,: Linear velocity to be set in the action.
rotVel,: Angular velocity to be set in the action.

void ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::setEndMoveParams ( void   ) 

Set end move params such as accels and decels for fine positioning.

Sets the vel, accel, decel params for the end move.

void ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::setHeadingParams ( void   ) 

Set params such as accels and decels for heading only situations.

Sets the vel, accel, decel params for the heading.

void ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::setCurrentDynamicParams ( ArActionDesired  currentDesired  ) 

Set the desired action.

Sets the motion params by looking at the actions which are based on the sectors the robot is at.

currentDesired,: The global action desired.

double ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::computeSafeDecel ( double  obsDist,
double  linVel,
double  rotVel,
double  currentDecel,
bool &  eStopFlag,
bool &  brakeFlag 

Computes the safe deceleration from obstacle distance if any.

Computes the safe deceleration with the given obstacle distance and current velocities. If needed it will compute the additional braking deceleration and call the EStop in the worst case.

obsDist,: Distance to obstacle on the current path.
linVel,: Current linear velocity.
rotVel,: Current rotational velocity.
currentDecel,: Current deceleration.
eStopFlag,: returns true if estop is needed to avoid collision.
brakeFlag,: returns true if more braking than currentDecel is needed.
The computed deceleration.

ArActionDesired * ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoal::stop ( double  obsDist,
double  linVel,
double  rotVel,
double  currentDecel 

Stop the robot. Brake harder if necessary.

: Distance to obstacle on the current path. : Current linear velocity. : Current rotational velocity. : Current deceleration.

The action desired filled in.

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:13 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1