ArPathPlanningTask Class Reference

#include <ArPathPlanningTask.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Task that performs path planning and path following in a seperate asynchronous thread.

The path planning task uses a grid based search to compute the shortest and safe path from the present robot pose to any reachable point in the given robot enviroment map. It then enables an action that follows the planned path, all the while using the dynamic window method to avoid unmapped obstacles in its path. The path planning thread requires fairly accurate robot location. Hence a localization task (ArLocalizationTask or ArSonarLocalizationTask) must also be run concurrently with the path planning task.

See Introduction to Path Planning for an overview of path planning and following in ARNL.

ArPathPlanningTask::ArPathPlanningTask will start the new thread automatically when an object is created, so you must not call ArASyncTask::runAsync() on an ArPathPlanningTask object.


Public Types

enum  PathPlanningState {
 State of the path plan (accessible using getState()). More...
enum  LocalPlanningState {
 State of the local motion plan. More...
 How to incorporate the range device data. More...

Public Member Functions

 ArPathPlanningTask (ArRobot *robot, ArRangeDevice *laser, ArRangeDevice *sonar, ArMapInterface *m)
 Constructor for a robot with two typical range devices (e.g.
 ArPathPlanningTask (ArRobot *robot, ArRangeDevice *sonar, ArMapInterface *map)
 Constructor for a robot with just sonar (or other comparable range device) and map.
virtual ~ArPathPlanningTask (void)
 Base destructor.
bool pathPlanToPose (ArPose goal, bool headingFlag, bool printFlag=true)
 Set a new destination pose for the path planning task to plan to.
bool pathPlanToGoal (const char *goalname, bool strictGoalTypeMatching=true)
 Set a new goal (from the map) for the path planning task to plan to.
bool startPathPlanToLocalPose (bool printFlag)
 Function to local path planning.
bool continuePathPlanToLocalPose (ArPose goal, bool headingFlag, bool printFlag=true)
 Set a local pose for the path planning while local path planning.
bool endPathPlanToLocalPose (bool printFlag)
 Function to end local path planning.
ArActionPlanAndMoveToGoalgetPathPlanAction (void)
 Gets just the path planning/following action object.
ArActionGroup * getPathPlanActionGroup (void)
 Gets the path planning action/following group (move, stall recovery etc).
void setPathPlanActionGroup (ArActionGroup *group, bool takeOwnershipOfGroup=false)
 Sets the path planning action/following group.
bool loadParamFile (const char *file)
 Load the path planning params from config file.
double getSafeCollisionRange (void)
 Gets the minimum distance it must look for the speed at which it is going (mostly internal use).
bool saveParams (char *filename)
 Saves the default params to the filename.
void addGoalDoneCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Adds a callback which will be called when goal reached.
void remGoalDoneCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Removes a callback which used to be called when goal reached.
void addGoalFailedCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Adds a callback which will be called when goal failed.
void remGoalFailedCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Removes a callback which used to be called when goal failed.
void addGoalInterruptedCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Adds a callback which will be called when goal is interrupted.
void remGoalInterruptedCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Removes a callback which used to be called when goal is interrupted.
void addNewGoalCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Adds a callback which will be called when there is a new goal.
void remNewGoalCB (ArFunctor1< ArPose > *functor)
 Removes a callback which used to be called when there is a new goal.
void addGoalFinishedCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Adds a callback for when the goal is done, failed, or intterupted.
void remGoalFinishedCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a callback for when the goal is done, failed, or intterupted.
void addPlainNewGoalCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when there is a new goal.
void remPlainNewGoalCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when there is a new goal.
void addPlainGoalFinishedCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when a goal is finished, interrupted, or failed.
void remPlainGoalFinishedCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when a goal is finished, interrupted, or failed.
void addPlainGoalDoneCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when goal is reached.
void remPlainGoalDoneCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when the goal is reached.
void addPlainGoalFailedCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when the goal fails.
void remPlainGoalFailedCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when the goal fails.
void addPlainGoalInterruptedCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when the goal is interrupted.
void remPlainGoalInterruptedCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when the goal is interrupted.
void trackingFailed (int failedTimes)
 If localization fails, then call this to alert path planning.
void cancelPathPlan (void)
 Cancel any current path following.
void setVerboseFlag (bool f)
 Set the verbose flag.
ArPose getCurrentGoal ()
 Get the current goal of the path plan.
bool getInitializedFlag (void)
 Get the value of path plan initialized flag.
bool getVerboseFlag (void)
 Get the verbose flag. (debugging only).
PathPlanningState getState (void)
 Gets the state of path planning.
void getFailureString (char *str, size_t len)
 Gets a textual description of failure or current planning status.
void getStatusString (char *str, size_t len)
 Gets a textual description of failure or current planning status.
std::list< ArPose > getCurrentPath (ArPose from, bool local=false)
 Gets the list of path points as poses.
ArMapInterface * getAriaMap (void)
 Gets the Aria map used in the path planning.
void goalFailed (ArPose goal, const char *failureString="Failed going to goal", PathPlanningState state=FAILED_MOVE)
 What to do when goal cannot be reached.
double getLastMoveTime (void)
 Get the time robot was not moving.
double getLastLinearMoveTime (void)
 Get the time robot was not moving.
void setLastMoveTime (double t)
 Set the time the robot was not moving.
void setLastLinearMoveTime (double t)
 Set the time the robot was not moving.
double computeProgress (ArPose robotPose)
 Compute the progress from start to given pose.
double computeProgress ()
 Compute the progress from start to robot's present pose.
double estimateTimeToGoal (ArPose robotPose)
 Estimates an approximate time from given pose to goal in seconds..
double estimateTimeToGoal ()
 Estimates an approximate time from robot's current pose to goal in seconds..
double estimateDistanceToGoal (ArPose robotPose)
 Estimates an approximate distance from given pose to goal in mm.
double estimateDistanceToGoal ()
 Estimates an approximate distance from robot's current pose to goal in mm.
ArPathPlan::LocalPathState getLocalPathState (void)
 Returns the last local path planning result.
ArPathPlan::SearchVelocityState getDWAState (void)
 Returns the last velocity search state from the DWA.
double getCost (void)
 Returns cost of the robots cell in the occupancy grid.
double getUtil (void)
 Returns util of the robots cell in the occupancy grid.
std::list< ArPose > getPathFromTo (ArPose from, ArPose to)
 Returns just the grid based search path from a point to another.
void addStateChangeCB (ArFunctor *cb)
 Add a callback to be notified when planning state changes.
void remStateChangeCB (ArFunctor *cb)
 Remove a callback to be notified when planning state changes.
std::list< ArPose > * getObsListPtr (void)
 Get the pointer to the list of obstacle points used for path planning.
void addBlockedPathCB (ArFunctor1< const std::list< ArPose > * > *cb)
 Add a callback function from the list to call when path blocked.
void remBlockedPathCB (ArFunctor1< const std::list< ArPose > * > *cb)
 Remove a callback function from the list to call when path blocked.
void addPlainBlockedPathCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50)
 Adds a plain callback for when the path is blocked.
void remPlainBlockedPathCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Removes a plain callback for when the path is blocked.
void invokeBlockedPathCB (void)
 Invoke all the callbacks after a replan due to path block.
bool getWaitingToFailFlag (void)
 Get the waiting to fail flag.
Accessors for current configuration values
These values are normally set via ArConfig (the "Path Planning" section) by loading a file or other means, or by calling the modifier functions below.

