IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (CI-ALife'07)

Table of Contents

Sensitivity of Self-Organized Speciation to Long-Distance Dispersal...1

Joshua Payne, Margaret Eppstein and Charles Goodnight

Repeated Occurrences of the Baldwin Effect Can Guide Evolution on Rugged Fitness Landscapes...8

Reiji Suzuki and Takaya Arita

Studying Long-term Evolution with Artificial Life...15

Antonio Lafusa

Towards a Framework for Observing Artificial Life Forms...23

Janardan Misra and Martin Henz

Evolution of Tool Use Behavior...31

Boris Schaefer, Nicklas Bergfeldt, Maria Jose Riveiro Carballa and Tom Ziemke

Predicting Fitness Effects of Beneficial Mutations in Digital Organisms...39

Haitao Zhang and Michael Travisano

Evolving an Artificial Regulatory Network for 2D Cell Patterning...47

Arturo Chavoya and Yves Duthen

A Uniform Framework of Molecular Interaction for an Artificial Chemistry with Compartments...54

Tooru Watanabe, Kazumasa Koizumi, Kishi Koji, Nakamura Masaki and Kobayashi Keiji

Exploring Logic Artificial Chemistries: An Illogical Attempt?...61

Christof Teuscher

The Essential Motif That Wasn't There: Topological and Lesioning Analysis of Evolved Genetic Regulatory Networks...69

Johannes F. Knabe, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv and Maria J. Schilstra

Epistasis in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Recurrent Neuro-Controllers...77

Mario Ventresca and Beatrice Ombuki-Berman

Research on Structure Learning of Dynamic Bayesian Networks by Particle Swarm Optimization...85

Heng Xing-Chen, Qin Zheng, Tian Lei and Shao Li-Ping

Artificial Immune System for Solving Constrained Global Optimization Problems...92

Jui-Yu Wu

An Evolutionary Model of Brand Competition...100

Abhijit Sengupta, Danica Vukadinovic Greetham and Michael Spence

Using Artificial Organisms To Study The Evolution of Backbones in Fish...108

Chun Wai Liew, Robert G Root, John H Long Jr., Thomas J Koob and Megan Cummins

Reproducer Classification Using the Theory of Affordances...115

Matt Webster and Grant Malcolm

Artifical life, natural rationality and probability matching...123

Benoit Hardy-Vallee

Sexyloop: Self-Reproduction, Evolution, and Sex in Cellular Automata...130

Nicolas Oros and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv

The Species Problem in Artificial Life...139

George Kampis, Laszlo Gulyas and Sandor Soos

Sensory-motor Coordination in Object Detection...147

Guido de Croon and Eric Postma

The Gridbrain: an Heterogeneous Network for Open Evolution in 3D Environments...155

Telmo Menezes and Ernesto Costa

The Benefits of Boredom: an Exploration in Developmental Robotics...163

Scott Bolland and Shervin Emami

Formation of spatial representations in evolving autonomous robots...171

Onofrio Gigliotta and Stefano Nolfi

Co-option and Irreducibility in Regulatory Networks for Cellular Pattern Development...179

Ranjitha Dhanasekaran, Gregory Podgorski and Nicholas Flann

Is there a Liquid State Machine in the Bacterium Escherichia Coli?...187

Ben Jones, Chrisantha Fernando, Dov Stekel and Jon Rowe

Understanding and Harnessing Self-Organization...192

Cristina Santini and Andy Tyrrell

Minimal Communication Strategies for Self-Organising Synchronisation Behaviours...199

Vito Trianni and Stefano Nolfi

Maximization of Potential Information Flow as a Universal Utility for Collective Behaviour...207

Philippe Capdepuy, Daniel Polani and Chrystopher Nehaniv

Generative Network Automata: A Generalized Framework for Modeling Complex Dynamical Systems with Autonomously Varying Topologies...214

Hiroki Sayama

The Core: Evolving Autonomous Agent Control...222

Matt Parker and Gary Parker

Evolving A Better Adversary: A Case Study in a German Castle...229

Daniel McFarlin and Peter Todd

Cooperation Achieved by Migration and Evolution in a Multilevel Selection Context...236

