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Author Session Start page Title
A top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Abrantes, Filipe Aging.1 134 Performance Analysis of an Adaptable Home Healthcare Solution
Agyei-Ntim, Frank Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Al Ghenaimi, Said Posters 2.4 181 Using Semantic Search to Reduce Cognitive Load in an Electronic Health Record
Alexander, Gregory Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
Alhajj, Reda Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Anderson, Blake Posters 5.4 282 Case Workflow and Interaction Studies of A Tele-Consultation System for Rare Dermatology Diseases
Aridarma, Arga Posters 1.14 106 e-Health for Improving Community Healthcare: Encouraging Clinical Experience of Simple e-Prescription System and m-Health System Development for Mother and Childcare
Aud, Myra Aging.4 157 Evolution of an Eldercare Technology System to Monitor Motion and Detect Falls
B top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Bakshi, Aishwarya mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
Balis, Ulysses Posters 2.2 173 Considerations for a Universal Exchange Language for Healthcare
Barb, Adrian Decision Support.1 348 Semantic Models for Ranking Medical Images using Dirichlet Non-Parametric Mixture Models
Barker, Linsey Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Barnes, Frank Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Basak, Abhishek mHealth 1.1 1 KiMS: Kids' Health Monitoring System at Day-Care Centers using Wearable Sensors and Vocabulary-based Acoustic Signal Processing
Bayrak, Coskun Posters 1.1 52 Facial Animation Framework for Web and Mobile Platforms
Benavides, Julian Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
Benzie, Iris Posters 2.3 177 Is the inter-patient coincidence of a subclinical disorder related to EHR similarity?
Berndt, Rolf-Dietrich Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Bhatti, Saleem Posters 1.9 86 vNurse: Using virtualisation on mobile phones for remote health monitoring
Bhunia, Swarup mHealth 1.1 1 KiMS: Kids' Health Monitoring System at Day-Care Centers using Wearable Sensors and Vocabulary-based Acoustic Signal Processing
Billionniere, Elodie Posters 1.19 126 High Impact Blow Detection over a Reactive Mobile-Cloud Framework
Bocko, Mark Posters 1.12 98 Predicting the near-future impact of daily activities on heart rate for at-risk populations
Bogia, Douglas Plenary 2.2 342 Supporting Personal Health Devices through Standardization and Collaboration
Bonachela, Patricia Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Brown, Gordon Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Bryhni, Haakon Network.3 300 Secure Solution for Mobile Access to Patient's Health Care Record
Bueno, Gloria Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
C top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Carrasco, Eduardo Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Caruso, Thomas Posters 2.2 173 Considerations for a Universal Exchange Language for Healthcare
Carvalho, Luis Aging.1 134 Performance Analysis of an Adaptable Home Healthcare Solution
Cervo, Ettore Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Chae, Han Decision Support.5 369 Sasang typology classification with data reduction and SOM algorithm
Chan, Lawrence Posters 2.3 177 Is the inter-patient coincidence of a subclinical disorder related to EHR similarity?
