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LNCS 8693 David Fleet, Tomas Pajdla, Bernt Schiele, and Tinne Tuytelaars (Eds.):

Computer Vision – ECCV 2014

13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014, Proceedings, Part V
LNCS 8693
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Table of Contents

Title Pages in PDF
Foreword in PDF
Preface in PDF
Organization in PDF
Table of Contents in PDF

Poster Session 5 (continued)

Video Registration to SfM Models
Till Kroeger and Luc Van Gool
LNCS 8693, p. 1 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Soft Cost Aggregation with Multi-resolution Fusion
Xiao Tan, Changming Sun, Dadong Wang, Yi Guo, and Tuan D. Pham
LNCS 8693, p. 17 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Inverse Kernels for Fast Spatial Deconvolution
Li Xu, Xin Tao, and Jiaya Jia
LNCS 8693, p. 33 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Deep Network Cascade for Image Super-resolution
Zhen Cui, Hong Chang, Shiguang Shan, Bineng Zhong, and Xilin Chen
LNCS 8693, p. 49 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Spectral Edge Image Fusion: Theory and Applications
David Connah, Mark Samuel Drew, and Graham David Finlayson
LNCS 8693, p. 65 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Spatio-chromatic Opponent Features
Ioannis Alexiou and Anil A. Bharath
LNCS 8693, p. 81 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Modeling Perceptual Color Differences by Local Metric Learning
Michaël Perrot, Amaury Habrard, Damien Muselet, and Marc Sebban
LNCS 8693, p. 96 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Online Graph-Based Tracking
Hyeonseob Nam, Seunghoon Hong, and Bohyung Han
LNCS 8693, p. 112 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Fast Visual Tracking via Dense Spatio-temporal Context Learning
Kaihua Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qingshan Liu, David Zhang, and Ming-Hsuan Yang
LNCS 8693, p. 127 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Extended Lucas-Kanade Tracking
Shaul Oron, Aharon Bar-Hille, and Shai Avidan
LNCS 8693, p. 142 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Learning Visual Tracking from Few Trajectory Annotations
Santiago Manen, Junseok Kwon, Matthieu Guillaumin, and Luc Van Gool
LNCS 8693, p. 157 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Generalized Background Subtraction Using Superpixels with Label Integrated Motion Estimation
Jongwoo Lim and Bohyung Han
LNCS 8693, p. 173 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Spectra Estimation of Fluorescent and Reflective Scenes by Using Ordinary Illuminants
Yinqiang Zheng, Imari Sato, and Yoichi Sato
LNCS 8693, p. 188 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Interreflection Removal Using Fluorescence
Ying Fu, Antony Lam, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Imari Sato, and Yoichi Sato
LNCS 8693, p. 203 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Intrinsic Face Image Decomposition with Human Face Priors
Chen Li, Kun Zhou, and Stephen Lin
LNCS 8693, p. 218 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and Defocus Analysis
Mingjie Zhang, Xing Lin, Mohit Gupta, Jinli Suo, and Qionghai Dai
LNCS 8693, p. 234 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Human Detection Using Learned Part Alphabet and Pose Dictionary
Cong Yao, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, and Longin Jan Latecki
LNCS 8693, p. 251 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