bool getUseLaserFlag (void)
 Get the use laser flag.
bool getUseSonarFlag (void)
 Get the use sonar flag.
bool getMapChangedFlag (void)
 Gets the map changed flag to trigger reloading of map for path planning.
bool getUseOneWaysFlag (void)
 Gets the use one way flag.
bool getUseResistanceFlag (void)
 Gets the use resistance flag.
double getMarkOldPathFactor (void)
 Gets the mark old path factor (mostly internal use).
short getResistance (void)
 Gets the resistance for restrictive sectors (mostly internal use).
double getMaxSpeed (void) const
 Gets the maximum speed for the robot.
double getMaxRotSpeed (void) const
 Gets the maximum rotational speed for the robot.
double getCollisionRange (void) const
 Gets the maximum obstacle range for collision avoidance.
double getSlowSpeed (void) const
 Gets the slow speed.
double getFastSpeed (void) const
 Gets the fast speed.
double getSideClearanceAtSlowSpeed (void) const
 Gets the side clearance at slow speed.
double getSideClearanceAtFastSpeed (void) const
 Gets the side clearance at fast speed.
double getFrontClearance (void) const
 Gets the front clearance.
double getFrontPaddingAtSlowSpeed (void) const
 Gets the front padding at slow speed.
double getFrontPaddingAtFastSpeed (void) const
 Gets the front padding at high speed.
double getSuperMaxTransDecel (void) const
 Gets the decel allowed when there is still +ve clearance + padding.
double getEmergencyMaxTransDecel (void) const
 Gets the emergency max decel allowed for collision avoidance.
double getWidth (void) const
 Gets the robot width.
double getLength (void) const
 Gets the robot length.
double getPlanMapResolution (void) const
 Gets the path planning map resolution.
double getPlanFreeSpace (void) const
 Gets the distance from the side of the robot to obstacles to plan with.
double getHeadingWt (void) const
 Gets the heading weight.
double getDistanceWt (void) const
 Gets the distance weight.
double getVelocityWt (void) const
 Gets the velocity weight.
double getSmoothingWt (void) const
 Gets the smoothing weight.
int getLinVelIncrements (void) const
 Gets the linear velocity increments.
int getRotVelIncrements (void) const
 Gets the rotational velocity increments.
int getSmoothSize (void) const
 Gets the smoothing window size.
double getObsThreshold (void) const
 Gets the obstacle threshold.
double getMaxExpansionFactor (void) const
 Gets the maximum expansion factor when local planning fails.
bool getUseCollisionRangeForPlanningFlag (void) const
 Gets the flag which decides if collision range is used for planning.
double getGoalDistanceTolerance (void) const
 Gets the distance tolerance to goal in mm.
double getGoalAngleTolerance (void) const
 Gets the angle tolerance to goal in mm.
double getGoalSpeed (void) const
 Gets the speed for end move.
double getGoalRotSpeed (void) const
 Gets the rotational speed for end move.
double getGoalTransAccel (void) const
 Gets the accel for end move.
double getGoalRotAccel (void) const
 Gets the rotational accel for end move.
double getGoalTransDecel (void) const
 Gets the decel for end move.
double getGoalRotDecel (void) const
 Gets the rotational decel for end move.
double getGoalSwitchTime (void) const
 Gets the time to allow for slowing down.
bool getGoalUseEncoderFlag (void) const
 Gets the use encoder pose for end move.
double getGoalOccupiedFailDistance (void) const
 Gets the distance to which the robot will drive when goal is occupied.
double getLocalPathFailDistance (void) const
 Gets the distance to which the robot will drive when path is blocked.
double getHeadingRotSpeed (void) const
 Gets the rotational speed for end move.
double getHeadingRotAccel (void) const
 Gets the rotational accel for end move.
double getHeadingRotDecel (void) const
 Gets the rotational decel for end move.
int getSecsToFail (void) const
 Gets the secs for local path search to fail in.
double getAlignSpeed (void) const
 Gets the max speed at which to go to align mode.
double getAlignAngle (void) const
 Gets the min angle to local dest to go to align mode.
int getSplineDegree (void) const
 Gets the degree of the spline.
int getNumSplinePoints (void) const
 Gets the increments in path to set control points.
bool getPlanEverytimeFlag (void) const
 Gets the use encoder pose for end move.
bool getClearOnFailFlag (void) const
 Get the clear on fail flag.
bool getUseEStopFlag (void) const
 Gets use emergency stop if collision imminent flag.
double getCurvatureSpeedFactor (void) const
 Gets the curvature speed factor.
double getOneWayCost (void) const
 Gets the cost of going against the one way direction.
double getCenterAwayCost (void) const
 Gets the cost of going away from the central spine of the one way area.
double getResistance (void) const
 Gets the cost of path point inside a resistance area.
double getUseResistanceFlag (void) const
 Gets the use resistance areas flag.
double getMarkOldPathFactor (void) const
 Gets the factor by which an existing path point costs less.
bool getLogFlag (void) const
 Gets the factor by which an existing path point costs less.
int getLogLevel (void) const
 Gets the currently set logging level use getPathPlanningLogLevel() instead.
double getMatchLengths (void) const
 Gets the factor to multiply the robot lengths to match path.
bool getLocalPathPlanningFlag (void) const
 Get the local path planning flag.
Modifiers for configuration values.
Normally these values are automatically set via ArConfig (e.g.

