IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CI-Sched 2007)

Author Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


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Abbass, Hussein

Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithm in Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem using Self Imposed Constraints

Allan, Jeff

Optimisation of Maintenance Scheduling Strategies on the Grid

Almeida, Ana

Scheduling through Group Decision Support with Adaptive Hypermedia

Alvarenga, Guilherme Bastos

A Robust Method for the VRPTW with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing and Statistical Analysis

Azizi, Nader

A New Meta-heuristic Approach for Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Problems


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Bachmat, Eitan

Parameter setting and exploration of TAGS using a genetic algorithm

Bai, Ruibin

Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study

Bar-Noy, Amotz

Construction of Initial Neighborhoods for a Course Scheduling Problem Using Tiling

Barone, Luigi

Super 14 Rugby Fixture Scheduling Using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm

Bartak, Roman

Modelling Alternatives in Temporal Networks

Bean, James

A Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Non-identical Batch Processing Machines

Burke, Edmund

Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study


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Cepek, Ondrej

Modelling Alternatives in Temporal Networks

Chang, Pei-Chann

A Genetic Algorithm with Dominance Property for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

A Genetic Algorithm with Injecting Artificial Chromosomes for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

Chang, Shaw Ching

A GA based Intelligent Traffic Signal Scheduling Model

Chen, Pai-Chun

An Ant Based Hyper-heuristic for the Travelling Tournament Problem

Chen, Shih-Hsin

A Genetic Algorithm with Dominance Property for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

A Genetic Algorithm with Injecting Artificial Chromosomes for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

Cheong, Chun Yew

Solving the Exam Timetabling Problem via a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm - A More General Approach


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D'Annibale, Gionatan

A new meta-heuristic for the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem: GRASP combined with Rollout

De Leone, Renato

A new meta-heuristic for the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem: GRASP combined with Rollout

Dias, Douglas

Refinery Scheduling Optimization using Genetic Algorithms and Cooperative Coevolution


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Engelbrecht, Andries P.

A Starting-time-based Approach to Production Scheduling with Particle Swarm Optimization

Fan, Chin-Yuan

A Genetic Algorithm with Dominance Property for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

A Genetic Algorithm with Injecting Artificial Chromosomes for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

Ferland, Jacques A.

Structured Neighborhood Tabu Search for Assigning Judges to Competitions

Festa, Paola

A new meta-heuristic for the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem: GRASP combined with Rollout

Fleming, Peter

Optimisation of Maintenance Scheduling Strategies on the Grid

Fowler, John

Multi-Objective Semiconductor Manufacturing Scheduling: A Random Keys Implementation of NSGA-II

Franke, Carsten

Greedy Scheduling with Complex Objectives

Friedrich, Gerhard

Local Rescheduling - A Novel Approach for Efficient Response to Schedule Disruptions


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Gabel, Thomas

Scaling Adaptive Agent-Based Reactive Job-Shop Scheduling to Large-Scale Problems

Gendreau, Michel

Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study

Goto, Hiroyuki

Efficient scheduling focusing on the duality of MPL representation

Grobler, Jacomine

A Starting-time-based Approach to Production Scheduling with Particle Swarm Optimization


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Hasegawa, Yusuke

Efficient scheduling focusing on the duality of MPL representation

Hendtlass, Tim

Solving Dynamic Single-Runway Aircraft Landing Problems With Extremal Optimisation

Hong, Xiaoying

Rolling Partial Rescheduling Driven by Disruptions on Single-machine Based on Genetic Algorithm

Hsiung, Shih-Min

A Genetic Algorithm with Dominance Property for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

Huang, Gi Wei

A GA based Intelligent Traffic Signal Scheduling Model


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Jannach, Dietmar

Local Rescheduling - A Novel Approach for Efficient Response to Schedule Disruptions

Joubert, Johan W.

A Starting-time-based Approach to Production Scheduling with Particle Swarm Optimization


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Kadirkamanathan, Visakan

Optimisation of Maintenance Scheduling Strategies on the Grid

Kaplan, Matthew

Test Machine Scheduling and Optimization for z/OS

Kedem-Yemini, Sagit

Parameter setting and exploration of TAGS using a genetic algorithm

Kendall, Graham

An Ant Based Hyper-heuristic for the Travelling Tournament Problem

Construction of Initial Neighborhoods for a Course Scheduling Problem Using Tiling

Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study

Kimbrel, Tracy

Test Machine Scheduling and Optimization for z/OS

Ko, Qiong-Hui

A Genetic Algorithm with Injecting Artificial Chromosomes for Single Machine Scheduling Problems

Kok, Schalk

A Starting-time-based Approach to Production Scheduling with Particle Swarm Optimization

Konak, Abdullah

An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to the Minimum Tool Switching Instant Problem in Flexible Manufacturing System

Kulturel-Konak, Sadan

An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to the Minimum Tool Switching Instant Problem in Flexible Manufacturing System

Kurz, Mary

Multi-Objective Semiconductor Manufacturing Scheduling: A Random Keys Implementation of NSGA-II

Kuster, Juergen

Local Rescheduling - A Novel Approach for Efficient Response to Schedule Disruptions


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Lamghari, Amina

Structured Neighborhood Tabu Search for Assigning Judges to Competitions

Lepping, Joachim

Greedy Scheduling with Complex Objectives

Li, Haibing

Scheduling Coupled-Tasks on a Single Machine

Liang, Ming

A New Meta-heuristic Approach for Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Problems

