The arrival of the Microsoft Kinect, at $150 per unit and 8M sales in two months, has triggered an imaging revolution. Many people believe that this is the beginning of a new and deeper relationship between computer vision and consumer electronics. Affordable depth cameras are changing the landscape of vision-related research, across a range of domains, including robotics, HCI and other applications.

The aim of this workshop is to explore recent progress in computer vision with depth cameras. It is also time to take stock of the past five years of work in this field, by evaluating different algorithms. This workshop will help the community to understand the benefits and challenges of depth cameras, and to be prepared for the next generation of these devices.


Andrea Fossati, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Juergen Gall, University of Bonn, Germany
Miles Hansard, Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom

Accepted papers

For most accepted papers, a link to a preliminary version of the paper on the USB stick is provided. The preliminary version might differ from the camera ready version, which will be published by Springer. To get the camera ready version, please visit the website of the corresponding authors or contact them directly.

Visualization of Temperature Change using RGB-D Camera and Thermal Camera
Wataru Nakagawa (Keio University), Kazuki Matsumoto (Keio University), Francois Sorbier (Keio University), Maki Sugimoto (Keio University), Hideo Saito (Keio University), Shuji Senda (NEC Corporation), Shibata Takashi (NEC Corporation), Akihiko Iketani (NEC Corporation)
On calibration of a low-cost time-of-flight camera
Alina Kuznetsova (Leibniz University Hannover) and Bodo Rosenhahn (Leibniz University Hannover)
A two-stage strategy for real-time dense 3D reconstruction of large-scale scenes
Diego Thomas (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo) and Akihiro Sugimoto (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
3D Hand Pose Detection in Egocentric RGB-D Images
Grágory Rogez (University of California, Irvine), Maryam Khademi (University of California, Irvine), J. S. Supančič III (University of California, Irvine), J. M. M. Montiel (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Deva Ramanan (University of California, Irvine)
SlamDunk: Affordable Real-Time RGB-D SLAM
Nicola Fioraio (University of Bologna) and Luigi Di Stefano (University of Bologna)
An Active Patch Model for Real World Appearance Reconstruction
Farhad Bazyari (University of Lincoln), Georgios Tzimiropoulos (University of Lincoln), Nigel Allinson (University of Lincoln)
Assessing the Suitability of the Microsoft Kinect for Calculating Person Specific Body Segment Parameters
Sean Clarkson (Sheffield Hallam University), Jon Wheat (Sheffield Hallam University), Ben Heller (Sheffield Hallam University), Simon Choppin (Sheffield Hallam University)
Exploiting Pose Information for Gait Recognition from Depth Streams
Pratik Chattopadhyay (IIT Kharagpur), Shamik Sural (IIT Kharagpur), Jayanta Mukherjee (IIT Kharagpur)


The schedule of the workshop is available at 4th IEEE Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision.