Workshop on Scene Understanding for Autonomous Systems


November 2, 2014

Venue: LT51, Stephen Riady Centre at U Town, NUS (map)


At a glance


9:00am - 9:05am Opening Remarks from Workshop Organizers LT51
9:05am - 9:55am Invited Talk 1 LT51
9:55am - 10:20am Poster Spotlights LT51
10:15am - 11:00am Coffee Break LT51
11:00am - 11:50am Invited Talk 2 LT51
11:50am - 12:30pm Poster Session LT51
12:30pm - 1:35pm Lunch Break (on your own) LT51
1:35pm - 2:25pm Invited Talk 3 LT51
2:25pm - 3:15pm Invited Talk 4 LT51
3:15pm - 4:00pm Coffee Break LT51
4:00pm - 4:50pm Invited Talk 5 LT51
4:50pm - 5:00pm Closing Remarks from Workshop Organizers LT51





9:00am - 9:05am Opening Remarks from Workshop Organizers  
9:05am - 9:55am Invited Talk 1: Making Bertha see, David Pfeiffer (Daimler Research, Germany)  
9:55am - 10:20am Poster Spotlights (2min per poster)  
10:15am - 11:00am Coffee Break  
11:00am - 11:50am Invited Talk 2: How to Rule the World with Your Smart Phone, Simon Lucey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)  
11:50am - 12:30pm

Poster Session


1. Surface Prediction for a Single Image of Urban Scenes, Foat Akhmadeev (KPFU)


2. Scene parsing and fusion-based continuous traversable region formation, Xuhong Xiao (DSO), Gee Wah Ng (DSO), Yuan Sin Tan (DSO), Ye Chuan Yeo (DSO)


3. Combining Multiple Shape Matching Techniques with Application to Place Recognition Task, Karel Košnar (ČVUT), Vojtěch Vonásek (ČVUT), Miroslav Kulich (ČVUT), Libor Přeučil (ČVUT)


4. A Model-based Approach for Fast Vehicle Detection in Continuously Streamed Urban LIDAR Point Clouds, Attila Börcs (MTA SZTAKI), Balázs Nagy (MTA SZTAKI), Milán Baticz (MTA SZTAKI), Csaba Benedek (MTA SZTAKI)


5. Large-scale Indoor/Outdoor Image Classification via Expert Decision Fusion (EDF), Chen Chen (USC), Yuzhuo Ren (USC), C.-C. Jay Kuo (USC)


6. Search Guided Saliency, Shijian Lu (I2R), Byung Uck Kim (I2R), Nicolas Lomenie (I2R), Joo-Hwee Lim (I2R), Jianfei Cai (NUT)


7. Salient Object Detection via Saliency Spread, Dao Xiang (USTC), ZiLei Wang (USTC)


8. Biologically Inspired Composite Vision System for Multiple Depth-of-field Vehicle Tracking and Speed Detection, Lin Lin (NUS), Bharath Ramesh (NUS), Cheng Xiang (NUS)


9. Robust Maximum Margin Correlation Tracking, Han Wang (NLPR), Yancheng Bai (NLPR), Ming Tang (NLPR)


10. Scene Classification by Feature Co-occurrence Matrix, Haitao Lang (BUCT & TU Philadelphia), Yuyang Xi (BUCT), Jianying Hu (BUCT), Liang Du (TU Philadelphia), Haibin Ling TU Philadelphia)


11. Invited Paper: Stixmantics: A Medium-Level Model for Real-Time Semantic Scene Understanding, Timo Scharwächter (Daimler), Markus Enzweiler (Daimler), Uwe Franke (Daimler) and Stephan Roth (TU Darmstadt)


12. Invited Paper: Vision-based Offline-Online Perception Paradigm for Autonomous Driving, German Ros (CVC & UAB), Sebastian Ramos (CVC & UAB), Manuel Granados (UAB), Amir Bakhtiary (UOC), David Vazquez (CVC & UAB), Antonio M. Lopez(CVC & UAB)






















12:30pm - 1:35pm Lunch Break (on your own)  
1:35pm - 2:25pm Invited Talk 3: Sensors, Maps, and Prior Knowledge: Perception for Automated Vehicles, Michael James (Toyota Research, USA)  
2:25pm - 3:15pm Invited Talk 4: Photometric Analysis for Autonomous Systems, Katsushi Ikeuch (University of Tokyo, Japan)  
3:15pm - 4:00pm Coffee Break  
4:00pm - 4:50pm Invited Talk 5: Autonomous Driving Technologies and Scene Understanding, Abdelaziz Khiat (Nissan Research, Japan)  
4:50pm - 5:00pm Closing Remarks from Workshop Organizers