by loading them from a file or other source) in the "Path Planning" section, and these methods would only be used internally by ARNL to set stored values from ArConfig.

void setUseLaserFlag (bool f)
 Sets the use laser flag.
void setUseSonarFlag (bool f)
 Sets the use sonar flag.
void setMapChangedFlag (bool f)
 Sets the map changed flag to trigger reloading of map for path planning.
void setUseOneWaysFlag (bool f)
 Sets the use one way flag.
void setResistance (short f)
 Sets the reisistance.
void setPlanDoneCallBack (ArFunctor *prcb)
 Sets the callback which will be called after planning and before action.
void setUseCollisionRangeForPlanningFlag (bool f)
 Gets the flag which decides if collision range is used for planning.
void setMaxSpeed (double f)
 Sets the maximum speed during path following.
void setMaxRotSpeed (double f)
 Sets the maximum rotational speed during path following.
void setCollisionRange (double f)
 Sets the maximum range for obstacles in sensor view.
void setSlowSpeed (double f)
 Sets the slow speed for dynamic clearance computation.
void setFastSpeed (double f)
 Sets the fast speed for dynamic clearance computation.
void setSideClearanceAtSlowSpeed (double f)
 Sets the side clearance at slow speed.
void setSideClearanceAtFastSpeed (double f)
 Sets the side clearance at fast speed.
void setFrontClearance (double f)
 Sets the front clearance.
void setFrontPaddingAtSlowSpeed (double f)
 Sets the front padding at slow speed.
void setFrontPaddingAtFastSpeed (double f)
 Sets the front padding at fast speed.
void setSuperMaxTransDecel (double f)
 Sets the deceleration to be used to avoid obstacles inside padding.
void setEmergencyMaxTransDecel (double f)
 Set the deceleration to be used when obstacles inside clearance.
void setWidth (double f)
 Sets the robot width used for path planning.
void setLength (double f)
 Sets the robot length used for path planning.
void setPlanMapResolution (double f)
 Sets the grid size for the path planning map.
void setPlanFreeSpace (double f)
 Sets the distance from obstacles beyond which costs equal free space.
void setHeadingWt (double f)
 Sets the heading weight for DWA.
void setDistanceWt (double f)
 Sets the distance weight for DWA.
void setVelocityWt (double f)
 Sets the velocity weight for DWA.
void setSmoothingWt (double f)
 Sets the velocity weight for DWA.
void setLinVelIncrements (int f)
 Sets the linear velocity increments for the DWA table.
void setRotVelIncrements (int f)
 Sets the rotational velocity increments for the DWA table.
void setSmoothWinSize (int f)
 Sets the smooth windows size for the DWA.
void setObsThreshold (double f)
 Sets the threshold above which a cell is considered an obstacle.
void setMaxExpansionFactor (double f)
 Sets the factor to which the search will expand if it fails.
void setGoalDistanceTolerance (double f)
 Sets the distance from goal within which end move will kick in.
void setGoalAngleTolerance (double f)
 Sets the orientation from goal angle within which end move will kick in.
void setGoalSpeed (double f)
 Sets the speed at which end move will be executed.
void setGoalRotSpeed (double f)
 Sets the rotational speed at which end move will be executed.
void setGoalTransAccel (double f)
 Sets the acceleration at which goal will be attempted.
void setGoalRotAccel (double f)
 Sets the rotational acceleration at which goal will be attempted.
void setGoalTransDecel (double f)
 Sets the deceleration at which goal will be attempted.
void setGoalRotDecel (double f)
 Sets the rotational deceleration at which goal will be attempted.
void setGoalSwitchTime (double f)
 Sets the extra time beyond computed slow down time to do the end move.
void setGoalUseEncoderFlag (bool f)
 Sets the flag to allow encoder pose for the end move.
void setGoalOccupiedFailDistance (double f)
 Sets the distance to which the robot will drive when goal is occupied.
void setHeadingRotSpeed (double f)
 Sets the rotation speed for the Aria heading command.
void setHeadingRotAccel (double f)
 Sets the rotation accel for the Aria heading command.
void setHeadingRotDecel (double f)
 Sets the rotation decel for the Aria heading command.
void setSecsToFail (int f)
 Sets the no of seconds the local planning will keep retrying a fail.
void setAlignAngle (double f)
 Sets the minimum angle from the path orientation to allow linear motion.
void setAlignSpeed (double f)
 Sets the minimum speed at which align to path orient will take place.
void setSplineDegree (int f)
 Sets the degree of the smoothing spline.