Liang, Yun-Chia

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a Common Due Date on a Single-Machine

Liu, Wen

Noisy Chaotic Neural Networks for Delay Constrained Multicast Routing


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Marchitto, Emilia

A new meta-heuristic for the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem: GRASP combined with Rollout

Marreiros, Goreti

Scheduling through Group Decision Support with Adaptive Hypermedia

Martins, Constantino

Scheduling through Group Decision Support with Adaptive Hypermedia

Mason, Scott

Multi-Objective Semiconductor Manufacturing Scheduling: A Random Keys Implementation of NSGA-II

McCollum, Barry

Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study

Mckenzie, Kevin

Test Machine Scheduling and Optimization for z/OS

Melo, Rafael

A New Lower Bound to the Traveling Tournament Problem

Mesquita, Rafael Vargas

A Robust Method for the VRPTW with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing and Statistical Analysis

Mirzaei, Ali

Solving a bi-criteria permutation flow shop problem using an immune algorithm

Moghimi Najafabadi, Mohammad

Static Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning

Moody, Douglas

Construction of Initial Neighborhoods for a Course Scheduling Problem Using Tiling

Moser, Irene

Solving Dynamic Single-Runway Aircraft Landing Problems With Extremal Optimisation

Mumford, Christine

An Order Based Evolutionary Approach to Dual Objective Examination Timetabling


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Norihisa, Komoda

Optimal Paths Design for a GMPLS Network using the Lagrangian Relaxation Method


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Oliveira, Humberto Cesar Brandao de

A Robust Method for the VRPTW with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing and Statistical Analysis


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Pacheco, Marco Aurelio

Refinery Scheduling Optimization using Genetic Algorithms and Cooperative Coevolution

Pan, Quan-Ke

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a Common Due Date on a Single-Machine

Pfund, Michele

Multi-Objective Semiconductor Manufacturing Scheduling: A Random Keys Implementation of NSGA-II

Pohl, Letitia

Multi-Objective Semiconductor Manufacturing Scheduling: A Random Keys Implementation of NSGA-II

Prewitt, Richard

Test Machine Scheduling and Optimization for z/OS


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Rahimi-Vahed, Alireza

Solving a bi-criteria permutation flow shop problem using an immune algorithm

Ribeiro, Celso

A New Lower Bound to the Traveling Tournament Problem

Riedmiller, Martin

Scaling Adaptive Agent-Based Reactive Job-Shop Scheduling to Large-Scale Problems

Rodney, Demane

The application of Multilevel Refinement to the Vehicle Routing Problem.


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Sarfati, Hagit

Parameter setting and exploration of TAGS using a genetic algorithm

Sarker, Ruhul Amin

Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithm in Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem using Self Imposed Constraints

Schwiegelshohn, Uwe

Greedy Scheduling with Complex Objectives

Shenfield, Alex

Optimisation of Maintenance Scheduling Strategies on the Grid

Shi, Haixiang

Noisy Chaotic Neural Networks for Delay Constrained Multicast Routing

Simao, Leonardo

Refinery Scheduling Optimization using Genetic Algorithms and Cooperative Coevolution

Soper, Alan

The application of Multilevel Refinement to the Vehicle Routing Problem.

Souza, Mariane Moreira de

A Robust Method for the VRPTW with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing and Statistical Analysis

Suganthan, P. N

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a Common Due Date on a Single-Machine

Suganthan, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion

Surynek, Pavel

Modelling Alternatives in Temporal Networks

Sviridenko, Maxim

Test Machine Scheduling and Optimization for z/OS


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Taghiyareh, Fattaneh

Static Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning

Taheri, Shamim

Static Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning

Takashi, Fukumoto

Optimal Paths Design for a GMPLS Network using the Lagrangian Relaxation Method

Tan, Kay Chen

Solving the Exam Timetabling Problem via a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm - A More General Approach

Tanaka, Masaki

Efficient scheduling focusing on the duality of MPL representation

Tasgetiren, M. Fatih

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion

A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a Common Due Date on a Single-Machine

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza

Solving a bi-criteria permutation flow shop problem using an immune algorithm

Tsai, Ming Wen

A GA based Intelligent Traffic Signal Scheduling Model


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Urrutia, Sebastian

A New Lower Bound to the Traveling Tournament Problem

Ursani, Ziauddin

Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithm in Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem using Self Imposed Constraints


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Vakhania, Nodari

Global estimation for multiprocessor job-shop

Vanden-Berghe, Greet

An Ant Based Hyper-heuristic for the Travelling Tournament Problem

Vasconcelos, Germano Crispim

A Robust Method for the VRPTW with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing and Statistical Analysis

Veeravalli, Bharadwaj

Solving the Exam Timetabling Problem via a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm - A More General Approach


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Walshaw, Chris

The application of Multilevel Refinement to the Vehicle Routing Problem.

Wang, Bing

Rolling Partial Rescheduling Driven by Disruptions on Single-machine Based on Genetic Algorithm

Wang, Lipo

Noisy Chaotic Neural Networks for Delay Constrained Multicast Routing

While, Lyndon

Super 14 Rugby Fixture Scheduling Using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm


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Xu, Shubin

A Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Non-identical Batch Processing Machines


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Yu, Han

A Hybrid GA-based Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing Environments


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Zali, Mustafa

Static Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning

Zhao, Hairong

Scheduling Coupled-Tasks on a Single Machine

Zolfaghari, Saeed

A New Meta-heuristic Approach for Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Problems