Genki Ichinose and Takaya Arita

A New Step for Artificial Creatures...243

Nicolas Lassabe, Hervé Luga and Yves Duthen

Basic Technologies for Knowledge Transfer in Intelligent Systems...251

Oliver Buchtala and Bernhard Sick

The Extended Concept-based Multi-objective Path Planning and its A-life implications...259

Amiram Moshaiov and Gideon Avigad

Robotic Etiquette: Guidelines for Human-Robot Embodied Encounters Involving a Mechanical-Looking Robot in a Fetch and Carry Task...266

M. Walters, K. Dautenhahn, S. Woods and K. Koay

HIFF-II: A Hierarchically Decomposable Problem with Inter-level Interdependency...274

Susan Khor

The Structure of False Social Beliefs...282

M. Afzal Upal

Flocking of Multi-Agent Systems with a Virtual Leader...287

Hong Shi, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu and Feng Fu

Social, Physical, and Computational Tradeoffs in Collaborative Multi-agent Territory Exploration Tasks...295

Paul Schermerhorn and Matthias Scheutz

An Evolving Ecosystems Approach to Generating Complex Agent Behaviour...303

Peter-Paul Pichler and Lola Canamero

Pattern Formation in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Swarms: Differences Between Versatile and Specialized Agents...311

Sven Magg and Rene te Boekhorst

A Critical Reappraisal of the Dynamical Approach to Cognition...317

Simon McGregor, Nathaniel Virgo and James Dyke

Scaffolding Language Emergence Using the Autotelic Principle...325

Luc Steels and Pieter Wellens

Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Embodied and Situated Agents...333

Alberto Acerbi and Stefano Nolfi

Exploring the Design Space of Robot Appearance and Behavior in an Attention-Seeking 'Living Room' Scenario for a Robot Companion...341

Michael L. Walters, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Rene te Boekhorst, Kheng Lee Koay and Sarah N Woods

Cooperation of Multiple Fish-like Microrobots Based on Reinforcement Learning...348

Jinyan Shao and Long Wang

Experiments on Fault-Tolerant Self-Reconfiguration and Emergent Self-Repair...355

David Christensen

Representations of Streetscape Perceptions Through Manifold Learning in the Space of Hough Arrays...362

Stephan K. Chalup, Riley Clement, Joshua Marshall, Chris Tucker and Michael J. Ostwald

Sensorless but not Senseless: Prediction in Evolutionary Car Racing...370

Hugo Marques, Julian Togelius, Magdalena Kogutowska, Owen Holland and Simon M. Lucas

New Conservation Functions and a Partial Taxonomy for 1-D Cellular Automata...378

Barry Fagin and Leemon Baird

An Unbounded Parallel Binary Tree Adder for use on a Cellular Platform...386

James Weston and Peter Lee

Hebbian Learning using Fixed Weight Evolved Dynamical 'Neural' Networks...394

Eduardo Izquierdo-Torres and Inman Harvey

The Emergence of Social Consensus in Boolean Networks...402

David Green,, Tania Leishman and Suzanne Sadedin

Rethinking the Adaptive Capability of Accretive Evolution on Hierarchically Consistent Problems...409

Susan Khor

Evolutionary Design of Specialization...417

A. E. Eiben, G. S. Nitschke and M. C. Schut

The Evolution of Structural Design Through Artificial Embryogeny...425

Taras Kowaliw, Peter Grogono and Nawwaf Kharma

Speciation through Exaptation...433

Lee Graham and Franz Oppacher

Adaptive Power System Stabilizers Using Artificial Immune System...440

Mani Hunjan and Ganesh Venayagamoorthy

Control-theoretic Synthesis of Hierarchical Dynamics for Embodied Cognition in Autonomous Robots...448

Nebu John Mathai and Takis Zourntos

Biasing XCS with Domain Knowledge for Planning Flight Trajectories in a Moving Sector Free Flight Environment...456

Kuang-Yuan Chen, Hai Huong Dam, Peter Lindsay and Hussein Abbass

Agent-Based Modelling of House Price Evolution...463

Terry Bossomaier, Siti Amri and James Thompson