void setNumSplinePoints (int f)
 Sets the distance between knot points on the path to smooth with.
void setPlanEverytimeFlag (bool f)
 Sets the use encoder pose for end move.
void setClearOnFailFlag (bool f)
 Set the clear on fail flag.
void setUseEStopFlag (bool f)
 Sets use emergency stop if collision imminent flag.
void setUseResistanceFlag (bool f)
 Sets the use resistance areas flag.
void setMarkOldPathFactor (double f)
 Sets the factor by which an existing path point costs less.
void setLogFlag (bool f)
 Sets the factor by which an existing path point costs less.
void setLogLevel (int f)
 Sets the factor by which an existing path point costs less.
void setMatchLengths (double f)
 Sets the factor to multiply the robot lengths to match path.
void setLocalPathPlanningFlag (bool f)
 Get the local path planning flag.
void setPlanParams (double robotWidth, double robotLength, double frontClearance, double sideClearance, double obsThreshold, double maxLinAcc, double maxRotAcc, double maxLinDec, double maxRotDec, double maxLinVel, double maxRotVel, double headingWt, double distanceWt, double velocityWt, double smoothingWt, double gridRes, int nli, int nri, int sws, double maxObsDistance, double goalDistTol, double goalAngTol, double PlanFreeSpace, int secsToFail, double alignAngle, double alignSpeed, int splineDegree, int numSplinePoints, double goalOccupiedFailDistance, double curvatureSpeedFactor, bool useCollisionRangeForPlanningFlag, double oneWayCost, double centerAwayCost, double localPathFailDistance, short resistance, double markOldPathFactor, double matchLengths, bool checkInsideRadius)
 Sets path plan parameters which affect obstacle avoidance & tracking (for internal use).
void setMovementParams (double linVel, double rotVel, double linAcc, double rotAcc, double linDec, double rotDec)
 Sets only the dynamic motion params (for internal use).
Modify the set of range devices used by ARNL.
void addRangeDevice (ArRangeDevice *device, RangeType type)
 Adds a range sensing device.
void remRangeDevice (const char *name, RangeType type)
 Remove a range device from the robot's list, by name.
void remRangeDevice (ArRangeDevice *device, RangeType type)
 Remove a range device from the robot's list, by instance.
void addGlobalPlanningRangeDevice (ArRangeDevice *device, RangeType type)
 Adds a global range device.
void remGlobalPlanningRangeDevice (const char *name, RangeType type)
 Remove a global range device from the robot's list, by name.
void remGlobalPlanningRangeDevice (ArRangeDevice *device, RangeType type)
 Remove a global range device from the robot's list, by instance.
std::list< ArRangeDevice * > * getRangeDeviceList (void)
 Gets the range device list.
std::list< ArRangeDevice * > * getCumRangeDeviceList (void)
 Gets the cumulative range device list.
std::list< ArRangeDevice * > * getGlobalPlanningRangeDeviceList (void)
 Gets the global range device list.
std::list< ArRangeDevice * > * getGlobalPlanningCumRangeDeviceList (void)
 Gets the global range device list.
void clearRangeDevices (void)
 Clears the range devices.
void clearGlobalPlanningRangeDevices (void)
 Clears the global range devices.
void clearGlobalPlanningCumRangeDevices (unsigned int cyt)
 Clears the global cum range devices.
void clearCumRangeDevices (unsigned int cyt)
 Clears the cumulative range devices.
ArNetworking callback methods
Provide ArFunctor objects which invoke these methods to ArServerHandlerDrawings::addDrawing(), and MobileEyes (enable them in the Map menu) and other clients will be able to draw these diagnostic visualizations.

void drawSearchRectangle (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the local search rectangle.
void drawNewPoints (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the points seen by the sensor and not in the map.
void drawGridPoints (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the local special points.
void drawPathPoints (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the local path points.
void drawObsPoints (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the local obstacle points.
void drawFailPoints (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the obs points causing path plan failure.
void drawVelocityPath (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the display points.
void drawRobotBounds (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the robot boundary.
void drawCollidePath (ArServerClient *client, ArNetPacket *packet)
 Draws the collide track.