  Posters 4.2 245 MicroRNA-mediated alteration of TET2 interaction network in myeloproliferative neoplasms
Chandra, Arpita Posters 4.7 262 Design of a holistic dashboard for technologies enhancing aging in place
Chandran, Ommena Posters 1.9 86 vNurse: Using virtualisation on mobile phones for remote health monitoring
Chang, Gee-Kung Posters 3.8 229 Very-High-Throughput Millimeter-Wave System Oriented for Health Monitoring Applications
Chang, Ray-I Posters 1.3 60 UPHSM: Ubiquitous Personal Health Surveillance and Management System via WSN Agent on Open Source Smartphone
Chen, Chang Wen Posters 3.4 213 CA-MAC: A Hybrid Context-aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks
Chen, Heng-Shuen TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
Chen, Junhong Posters 1.20 130 The Study of Portable Remote Multi-life-parameter Monitoring Network
Chen, Yu Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Cheng, Po-Hsun TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
  Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Chernih, Nick mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
Chiam, Tat Meng Posters 3.6 221 Experimental Correlation of Path Loss with System Performance in WBAN for Healthcare Applications
Chiang, Wen-Cheng TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
  Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Cho, Thomas Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Choi, Heung-Kook Posters 1.6 74 Exploring the User Requirements for Wearable Healthcare Systems
Chronis, George Posters 2.7 193 An Eldercare Electronic Health Record System for Predictive Health Assessment
Chu, Yu-Hsien Posters 1.3 60 UPHSM: Ubiquitous Personal Health Surveillance and Management System via WSN Agent on Open Source Smartphone
Chua, Jit Chee Posters 1.7 78 Enhancing Medicine Adherence through Multifaceted Personalized Medicine Management
Crowell, Charles Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
Czabke, Axel Posters 3.7 225 First Steps towards a Recognition of ADLs with Radio Modules
D top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Dawoud, Khaled Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Demianyk, Bryan Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
DeSouza, Guilherme TeleMedicine 1.1 28 Virtual Dermatologist: An Application of 3D Modeling to Tele-Healthcare
Devarakonda, Krishna Aging.4 157 Evolution of an Eldercare Technology System to Monitor Motion and Detect Falls
Dolatabadi, Elham Posters 1.16 114 Ubiquitous WBAN-based Electrocardiogram Monitoring System
Duan, Ye Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Duitama, Freddy mHealth 1.4 15 Personalized Message Emission in a Mobile Application for Supporting Therapeutic Adherence
Dyer, Jonathan Posters 5.4 282 Case Workflow and Interaction Studies of A Tele-Consultation System for Rare Dermatology Diseases
E top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Edworthy, Steve Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Eom, Il Kyu Decision Support.5 369 Sasang typology classification with data reduction and SOM algorithm
Estevez, Claudio Posters 3.8 229 Very-High-Throughput Millimeter-Wave System Oriented for Health Monitoring Applications
F top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Faghihi, Usef Posters 5.3 278 Stride Analyzing Patients' Leg muscles Remotely from Home
Fensli, Rune Posters 3.1 201 A SOA-Based eHealth Service Platform in Smart Home Environment
Ferens, Ken Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
Fong, Acm Posters 1.8 82 Ubiquitous Healthcare for Environmentally Linked Disease Syndromic Surveillance
Fong, Bernard Posters 1.8 82 Ubiquitous Healthcare for Environmentally Linked Disease Syndromic Surveillance
Foo, Min-Hui Nicole Posters 1.7 78 Enhancing Medicine Adherence through Multifaceted Personalized Medicine Management
Friesen, Marcia Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
  Decision Support.4 362 Load Balancing at Emergency Departments using 'Crowdinforming'
Fu, Hongyan Posters 1.20 130 The Study of Portable Remote Multi-life-parameter Monitoring Network
Fuentealba, David Posters 3.8 229 Very-High-Throughput Millimeter-Wave System Oriented for Health Monitoring Applications
G top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Ganton, Robert Plenary 2.1 336 Memoirs of an eHealth Device Development
Garudadri, Harinath Network.7 330 Digital Pacer Detection in Diagnostic Grade ECG
Gaviria, Natalia mHealth 1.4 15 Personalized Message Emission in a Mobile Application for Supporting Therapeutic Adherence