SPADE: Scalar Product Accelerator by Integer Decomposition for Object Detection
Mitsuru Ambai and Ikuro Sato
LNCS 8693, p. 267 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Detecting Snap Points in Egocentric Video with a Web Photo Prior
Bo Xiong and Kristen Grauman
LNCS 8693, p. 282 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Towards Unified Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
Jian Dong, Qiang Chen, Shuicheng Yan, and Alan Yuille
LNCS 8693, p. 299 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Foreground Consistent Human Pose Estimation Using Branch and Bound
Jens Puwein, Luca Ballan, Remo Ziegler, and Marc Pollefeys
LNCS 8693, p. 315 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Human Pose Estimation with Fields of Parts
Martin Kiefel and Peter Vincent Gehler
LNCS 8693, p. 331 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Unsupervised Video Adaptation for Parsing Human Motion
Haoquan Shen, Shoou-I Yu, Yi Yang, Deyu Meng, and Alexander Hauptmann
LNCS 8693, p. 347 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Training Object Class Detectors from Eye Tracking Data
Dim P. Papadopoulos, Alasdair D.F. Clarke, Frank Keller, and Vittorio Ferrari
LNCS 8693, p. 361 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Depth Based Object Detection from Partial Pose Estimation of Symmetric Objects
Ehud Barnea and Ohad Ben-Shahar
LNCS 8693, p. 377 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges
C. Lawrence Zitnick and Piotr Dollár
LNCS 8693, p. 391 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Training Deformable Object Models for Human Detection Based on Alignment and Clustering
Benjamin Drayer and Thomas Brox
LNCS 8693, p. 406 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
Tuan-Hung Vu, Catherine Olsson, Ivan Laptev, Aude Oliva, and Josef Sivic
LNCS 8693, p. 421 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Exploiting Privileged Information from Web Data for Image Categorization
Wen Li, Li Niu, and Dong Xu
LNCS 8693, p. 437 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling
Anran Wang, Jiwen Lu, Gang Wang, Jianfei Cai, and Tat-Jen Cham
LNCS 8693, p. 453 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Discriminatively Trained Dense Surface Normal Estimation
L’ubor Ladický, Bernhard Zeisl, and Marc Pollefeys
LNCS 8693, p. 468 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Numerical Inversion of SRNFs for Efficient Elastic Shape Analysis of Star-Shaped Objects
Qian Xie, Ian Jermyn, Sebastian Kurtek, and Anuj Srivastava
LNCS 8693, p. 485 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Non-associative Higher-Order Markov Networks for Point Cloud Classification
Mohammad Najafi, Sarah Taghavi Namin, Mathieu Salzmann, and Lars Petersson
LNCS 8693, p. 500 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Learning Where to Classify in Multi-view Semantic Segmentation
Hayko Riemenschneider, András Bódis-Szomorú, Julien Weissenberg, and Luc Van Gool
LNCS 8693, p. 516 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Stixmantics: A Medium-Level Model for Real-Time Semantic Scene Understanding
Timo Scharwächter, Markus Enzweiler, Uwe Franke, and Stefan Roth
LNCS 8693, p. 533 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Sparse Dictionaries for Semantic Segmentation
Lingling Tao, Fatih Porikli, and René Vidal
LNCS 8693, p. 549 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Video Action Detection with Relational Dynamic-Poselets
Limin Wang, Yu Qiao, and Xiaoou Tang
LNCS 8693, p. 565 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Action Recognition with Stacked Fisher Vectors
Xiaojiang Peng, Changqing Zou, Yu Qiao, and Qiang Peng
LNCS 8693, p. 581 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

A Discriminative Model with Multiple Temporal Scales for Action Prediction
Yu Kong, Dmitry Kit, and Yun Fu
LNCS 8693, p. 596 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People’s Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions
Andrei Barbu, Daniel P. Barrett, Wei Chen, Narayanaswamy Siddharth, Caiming Xiong, Jason J. Corso, Christiane D. Fellbaum, Catherine Hanson, Stephen José Hanson, Sébastien Hélie, Evguenia Malaia, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Thomas Michael Talavage, and Ronnie B. Wilbur
LNCS 8693, p. 612 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering Constraints
Piotr Bojanowski, Rémi Lajugie, Francis Bach, Ivan Laptev, Jean Ponce, Cordelia Schmid, and Josef Sivic
LNCS 8693, p. 628 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Active Random Forests: An Application to Autonomous Unfolding of Clothes
Andreas Doumanoglou, Tae-Kyun Kim, Xiaowei Zhao, and Sotiris Malassiotis
LNCS 8693, p. 644 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Model-Free Segmentation and Grasp Selection of Unknown Stacked Objects
Umar Asif, Mohammed Bennamoun, and Ferdous Sohel
LNCS 8693, p. 659 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Segmentation and Saliency

Convexity Shape Prior for Segmentation
Lena Gorelick, Olga Veksler, Yuri Boykov, and Claudia Nieuwenhuis
LNCS 8693, p. 675 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Pseudo-bound Optimization for Binary Energies
Meng Tang, Ismail Ben Ayed, and Yuri Boykov
LNCS 8693, p. 691 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

A Closer Look at Context: From Coxels to the Contextual Emergence of Object Saliency
Rotem Mairon and Ohad Ben-Shahar
LNCS 8693, p. 708 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Geodesic Object Proposals
Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun
LNCS 8693, p. 725 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context
Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, James Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollár, and C. Lawrence Zitnick
LNCS 8693, p. 740 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Poster Session 6

Efficient Joint Segmentation, Occlusion Labeling, Stereo and Flow Estimation
Koichiro Yamaguchi, David McAllester, and Raquel Urtasun
LNCS 8693, p. 756 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Robust Bundle Adjustment Revisited
Christopher Zach
LNCS 8693, p. 772 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Accurate Intrinsic Calibration of Depth Camera with Cuboids
Bingwen Jin, Hao Lei, and Weidong Geng
LNCS 8693, p. 788 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Statistical Pose Averaging with Non-isotropic and Incomplete Relative Measurements
Roberto Tron and Kostas Daniilidis
LNCS 8693, p. 804 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

A Pot of Gold: Rainbows as a Calibration Cue
Scott Workman, Radu Paul Mihail, and Nathan Jacobs
LNCS 8693, p. 820 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Let There Be Color! Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions
Michael Waechter, Nils Moehrle, and Michael Goesele
LNCS 8693, p. 836 ff.
Abstract | Full article in PDF | BibTeX

Author Index
LNCS 8693, p. 851 ff.
Author Index in PDF

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