Protected Member Functions

void ArPathPlanningTask_CCommon (ArRobot *r, ArMapInterface *m)
 This contains code common to both constructors above.
virtual void * runThread (void *ptr)
 Function used to run the task as a thread.
void robotCallBack (void)
 The sensor interpretation callback. Called every 100msec.
bool configureLaser (void)
 Needed if the laser does not connect first.
bool getActionFireFlag (void)
 Get the action fire flag.
bool getGoalReachedFlag (void)
 Get the goal reached flag.
bool getSensorSetFlag (void)
 Get the sensor set flag indicating new range data (set every 100ms).
bool getPlanFailedFlag (void)
 Get the plan failed flag.
bool getGoalAlteredFlag (void)
 Get the goal altered flag.
bool getGoalSetFlag (void)
 Get the goal set flag.
bool getGoalPlannedFlag (void)
 Get the goal planned flag.
bool getGoalHeadingFlag (void)
 Get the goal heading flag.
bool getReplanGlobalPathFlag (void)
 Get the path is blocked flag.
unsigned int getLastPlanTime (void)
 Return time of last replanning.
void setActionFireFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal set Flag.
void setCurrentGoal (ArPose p)
 Set the current goal for path planning.
void setSensorSetFlag (bool f)
 Set the value of flag indicating new sensor data.
void setInitializedFlag (bool f)
 Set the value of initialized flag.
void setGoalReachedFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal reached flag.
void setPlanFailedFlag (bool f)
 Set the plan failed flag.
void setGoalSetFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal set Flag.
void setGoalPlannedFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal planned Flag.
void setGoalHeadingFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal heading Flag.
void setGoalAlteredFlag (bool f)
 Set the goal heading Flag.
void setReplanGlobalPathFlag (bool f)
 Set the blocked path flag.
void setWaitingToFailFlag (bool f)
 Set the waiting to failsecs flag.
void setLastPlanTime (void)
 Set the time of last plan.
void setState (PathPlanningState s, const char *failureString=NULL)
 Sets the state of path planning.
void setProgressNow (double p)
 Sets the progress and time to now.
bool planAndSetupAction (ArPose from, bool sensorSeesBlock=false)
 Set up the path planning stuff and follow.
LocalPlanningState computeLocalMotion (ArPose robotPose, ArPose goalPose, double &linVel, double &rotVel, double &heading, double searchFactor, bool replan, double goalDistThres)
 Actually drives the robot along the planned path.
bool clearMapAndObsList (double cd, ArPose rp)
 Wrapper to get to ArPathPlan to clear its obs point list and map.
void clearRangeMap (void)
 Clears all transient readings.
bool incorporateRangeIntoMap (ArRangeDevice *rangeDev, double rangeDist, ArPose robotPose, bool useSensorMap, bool notCumulative)
 Incorporates the sensor readings into the local map for obstacle avoid.
bool incorporateGlobalPlanningRangeSensors (ArPose rp)
 Incorporate all the global range sensors.
bool hasGlobalPlanningRangeSensors (void)
 Checks whether there are any global range sensors.
bool pathEqualsStraightLine (void)
 Checks to see if path to goal is a straight line.
void setVariableClearances (double lvel, double avel, double &front, double &side)
 Sets the clearances according to speed and return those vals.
void fillLocalObstacleList (double lvel, double avel, ArPose robotPose)
 Fills the local obstacle list.
double findDistanceToCollision (double lvel, double avel, ArPose robotPose)
 Find the closest obstacle within collision range.
void goalDone (ArPose goal)
 What to do when goal is reached.
void goalInterrupted (ArPose goal)
 What to do when goal was interrupted.
bool reconfigurePathPlanning (void)
 Needed if the params are changed or loaded again.
void setupPathPlanningParams (void)
 Setup the path planing params with the aria config thing.
void mapChanged (void)
 Function for the things to do if map changes.
double getMaxLinDecel (void)
 Get the linear deceleration.
ArPoseWithTime getProgress (void)
 Get the progress with time.
void doSanityCheck (double width, double length, double robotVel, double robotRotVel, double robotRotAccel, double robotRotDecel, double robotAccel, double robotDecel)
 Do a sane check on the param values.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ArPathPlanningTask::PathPlanningState

State of the path plan (accessible using getState()).

NOT_INITIALIZED  Task not initialized.
PLANNING_PATH  Planning the inital path.
MOVING_TO_GOAL  Moving to the goal.
REACHED_GOAL  Reached the goal.
FAILED_PLAN  Failed to plan a path to goal.
FAILED_MOVE  Failed to reach goal after plan obtained.
ABORTED_PATHPLAN  Aborted plan before done.
INVALID  Invalid state.

enum ArPathPlanningTask::LocalPlanningState

State of the local motion plan.

NO_LOCAL_PLAN_GFD  Failed to plan a path to goal + Goal Fail Dist.
NO_LOCAL_PLAN_LFD  Failed to plan a path to goal + Local Fail Dist.
NO_LOCAL_PLAN  Failed to plan a path to goal.
GOAL_OCCUPIED  Goal is occupied.
NO_MOVE  Failed to reach goal after plan obtained.
OBSTACLE_TOO_CLOSE  Obstacle too close for move.
COMPLETELY_BLOCKED  All directions blocked.
GOT_PLAN_AND_VEL_HEADING  Plan obtained with heading and vel.
GOT_PLAN_AND_VELS  Plan obtained with lin and ang velocities.
GOT_BLOCKED_PLAN_AND_VEL_HEADING  Plan obtained with heading and vel.
GOT_BLOCKED_PLAN_AND_VELS  Plan obtained with lin and ang velocities.

enum ArPathPlanningTask::RangeType

How to incorporate the range device data.

NEITHER  No current and no cumulative.
CURRENT  Current buffer only.
CUMULATIVE  Cumulative buffer only.
BOTH  Both buffers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ArPathPlanningTask::ArPathPlanningTask ( ArRobot *  robot,
ArRangeDevice *  laser,
ArRangeDevice *  sonar,
ArMapInterface *  m 

Constructor for a robot with two typical range devices (e.g.

SICK LRF and Sonar) and the map. Use addRangeDevice() to add additional range devices. Parameters are set to default values and state is initialized, then the path planning task thread is automatically started.

ArPathPlanningTask::ArPathPlanningTask ( ArRobot *  robot,
ArRangeDevice *  sonar,
ArMapInterface *  map 

Constructor for a robot with just sonar (or other comparable range device) and map.

Use addRangeDevice() to add additional range devices. Parameters are set to default values and state is initialized, then the path planning task thread is automatically started.