Ge, Yu Posters 3.2 205 Development of Visualization And Performance Evaluation Testbed for Wireless Body Area Network
  Posters 3.6 221 Experimental Correlation of Path Loss with System Performance in WBAN for Healthcare Applications
Gejibo, Samson mHealth 1.5 21 Challenges in Mobile Bio-Sensor Based mHealth Development
  Posters 1.10 90 Adding security to mobile data collection
Gireada, Ion Posters 5.4 282 Case Workflow and Interaction Studies of A Tele-Consultation System for Rare Dermatology Diseases
Goldman, Mattnew Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Gong, Yang Decision Support.3   Identifying and Addressing Effectiveness In a User-centered Design of Voluntary Medical Incident Reporting System
  Posters 4.5 254 Enhancing Patient Safety through Clinical Communication Knowledge Representation
  Posters 4.7 262 Design of a holistic dashboard for technologies enhancing aging in place
Guevara, Rainer Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
Guijarro, Frank Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Guo, Jian Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
H top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Hadidi, Tareq Posters 1.4 64 Correlation Between Real and Simulated Data of the Activity of the Elderly Person Living Independently in a Health Smart Home
Halak, Jiri TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Hamzeh Hossein Abadi, Saeid Posters 5.3 278 Stride Analyzing Patients' Leg muscles Remotely from Home
Han, Jing Ginger Posters 5.4 282 Case Workflow and Interaction Studies of A Tele-Consultation System for Rare Dermatology Diseases
Hicks, Lanis Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Hong, Guan Posters 1.8 82 Ubiquitous Healthcare for Environmentally Linked Disease Syndromic Surveillance
Hou, Hsiao-Chi Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Hsieh, Robert Posters 3.2 205 Development of Visualization And Performance Evaluation Testbed for Wireless Body Area Network
Hsieh, Yen-Chou Posters 1.3 60 UPHSM: Ubiquitous Personal Health Surveillance and Management System via WSN Agent on Open Source Smartphone
Hua, Lei Decision Support.3   Identifying and Addressing Effectiveness In a User-centered Design of Voluntary Medical Incident Reporting System
Hui, Pan Posters 1.9 86 vNurse: Using virtualisation on mobile phones for remote health monitoring
Hullin, Carola Plenary 1.3   eHealth and Community Practice in the world
Hussain, Amir TeleMedicine 1.2 34 A side-effects mapping model in patients with lung, colorectal and breast cancer receiving chemotherapy
I top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Igarashi, Tetsuya Posters 1.17 118 Adding Telephone Interface to Web Service Implication to the self-care support system for life-style diseases
J top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Jani, Ira Dewi Posters 1.14 106 e-Health for Improving Community Healthcare: Encouraging Clinical Experience of Simple e-Prescription System and m-Health System Development for Mother and Childcare
Jerger, Mark Plenary 2.1 336 Memoirs of an eHealth Device Development
Jha, Niraj Aging.3 150 Hijacking an Insulin Pump: Security Attacks and Defenses for a Diabetes Therapy System
Jian, Wei Posters 3.8 229 Very-High-Throughput Millimeter-Wave System Oriented for Health Monitoring Applications
K top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Kailas, Aravind Posters 3.8 229 Very-High-Throughput Millimeter-Wave System Oriented for Health Monitoring Applications
  Posters 5.1 270 A Generic Conceptual Model Linking Wellness, Health Lifestyles, and User Assistance
Kaminska, Bozena Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Kanawong, Ratchadaporn Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Kaukėnas, Jonas Posters 3.9 233 Detection of Extrasystoles in Heart Rate Sequences Based on Short-term Specific Random Elements in Random Sequences Recognition Theory
Kawarasaki, Masatoshi Posters 1.17 118 Adding Telephone Interface to Web Service Implication to the self-care support system for life-style diseases
Kennedy, Michael Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
Khairat, Saif Posters 4.5 254 Enhancing Patient Safety through Clinical Communication Knowledge Representation
Khelil, Abdelmajid Posters 4.1 241 Pa2Pa: Patient to Patient Communication for Emergency Response Support
Kim, Byoung Chul Decision Support.5 369 Sasang typology classification with data reduction and SOM algorithm
