IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2007)

Table of Contents

Face Recognition using Gaborface-based 2DPCA and (2D)2PCA Classification with Ensemble and Multichannel Model...1

Lin Wang, Yongping Li, Chengbo Wang and Hongzhou Zhang

Toward Open-Set Text-Independent Speaker Identification in Tactical Communications...7

Matt Wolf, WonKyung Park, Jae Oh and Misty Blowers

A Face Detection Framework Based on Selected Face Components...15

Saeed Pakazad, Karim Faez and S. Masoud Nosrati

The PSO-Based Adaptive Window for People Tracking...23

Yuhua Zheng and Yan Meng

ATR Applications in Military Missions...30

Ted Wong

Solving Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design Problems using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm...33

Mark Kleeman, Gary Lamont, Kenneth Hopkinson and Scott Graham

Computational Verification of System Architectures...42

Abbas Zaidi and Alexander Levis

Next Generation End-To-End Logistics Decision Support Tools. Evolutionary Logistics Planning...50

Beth DePass

Face Recognition System Using Ant Colony Optimization-Based Selected Features...57

Hamidreza Rashidy Kanan, Karim Faez and Mehdi Hosseinzadeh

Improved Missile Route Planning and Targeting Using Game-Based Computational Intelligence...63

Kenneth Doris and David Silvia

A Review of Intelligent Systems Software for Autonomous Vehicles...69

Lyle Long, Scott Hanford, Oranuj Janrathitikarn, Greg Sinsley and Jodi Miller

Computational Intelligence Support for Smart Queries and Adaptive Data...77

Trevor Martin, Ben Azvine and Yun Shen

A Template-based Method for Force Group Classification in Situation Assessment...85

Chai Huimin and Wang Baoshu

Computationally Derived Models of Adversary Organizations...92

Smriti Kansal, Ashraf AbuSharekh and Alexander Levis

A Temporal Risk Assessment Framework for Planning A Future Force Structure...100

Michael Barlow, Ang Yang and Hussein Abbass

Algorithmic Tools for Adversarial Games: Intent Analysis Using Evolutionary Computation...108

Tasha Vanesian, Ken Kreutz-Delgado, George Burgin and David Fogel

Course of Action Analysis in a Cultural Landscape Using Influence Nets...116

Lee Wagenhals and Alexander Levis

Towards Automating Airspace management...124

Glenn Taylor, Brian Stensrud, Susan Eitelman, Cory Dunham and Echo Harger

Autonomous Visual Self-localization in Completely Unknown Environment using Evolving Fuzzy Rule-based Classifier...131

Xiaowei Zhou and Plamen Angelov

An Intelligent Controller for Collaborative Unmanned Air Vehicles...139

Gregory Sinsley, Jodi Miller, Lyle Long, Brian Geiger and Albert Niessner

The Automation of Combat Decision Processes in the Simulation Based Operational Training Support System...145

Andrzej Najgebauer, Ryszard Antkiewicz, Wojciech Kulas, Dariusz Pierzchala and Jaroslaw Rulka

Automatically Evading IDS Using GP Authored Attacks...153

Gunes Kayacik, Nur Zincir-Heywood and Malcolm Heywood

A Cognitive Approach to Intrusion Detection...161

David Benjamin

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining...169

Robert Moskovitch, Ido Gus, Shay Pluderman, Dima Stopel, Chanan Glezer, Yuval Shahar and Yuval Elovici

Anomaly Detection for Application Level Network Attacks Using Payload Keywords...178

Like Zhang and Gregory White

Intrusion Detection Model Based On Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine...186

Surat Srinoy

Use of Trust Vectors for CyberCraft and the Limits of Usable Data History for Trust Vectors...193

Michael Stevens and Paul Williams

Architectural Design and Complexity Analysis of Large-Scale Cortical Simulation on a Hybrid Computing Platform...201

Qing Wu, Qinru Qiu, Richard Linderman, Daniel Burns, Michael Moore and Dennis Fitzgerald

Towards an Information Asset-Based Defensive Cyber Damage Assesssment Process...206

Michael Grimaila and Larry Fortson

A Comparison Between Signature and GP-Based IDSs for Link Layer Attacks on WiFi Networks...213

Adetokunbo Makanju, Patrick LaRoche and Nur Zincir-Heywood