ArPathPlanningTask::~ArPathPlanningTask ( void   )  [virtual]

Base destructor.

Destructor. Kill all newly created classes.

Member Function Documentation

void ArPathPlanningTask::ArPathPlanningTask_CCommon ( ArRobot *  r,
ArMapInterface *  m 
) [protected]

This contains code common to both constructors above.

If mySonar or myLaser have been set non-null, then it adds them to the path planning.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::pathPlanToPose ( ArPose  goal,
bool  headFlag,
bool  printFlag = true 

Set a new destination pose for the path planning task to plan to.

Any current destination goal or pose is interrupted.

This operation is asynchronous: this function returns immediately after updating the destination and other state, and the path planning thread will use the new destination at its next iteration. (You can use the goal success/failure callbacks to recieve notification of the success or failure of the path planning task thread.)

goal,: The destination pose.
headFlag,: Flag to indicate if robot needs to orient after reaching goal.
printFlag,: Flag to log the message.
false on as-yet unspecified errors updating destination (none currently), true otherwise

SEEKUR (send this down to unwrap the wheels)

bool ArPathPlanningTask::pathPlanToGoal ( const char *  goalname,
bool  strictGoalTypeMatching = true 

Set a new goal (from the map) for the path planning task to plan to.

Any current goal is interrupted.

This operation is asynchronous: this function returns immediately after updating the destination and other state, and the path planning thread will use the new destination at its next iteration. (You can use the goal success/failure callbacks to recieve notification of the success or failure of the path planning task thread.)

goalname The destination goal by name.
strictGoalTypeMatching If this is true you can only path plan to objects of type Goal and GoalWithHeading, if its false you can path planned to anything named, and if it has WithHeading then it'll use that heading
true if the goal exists, false if the goal or map are invalid

bool ArPathPlanningTask::startPathPlanToLocalPose ( bool  printFlag  ) 

Function to local path planning.

This is first of the three functions related to wall following.

printFlag,: Flag to log the message.
false on as-yet unspecified errors updating destination (none currently), true otherwise

SEEKUR (send this down to unwrap the wheels)

bool ArPathPlanningTask::continuePathPlanToLocalPose ( ArPose  goal,
bool  headFlag,
bool  printFlag = true 

Set a local pose for the path planning while local path planning.

Do not use this function if you want to path plan to any point in the map which is not close to the current robot position. Unlike pathPlanToPose, this function does not plan the main path. Instead it makes a straight line path which is then followed up with the regular local path planning and following functions.

This operation is asynchronous: this function returns immediately after updating the destination and other state, and the path planning thread will use the new destination at its next iteration. (You can use the goal success/failure callbacks to recieve notification of the success or failure of the path planning task thread.)

goal,: The destination pose.
headFlag,: Flag to indicate if robot needs to orient after reaching goal.
printFlag,: Flag to log the message.
false on as-yet unspecified errors updating destination (none currently), true otherwise

bool ArPathPlanningTask::endPathPlanToLocalPose ( bool  printFlag  ) 

Function to end local path planning.

This is last of the three functions related to wall following.

printFlag,: Flag to log the message.
false on as-yet unspecified errors updating destination (none currently), true otherwise

void ArPathPlanningTask::setPathPlanActionGroup ( ArActionGroup *  group,
bool  takeOwnershipOfGroup = false 

Sets the path planning action/following group.

This will set the action group the path planning uses. It should still have the action from getPathPlanAction() inside of the group (otherwise path planning won't be able to drive).

group the action group to use.
takeOwnershipOfGroup if this is true then this object owns the group and will delete it when it is given another one or when this object is deleted.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::loadParamFile ( const char *  file  ) 

Load the path planning params from config file.

This is for setting up the parameters from the Aria config file.

file,: Name of file to load.
true if the file could be loaded, false otherwise

double ArPathPlanningTask::getSafeCollisionRange ( void   ) 

Gets the minimum distance it must look for the speed at which it is going (mostly internal use).

Gets the obstacle distance safe for the speed.

Mostly for internal use.

: returns the safe obstacle distance.

void ArPathPlanningTask::trackingFailed ( int  failedTimes  ) 

If localization fails, then call this to alert path planning.

Response to failed localization tracking, which is to stop the robot.

This is used as a callback from the localization task (ArLocalizationTask or ArSonarLocalizationTask).

failedTimes,: No of times the tracking failed.

void ArPathPlanningTask::cancelPathPlan ( void   ) 

Cancel any current path following.

Cancel the path planning and move to any goal if any, by resetting state to uninitialized and deactivating the path following action group.

std::list< ArPose > ArPathPlanningTask::getCurrentPath ( ArPose  from,
bool  local = false 

Gets the list of path points as poses.

Gets the Robot path from current to goal as a list of poses.

list of poses.

void ArPathPlanningTask::setPlanParams ( double  robotWidth,
double  robotLength,
double  frontClearance,
double  sideClearance,
double  obsThreshold,
double  maxLinAcc,
double  maxRotAcc,
double  maxLinDec,
double  maxRotDec,
double  maxLinVel,
double  maxRotVel,
double  headingWt,
double  distanceWt,
double  velocityWt,
double  smoothingWt,
double  gridRes,
int  nli,
int  nri,
int  sws,
double  maxObsDistance,
double  goalDistTol,
double  goalAngTol,
double  planFreeSpace,
int  secsToFail,
double  alignAngle,
double  alignSpeed,
int  splineDegree,
int  numSplinePoints,
double  goalOccupiedFailDistance,
double  curvatureSpeedFactor,
bool  useCollisionRangeForPlanningFlag,
double  oneWayCost,
double  centerAwayCost,
double  localPathFailDistance,
short  resistance,
double  markOldPathFactor,
double  matchLengths,
bool  checkInsideRadius 

Sets path plan parameters which affect obstacle avoidance & tracking (for internal use).