Kim, Chee Wee Posters 3.6 221 Experimental Correlation of Path Loss with System Performance in WBAN for Healthcare Applications
  Network.1 286 RF Transmission Power Loss Variation with Abdominal Tissues Thicknesses for Ingestible Source
Kim, Hee-Cheol Posters 1.6 74 Exploring the User Requirements for Wearable Healthcare Systems
Kim, Young In Decision Support.5 369 Sasang typology classification with data reduction and SOM algorithm
Klungsøyr, Jørn Posters 1.10 90 Adding security to mobile data collection
Kochendorfer, Karl Posters 2.4 181 Using Semantic Search to Reduce Cognitive Load in an Electronic Health Record
  Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Konishi, Kyoji Posters 1.17 118 Adding Telephone Interface to Web Service Implication to the self-care support system for life-style diseases
Koopman, Richelle Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
Kuehn, Sebastian Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Kuitse, Johan Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
Kumar, Mohit Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Kuntagod, Nataraj Posters 1.2 56 Mobile decision support system for outreach health worker
Kwan, Jeng Wai Posters 3.6 221 Experimental Correlation of Path Loss with System Performance in WBAN for Healthcare Applications
Kwok, Yuen Sam Posters 3.5 217 Fast Synchronization Algorithms for GMSK at Low SNR in BAN
L top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Labeau, Fabrice Posters 3.3 209 Bandwidth allocation in view of EMI on medical equipments in healthcare monitoring systems
Lam, Dao TeleMedicine 1.1 28 Virtual Dermatologist: An Application of 3D Modeling to Tele-Healthcare
Leung, Ricky Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Leung, Victor Network.5 316 Robust License-free Body Area Network Access for Reliable Public m-Health Services
Li, Chunxiao Aging.3 150 Hijacking an Insulin Pump: Security Attacks and Defenses for a Diabetes Therapy System
Li, Junhua mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
Li, Shao Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Li, Yan Posters 3.5 217 Fast Synchronization Algorithms for GMSK at Low SNR in BAN
Lin, Di Posters 3.3 209 Bandwidth allocation in view of EMI on medical equipments in healthcare monitoring systems
Lin, Hsiang-Wen Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Lin, Jia-Kuan TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
  Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Lin, Philip Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Lin, Ziwei Posters 1.20 130 The Study of Portable Remote Multi-life-parameter Monitoring Network
Liu, Bin Posters 3.4 213 CA-MAC: A Hybrid Context-aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks
Liu, Ying Posters 2.3 177 Is the inter-patient coincidence of a subclinical disorder related to EHR similarity?
Lopes, Ivo Decision Support.6 373 SapoFitness: A Mobile Health Application for Dietary Evaluation
Lu, Xiaojuan Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Lu, Yongqiang Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Lueth, Tim Posters 3.7 225 First Steps towards a Recognition of ADLs with Radio Modules
Luh, Jer-Junn Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Luster, Eric Posters 1.19 126 High Impact Blow Detection over a Reactive Mobile-Cloud Framework
M top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Ma, Tao Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
MacIntyre, Raina mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
Mancini, Federico Posters 1.10 90 Adding security to mobile data collection
Marzencki, Marcin Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Masi, Massimiliano Network.4 308 A standard-driven communication protocol for disconnected clinics in rural areas
Mazzocco, Thomas TeleMedicine 1.2 34 A side-effects mapping model in patients with lung, colorectal and breast cancer receiving chemotherapy
McLeod, Bob Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
  Decision Support.4 362 Load Balancing at Emergency Departments using 'Crowdinforming'
Mekuria, Fisseha mHealth 1.5 21 Challenges in Mobile Bio-Sensor Based mHealth Development
Melle, Alexander Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Mendi, Engin Posters 1.1 52 Facial Animation Framework for Web and Mobile Platforms
Meng, Yao Posters 1.6 74 Exploring the User Requirements for Wearable Healthcare Systems
Miller, Steven Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
