W16 – Soft Biometrics

W16-02: Facial Age Estimation Through the Fusion of Texture and local appearance Descriptors

W16-03: Privacy of Facial Soft Biometrics: Suppressing Gender But Retaining Identity

W16-04: Exploring the Magnitude of Human Sexual Dimorphism in 3D Face Gender Classification

W16-05: Towards predicting good users for biometric recognition based on keystroke dynamics

W16-06: How Much Information Kinect Facial Depth Data Can Reveal about Identity, Gender and Ethnicity?

W16-07: An Overview of Research Activities in Facial Age Estimation Using the FG-NET Aging Database

W16-08: Gender Classification from Iris Images using Fusion of Uniform Local Binary Patterns

W16-09: Evaluation of Texture Descriptors for Automated Gender Estimation from Fingerprints

W16-12: Recognition of Facial Attributes using Adaptive Sparse Representations of Random Patches

W16-13: Person Identification in Natural Static Postures Using Kinect

W16-17: Activity-Based Human Identification Using Discriminative Sparse Projections and Orthogonal Ensemble Metric Learning

W16-21: Facial Ethnic Appearance Synthesis