For a basic user, change only width, length, front, side, max?acc, max?dec, planres, gdtol and gatol.

robotWidth,: Robot Width.
robotLength,: Robot Length.
frontClearance,: Robot Front Clearance.
sideClearance,: Robot Side Clearance.
obsThreshold,: Value in the occ grid to be considered obstacle.
maxLinAcc,: Maximum Linear acceleration.
maxRotAcc,: Maximum Angular acceleration.
maxLinDec,: Maximum Linear deceleration.
maxRotDec,: Maximum Angular deceleration.
maxLinVel,: Maximum Linear velocity.
maxRotVel,: Maximum Angular velocity.
headingWt,: Heading weight for obs avoidance.
distanceWt,: Distance weight for obs avoidance.
velocityWt,: Velocity weight for obs avoidance.
smoothingWt,: Smoothing weight for obs avoidance.
gridRes,: Resolution of the path planning map.
nli,: No of linear velocity intervals in the DWA.
nri,: No of rotational velocity intervals in the DWA.
sws,: Smoothing window size.
maxObsDistance,: Maxobsdistureation distance in DWA.
goalDistTol,: Goal distacne tolerance to stop move.
goalAngTol,: Goal Angle tolerance to stop move.
headingGradientWt,: Heading to Gradient weight.
planFreeSpace,: Distance beyond this equals free space.
secsToFail,: Seconds to keep trying local path search.
alignAngle,: Min angle to align before the robot will move.
alignSpeed,: Min speed below which robot will align itself.
splineDegree,: Degree of the spline curve.
splineIncrement,: No of path grid cells to skip when splining.
goalOccupiedFailDistance,: Robot will close in this far before failing an occupied goal.
curvatureSpeedFactor,: This is the additional factor by which the speed is reduced at turns.
useCollisionRangeForPlanningFlag,: Flag to indicate if local path planning can use the collision range for look ahead.
oneWayCost,: This is the factor that is used to magnify the penalty of a movement away from the oneway direction for one way planning.
centerAwayCost,: This is the factor by which a cell is weighted for oneway planning by the distance it is from the center of the oneway area.
localPathFailDistance,: This is the distance the robot will try to still go even when the path is blocked.
resistance,: The cost of traversing a cell in a resitrictive ares.
markOldPathFactor,: The factor by which old local path cell costs are reduced by.
matchLengths,: The multiplier to the robot lengths to set the path matching distance.
checkInsideRadius,: Flag to stop movement if obstacles inside robot radius. Can be set to false for legacy.

void ArPathPlanningTask::addRangeDevice ( ArRangeDevice *  device,
RangeType  type 

Adds a range sensing device.

Adds a range device to use for planning around obstacles.

name add a device with this name to the list.
type,: Which range buffer to use from the range device.

void ArPathPlanningTask::remRangeDevice ( const char *  name,
RangeType  type 

Remove a range device from the robot's list, by name.

Removes a range device by name.

name remove the first device with this name
type,: Type of removal, such as from current, cumulative or both.

void ArPathPlanningTask::remRangeDevice ( ArRangeDevice *  device,
RangeType  type 

Remove a range device from the robot's list, by instance.

Removes a range device by pointer.

device,: Remove the first device with this pointer value
type,: Type of removal, such as from current, cumulative or both.

void ArPathPlanningTask::addGlobalPlanningRangeDevice ( ArRangeDevice *  device,
RangeType  type 

Adds a global range device.

Adds a global range device to use for main path planning.

name add a device with this name to the list.
type,: Which range buffer to use from the range device.

void ArPathPlanningTask::remGlobalPlanningRangeDevice ( const char *  name,
RangeType  type 

Remove a global range device from the robot's list, by name.

Removes a global range device by name.

name remove the first device with this name

void ArPathPlanningTask::remGlobalPlanningRangeDevice ( ArRangeDevice *  device,
RangeType  type 

Remove a global range device from the robot's list, by instance.

Removes a global range device by pointer.

device,: Remove the first device with this pointer value

void ArPathPlanningTask::clearRangeDevices ( void   ) 

Clears the range devices.

Clears the buffers of the all range device.

cyt,: No of milliseconds old data to be killed in cumulative buffer.

void ArPathPlanningTask::clearGlobalPlanningRangeDevices ( void   ) 

Clears the global range devices.

Clears the buffers of the all global range device.

cyt,: No of milliseconds old data to be killed in cumulative buffer.

void ArPathPlanningTask::clearGlobalPlanningCumRangeDevices ( unsigned int  cyt  ) 

Clears the global cum range devices.

Clears the buffers of the all global range device.

cyt,: No of milliseconds old data to be killed in cumulative buffer.

void ArPathPlanningTask::clearCumRangeDevices ( unsigned int  cyt  ) 

Clears the cumulative range devices.

Clears the cumulative buffers of the all range device.

cyt,: No of milliseconds old data to be killed in cumulative buffer.

void ArPathPlanningTask::goalFailed ( ArPose  goal,
const char *  failureString = "Failed going to goal",
PathPlanningState  state = FAILED_MOVE 

What to do when goal cannot be reached.

Response to failed path to goal.

goal,: Goal that was set for the task.

void ArPathPlanningTask::drawPathPoints ( ArServerClient *  client,
ArNetPacket *  packet 

Draws the local path points.