Mirkovic, Jelena Network.3 300 Secure Solution for Mobile Access to Patient's Health Care Record
Modayil, Joseph Posters 1.12 98 Predicting the near-future impact of daily activities on heart rate for at-risk populations
Moore, Joi Posters 2.4 181 Using Semantic Search to Reduce Cognitive Load in an Electronic Health Record
Mughal, Khalid Posters 1.10 90 Adding security to mobile data collection
Mukherjee, Chinmoy Posters 1.2 56 Mobile decision support system for outreach health worker
Mukhi, Shamir Posters 1.15 110 3G Smartphone Technologies for Generating Personal Social Network Contact Distributions and Graphs
  Decision Support.4 362 Load Balancing at Emergency Departments using 'Crowdinforming'
N top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Nakamura, Carlos Posters 2.1 169 CAM Documentation in Clinical Notes Towards an Automated Surveillance System for Drug-Herb Interactions
Narasimhan, Padmanesan mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
Narasimhan, Seetharam mHealth 1.1 1 KiMS: Kids' Health Monitoring System at Day-Care Centers using Wearable Sensors and Vocabulary-based Acoustic Signal Processing
Navratil, Jiri TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Neelgund, Rohan Aging.4 157 Evolution of an Eldercare Technology System to Monitor Motion and Detect Falls
Neuhaeuser, Jakob Posters 3.7 225 First Steps towards a Recognition of ADLs with Radio Modules
Newman, Kimberly Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Ng, Jamie Posters 1.7 78 Enhancing Medicine Adherence through Multifaceted Personalized Medicine Management
Ngai, Brandon Posters 1.13 102 Remote Health, Activity, and Asset Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Ni, Wei Posters 3.2 205 Development of Visualization And Performance Evaluation Testbed for Wireless Body Area Network
Nilsen, Wendy Plenary 1.1   Using mobile technology to enhance health research at the National Institutes of Health
Nkosi, Mzomuhle mHealth 1.5 21 Challenges in Mobile Bio-Sensor Based mHealth Development
Noury, Norbert Posters 1.4 64 Correlation Between Real and Simulated Data of the Activity of the Elderly Person Living Independently in a Health Smart Home
O top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Ohara, Makoto Posters 1.17 118 Adding Telephone Interface to Web Service Implication to the self-care support system for life-style diseases
Ohol, Rohan Posters 2.7 193 An Eldercare Electronic Health Record System for Predictive Health Assessment
P top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Pan, Hui Posters 4.6 258 Research on Medical Learning Management System based on SCORM
Pan, Yu-Chun Posters 1.3 60 UPHSM: Ubiquitous Personal Health Surveillance and Management System via WSN Agent on Open Source Smartphone
Parra, Carlos Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Pasupathy, Kalyan Posters 4.8 266 Decision Support System in a Patient-Centered Medical Home
Pavel, Misha Plenary 1.2   Model-Based Intelligent Care for Quality of Life: Zen and Art of Health Maintenance
Peciva, Pavel TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Pentland, Alice Posters 1.12 98 Predicting the near-future impact of daily activities on heart rate for at-risk populations
Phillips, Lorraine Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
Phyo Wai, Aung Aung Posters 3.2 205 Development of Visualization And Performance Evaluation Testbed for Wireless Body Area Network
Popescu, Mihail Posters 2.7 193 An Eldercare Electronic Health Record System for Predictive Health Assessment
Preik, Petra Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Primak, Serguei Posters 1.16 114 Ubiquitous WBAN-based Electrocardiogram Monitoring System
Pugliese, Rosario Network.4 308 A standard-driven communication protocol for disconnected clinics in rural areas
Puspitasari, Irma Posters 1.14 106 e-Health for Improving Community Healthcare: Encouraging Clinical Experience of Simple e-Prescription System and m-Health System Development for Mother and Childcare
R top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Raghunathan, Anand Aging.3 150 Hijacking an Insulin Pump: Security Attacks and Defenses for a Diabetes Therapy System
Rantz, Marilyn Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
  Posters 2.7 193 An Eldercare Electronic Health Record System for Predictive Health Assessment
Ray, Pradeep mHealth 1.3 9 mHealth for the Control of TB/HIV in Developing Countries
  Decision Support.6 373 SapoFitness: A Mobile Health Application for Dietary Evaluation
