IEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware (WEAH2007)

Author Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


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Aggarwal, Varun

On the "Evolvable Hardware" Approach to Electronic Design Invention


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Berggren, Karl

On the "Evolvable Hardware" Approach to Electronic Design Invention

Bonissone, Stefano

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization on a Chip


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de Garis, Hugo

Simultaneouos Multi-Module Evolution

Duan, Haibin

Progresses and Challenges of Ant Colony Optimization-Based Evolvable Hardware


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Falconer, Maynard

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses


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Gallagher, John

On Learning to Trust the Unexpected: Toward a Systematic Apologetic for Evolvable Hardware

Ganguly, Konika

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses

Greensted, Andrew

Evolvable Hardware, a Fundamental Technology for Homeostasis

RISA: A Hardware Platform for Evolutionary Design

Greenwood, Garrison

Fault Recovery Using Evolvable Fuzzy Systems


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Hereford, James

Swarm applications: a potential future application for evolvable hardware

Huang, Di

Simultaneouos Multi-Module Evolution


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Kamisetty, Kiran

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses


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Mange, Daniel

A novel platform for complex bio-inspired architectures

Morgan, Kristina

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses

Mudry, Pierre-Andre

A novel platform for complex bio-inspired architectures


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Norman, Adam

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses


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O'Reilly, Una-May

On the "Evolvable Hardware" Approach to Electronic Design Invention

Owens, Nick

Evolvable Hardware, a Fundamental Technology for Homeostasis


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Salomon, Ralf

Accelerating the Evolution of Evolvable Hardware-based Packet Classifiers

Subbu, Raj

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization on a Chip


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Tang, Jian Yu

Simultaneouos Multi-Module Evolution

Tempesti, Gianluca

A novel platform for complex bio-inspired architectures

Timmermann, Dirk

Accelerating the Evolution of Evolvable Hardware-based Packet Classifiers

Timmis, Jon

Evolvable Hardware, a Fundamental Technology for Homeostasis

Tockhorn, Andreas

Accelerating the Evolution of Evolvable Hardware-based Packet Classifiers

Tyrrell, Andy

Evolvable Hardware, a Fundamental Technology for Homeostasis

RISA: A Hardware Platform for Evolutionary Design


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Vannel, Fabien

A novel platform for complex bio-inspired architectures


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Widiger, Harald

Accelerating the Evolution of Evolvable Hardware-based Packet Classifiers


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Yu, Xiufen

Progresses and Challenges of Ant Colony Optimization-Based Evolvable Hardware