ArNetworking callback to send the path drawing as points as opposed to lines

MPL changes so kathleen always gets packet

std::list< ArPose > ArPathPlanningTask::getPathFromTo ( ArPose  from,
ArPose  to 

Returns just the grid based search path from a point to another.

Compute and return the grid based search path from a point to another. This bare function will not cause the robot to follow the computed path.

from,: Pose to compute path from.
to,: Pose to compute path to.
: A list of poses making up the path.

void ArPathPlanningTask::invokeBlockedPathCB ( void   ) 

Invoke all the callbacks after a replan due to path block.

Call the callbacks to be notified when global range device is used to replan

void * ArPathPlanningTask::runThread ( void *  ptr  )  [protected, virtual]

Function used to run the task as a thread.

This is the function loop which is called when the path planning task is run as a thread.

ptr,: Some kind of pointer needed by ARIA.
Some kind of pointer decided by ARIA.

void ArPathPlanningTask::setState ( PathPlanningState  p,
const char *  statusString = NULL 
) [protected]

Sets the state of path planning.

Sets the current state of the path planner.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::planAndSetupAction ( ArPose  from,
bool  replan = false 
) [protected]

Set up the path planning stuff and follow.

Sets up the path planning and then follow it. Helper for the path planning task thread. Will be set off as soon as a goal is setup.

from,: Pose to plan path from. Will be ignored if the current robotPose is further than a cell wide.
replan,: Flag indicating global replanning.
True or false depending on if a path is found..

MPL and GVP added to try and clear leak that happened when obslist got added to but only cleared in the fire

MPL moved this above the incorporate so that it will always happen (it appears it happens somewhere else first... but just to be sure)

MPL moving this above the incorporate so that it will always happen

MPL changed with george so that the initial path plan would use global replanning devices

ArPathPlanningTask::LocalPlanningState ArPathPlanningTask::computeLocalMotion ( ArPose  robotPose,
ArPose  goalPose,
double &  linVel,
double &  rotVel,
double &  heading,
double  searchFactor,
bool  replan,
double  goalDistThres 
) [protected]

Actually drives the robot along the planned path.

Plans a collision free local motion using from the robots current pose and the path to a local goal.

robotPose,: Robots current pose. (fed in to avoid locking etc.)
goalPose,: Local goal pose to reach.
linVel,: Reference to the computed linear velocity.
rotVel,: Reference to the computed angular velocity.
heading,: Reference to the computed heading.
searchFactor,: Factor by which the search window should be expanded.
an enum with states of the plan and move.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::incorporateGlobalPlanningRangeSensors ( ArPose  robotPose  )  [protected]

Incorporate all the global range sensors.

Function to put the appropriate range sensor readings into the sensor map. Will be used by the action when it needs to completely recompute the main path instead of locally modifing it.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::pathEqualsStraightLine ( void   )  [protected]

Checks to see if path to goal is a straight line.

Function to check if an encoder based end move is possible because the path to goal is a straight line.

goal,: Goal pose.
True if the path is a straight line.

void ArPathPlanningTask::setVariableClearances ( double  linVel,
double  rotVel,
double &  frontClearance,
double &  sideClearance 
) [protected]

Sets the clearances according to speed and return those vals.

A wrapper to incorporate the data into the local obstacle list.

linVel,: Linear vel of the robot.
rotVel,: Angular vel of the robot.

void ArPathPlanningTask::fillLocalObstacleList ( double  linVel,
double  rotVel,
ArPose  robotPose 
) [protected]

Fills the local obstacle list.

A wrapper to incorporate the data into the local obstacle list.

linVel,: Linear vel of the robot.
rotVel,: Angular vel of the robot.
robotPose,: Robot pose at the instant.

double ArPathPlanningTask::findDistanceToCollision ( double  linVel,
double  rotVel,
ArPose  robotPose 
) [protected]

Find the closest obstacle within collision range.

A wrapper to incorporate the cumulative range data into the map.

linVel,: Linear vel of the robot.
rotVel,: Angular vel of the robot.
robotPose,: Robot pose at the instant.
true if successful else false.

void ArPathPlanningTask::goalDone ( ArPose  goal  )  [protected]

What to do when goal is reached.

Response to reaching goal.

goal,: Goal that was set for the task.

void ArPathPlanningTask::goalInterrupted ( ArPose  goal  )  [protected]

What to do when goal was interrupted.

Response to interrupted path to goal.

goal,: Goal that was set for the task.

bool ArPathPlanningTask::reconfigurePathPlanning ( void   )  [protected]

Needed if the params are changed or loaded again.

A function to setup the path planning parameters if they are reloaded.

1 if successful else 0.

void ArPathPlanningTask::setupPathPlanningParams ( void   )  [protected]

Setup the path planing params with the aria config thing.

Sets all the default parameters for the path planning and sets up the ArConfig struct for handling Aria configuration.

void ArPathPlanningTask::mapChanged ( void   )  [protected]

Function for the things to do if map changes.

Things to do if map changes.

void ArPathPlanningTask::doSanityCheck ( double  width,
double  length,
double  robotVel,
double  robotRotVel,
double  robotRotAccel,
double  robotRotDecel,
double  robotAccel,
double  robotDecel 
) [protected]

Do a sane check on the param values.

Check if params are sane.

width,: Width of the robot.
length,: Length of the robot.
robotVel,: Reference to the robot vel.
robotRotVel,: Reference to the robot rotational vel.
robotRotAccel,: Reference to the robot rotational accel.
robotRotDecel,: Reference to the robot rotational decel.
robotAccel,: Reference to the robot translational accel.
robotDecel,: Reference to the robot translational decel.

Generated on Thu Aug 6 09:40:14 2009 for BaseArnl by  doxygen 1.5.1