Rehunathan, Devan Posters 1.9 86 vNurse: Using virtualisation on mobile phones for remote health monitoring
Reichert, Frank Posters 3.1 201 A SOA-Based eHealth Service Platform in Smart Home Environment
Reinhart, Ian Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Resende, Carlos Aging.1 134 Performance Analysis of an Adaptable Home Healthcare Solution
Rieger, Annika Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Robson, Barry Posters 2.2 173 Considerations for a Universal Exchange Language for Healthcare
Rodrigues, António Aging.1 134 Performance Analysis of an Adaptable Home Healthcare Solution
Rodrigues, Joel Decision Support.6 373 SapoFitness: A Mobile Health Application for Dietary Evaluation
Rokne, Jon Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Rong, Ni Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Ruland, Cornelia Network.3 300 Secure Solution for Mobile Access to Patient's Health Care Record
S top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Saleiro, Pedro Aging.1 134 Performance Analysis of an Adaptable Home Healthcare Solution
Sanchez, Eider Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Saparova, Dinara Posters 2.4 181 Using Semantic Search to Reduce Cognitive Load in an Electronic Health Record
Sarek, Milan TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Scarton, Lou Ann Posters 2.1 169 CAM Documentation in Clinical Notes Towards an Automated Surveillance System for Drug-Herb Interactions
Schmiedeler, James Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
Schmitt, Ruediger Posters 1.5 70 A Framework for Mobile Healthcare Applications over Heterogeneous Networks
Schraml, Jan TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
See, Terence Posters 3.6 221 Experimental Correlation of Path Loss with System Performance in WBAN for Healthcare Applications
  Network.1 286 RF Transmission Power Loss Variation with Abdominal Tissues Thicknesses for Ingestible Source
Senthil, Kumar Plenary 2.1 336 Memoirs of an eHealth Device Development
Shafiq, Omair Posters 2.5 185 Electronic Medical Referral System: a Forum-Based Approach
Shanblatt, Michael Network.2 292 Taxonomy of Current Medical Devices for POCT Applications and the Potential Acceptance of Bluetooth Technology for Secure Interoperable Applications
Shang, Jia Posters 4.6 258 Research on Medical Learning Management System based on SCORM
Shi, Yuanchun Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Shoaib, Mohammed Network.7 330 Digital Pacer Detection in Diagnostic Grade ECG
Shriniwar, Uday Aging.4 157 Evolution of an Eldercare Technology System to Monitor Motion and Detect Falls
Shyu, Chi-Ren Posters 2.3 177 Is the inter-patient coincidence of a subclinical disorder related to EHR similarity?
  Posters 5.4 282 Case Workflow and Interaction Studies of A Tele-Consultation System for Rare Dermatology Diseases
  Decision Support.1 348 Semantic Models for Ranking Medical Images using Dirichlet Non-Parametric Mixture Models
Silva, Bruno Decision Support.6 373 SapoFitness: A Mobile Health Application for Dietary Evaluation
Skubic, Marjorie Aging.2 142 Using sensor networks to detect urinary tract infections in older adults
  Posters 2.7 193 An Eldercare Electronic Health Record System for Predictive Health Assessment
Soegijoko, Soegijardio Posters 1.14 106 e-Health for Improving Community Healthcare: Encouraging Clinical Experience of Simple e-Prescription System and m-Health System Development for Mother and Childcare
Soomro, Amjad Posters 1.5 70 A Framework for Mobile Healthcare Applications over Heterogeneous Networks
Stoll, Norbert Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Stoll, Regina Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Striegel, Aaron Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
Strome, Trevor Decision Support.4 362 Load Balancing at Emergency Departments using 'Crowdinforming'
Su, Mei-Ju TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
  Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
  Posters 4.3 250 E-learning development on Health Promotion for Music Performers in Taiwan
Su, Yen Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Su, Yu-Huei Posters 4.3 250 E-learning development on Health Promotion for Music Performers in Taiwan
Sun, Guiqin Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Sun, Sumei Posters 3.5 217 Fast Synchronization Algorithms for GMSK at Low SNR in BAN
T top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Takenga, Mbusa Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Tao, Shenyi Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Tawfik, Andrew Posters 2.4 181 Using Semantic Search to Reduce Cognitive Load in an Electronic Health Record
Telksnys, Laimutis Posters 3.9 233 Detection of Extrasystoles in Heart Rate Sequences Based on Short-term Specific Random Elements in Random Sequences Recognition Theory
Thomsen, Mike Posters 1.12 98 Predicting the near-future impact of daily activities on heart rate for at-risk populations
Thurow, Kerstin Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Tiezzi, Francesco Network.4 308 A standard-driven communication protocol for disconnected clinics in rural areas
Tigrek, Seyitriza Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Torabi, Narjes Network.5 316 Robust License-free Body Area Network Access for Reliable Public m-Health Services
Toro, Carlos Decision Support.2 355 A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
Trinugroho, Yohanes Baptista Dafferianto Posters 3.1 201 A SOA-Based eHealth Service Platform in Smart Home Environment
Tyrer, Harry Aging.4 157 Evolution of an Eldercare Technology System to Monitor Motion and Detect Falls
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Ubik, Sven TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Uribe, Jonny mHealth 1.4 15 Personalized Message Emission in a Mobile Application for Supporting Therapeutic Adherence
V top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Velez, Dalimar Network.2 292 Taxonomy of Current Medical Devices for POCT Applications and the Potential Acceptance of Bluetooth Technology for Secure Interoperable Applications
Velikic, Gordana Posters 1.12 98 Predicting the near-future impact of daily activities on heart rate for at-risk populations
Villano, Michael Aging.5 162 Enhanced Feedback in Balance Rehabilitation using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board
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Wang, Chia-Hui Posters 1.3 60 UPHSM: Ubiquitous Personal Health Surveillance and Management System via WSN Agent on Open Source Smartphone
Wang, Feng Feng Posters 4.2 245 MicroRNA-mediated alteration of TET2 interaction network in myeloproliferative neoplasms
Wang, Qing Posters 4.6 258 Research on Medical Learning Management System based on SCORM
Wang, Rui Posters 5.2 274 A Low-Cost Community Healthcare Kiosk
Wang, Shao-Yu Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Weippert, Matthias Posters 1.18 122 A Scalable and Secure Telematics Platform for the Hosting of Telemedical Applications. Case Study of a Stress and Fitness Monitoring
Wilson, Bryan Posters 1.11 94 Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
Wu, Hong Posters 1.19 126 High Impact Blow Detection over a Reactive Mobile-Cloud Framework
Wu, Ssu-Wei TeleMedicine 1.4 46 Socio-Health with Personal Mental Health Records: Suicidal-Tendency Observation System on Facebook for Taiwanese Adolescents and Young Adults
  Posters 2.8 197 Augmented Reality Serious Game Framework for Rehabilitation with Personal Health Records
Wu, Tsong-Ho Plenary 2.3   Personalized eHealth: Status and Challenges
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Xu, Dong Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Xu, Wentao Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Y top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Yan, Zhisheng Posters 3.4 213 CA-MAC: A Hybrid Context-aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks
Yang, Jijiang Posters 4.6 258 Research on Medical Learning Management System based on SCORM
Yip, Shea Ping Posters 4.2 245 MicroRNA-mediated alteration of TET2 interaction network in myeloproliferative neoplasms
Yu, Weider Posters 3.10 237 A Service Modeling Approach to Service Requirements in SOA and Cloud Computing - Using A u-Healthcare System Case
  Network.6 324 Designing A Community-based Social Trust System in Public Health Using Service Oriented Architecture
Yung, Benjamin Posters 4.2 245 MicroRNA-mediated alteration of TET2 interaction network in myeloproliferative neoplasms
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Zejdl, Petr TeleMedicine 1.3 40 Real-time stereoscopic streaming of robotic surgeries
Zeng, Qing Posters 2.1 169 CAM Documentation in Clinical Notes Towards an Automated Surveillance System for Drug-Herb Interactions
Zhang, Guixu Posters 2.6 189 An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis
Zhou, Qinwu Posters 1.20 130 The Study of Portable Remote Multi-life-parameter Monitoring Network