IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS2007)

Table of Contents

A Particle Swarm Optimizer for Finding Minimum Free Energy RNA Secondary Structures...1

Michael Geis and Martin Middendorf

Combined Training of Recurrent Neural Networks with Particle Swarm Optimization and Backpropagation Algorithms for Impedance Identification...9

Peng Xiao, Ganesh Venayagamoorthy and Keith Corzine

Enhanced Learning in Fuzzy Simulation Models Using Memetic Particle Swarm Optimization...16

Yiannis Petalas, Konstantinos Parsopoulos, Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Petros Groumpos and Michael Vrahatis

Allocating Multiple Base Stations under General Power Consumption by the Particle Swarm Optimization...23

Tzung-Pei Hong and Guo-Neng Shiu

Control of a robotic swarm for the elimination of marine oil pollutions...29

Dennis Fritsch, Kai Wegener and Rolf Dieter Schraft

Alice in Pheromone Land: An Experimental Setup for the Study of Ant-like Robots...37

Simon Garnier, Fabien Tache, Maud Combe, Anne Grimal and Guy Theraulaz

An Analysis of Emergent Taxis in a Wireless Connected Swarm of Mobile Robots...45

Jan Dyre Bjerknes, Alan FT Winfield and Chris Melhuish

Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Robotic Search Applications...53

James Hereford, Michael Siebold and Shannon Nichols

Ant Colony Systems for Large Sequential Ordering Problems...60

Roberto Montemanni, Derek H. Smith and Luca Maria Gambardella

A Stochastic Rank-Based Ant System for Discrete Structural Optimization...68

Leonardo Fonseca, Priscila Capriles, Helio Barbosa and Afonso Lemonge

Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for the Dynamic Load-Balanced Clustering Problem in Ad Hoc Networks...76

Chin Ho and Hong Ewe

A Metahuristic Approach to the Graceful Labeling Problem of Graphs...84

Houra Mahmoudzadeh and Kourosh Eshghi

Stagnation Analysis in Particle Swarm Optimization...92

Ming Jiang, Yupin Luo and Shiyuan Yang

High-speed Interconnect Simulation Using Particle Swarm Optimization...100

Subas Bastola and Chen-yu Hsu

Solving Multi-agent Control Problems Using Particle Swarm...105

Maciej Mazurowski and Jacek Zurada

Differential Evolution Based Particle Swarm Optimization...112

Mahamed Omran, Andries Engelbrecht and Ayed Salman

Defining a Standard for Particle Swarm Optimization...120

Daniel Bratton and James Kennedy

A Memetic PSO Algorithm for Scalar Optimization Problems...128

Oliver Schuetze, El-ghazali Talbi, Carlos Coello Coello, Luis Santana-Quintero and Gregorio Toscano-Pulido

Building Nearest Prototype Classifiers Using a Michigan Approach PSO...135

Alejandro Cervantes, Ines Galvan and Pedro Isasi

Probabilistically Driven Particle Swarms for Optimization of Multi Valued Discrete Problems : Design and Analysis...141

Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Lisa Osadciw and Ganapathi Kamath

On Trajectories of Particles in PSO...150

Stefan Janson and Martin Middendorf

Finding Least Cost Proofs Using a Hierarchical PSO...156

Shawn T. Chivers, Gene A. Tagliarini and Ashraf M. Abdelbar

Some issues and practices for particle swarms...162

James Kennedy

Barebones Particle Swarm for Integer Programming Problems...170

Mahamed Omran, Andries Engelbrecht and Ayed Salman

An Investigation of Grinding Process Optimization via Evolutionary Algorithms...176

Tian Lee, Tiew Ting and Yueh Lin

Applying Opposition-Based Ideas to the Ant Colony System...182

Hamid R. Tizhoosh and Alice R. Malisia

A Mini-Swarm for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem...190

Xiao-Feng Xie and Jiming Liu

Particle Swarm Optimization in High-Dimensional Bounded Search Spaces...198

Sabine Helwig and Rolf Wanka

Multiple Cooperating Swarms for Data Clustering...206

Abbas Ahmadi, Fakhri Karray and Mohamed Kamel

The Markovian Termite: A Soft Routing Framework...213

Martin Roth

Automatic Tuning of Model Predictive Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization...221

Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Fukiko Kawai, Hideyuki Ito, Chikashi Nakazawa and Ryohei Suzuki

A Fuzzy-PSO Based Controller for a Grid Independent Photovoltaic System...227

Richard Welch and Venayagamoorthy Ganesh

Real-time Hierarchical Swarms for Rapid Adaptive Multi-Level Pattern Detection and Tracking...234

Matthias Scheutz

Swarm Controlled Emergence - Designing an Anti-Clustering Ant System...242

Daniel Merkle, Martin Middendorf and Alexander Scheidler

PSO-Based Multi-Criteria Optimum Design of A Grid-Connected Hybrid Power System With Multiple Renewable Sources of Energy...250

Lingfeng Wang and Chanan Singh

Adapting Particle Swarm Optimisation for Fitness Landscapes with Neutrality...258

Alan Owen and Inman Harvey

Particle Swar Optimization Combined With Local Search and Velocity Re-Initialization for Shortest Path Computation in Networks...266

Ammar W. Mohemmed and Chandra Sahoo Nirod

A Hybrid ACO/PSO Control Algorithm for Distributed Swarm Robots...273

Yan Meng, Olorundamilola Kazeem and Muller Juan

A Framework for Analyzing and Creating Self-assembling Systems...281

Navneet Bhalla and Christian Jacob

Clubs-based Particle Swarm Optimization...289

Wesam Elshamy, Hassan Emara and Ahmed Bahgat

Unit Commitment Using Particle Swarm-Based-Simulated Annealing Optimization Approach...297

Nasser Sadati, Mahdi Hajian and Majid Zamani

Co-ordination in Intelligent Ant-Based Application Service Mapping in Grid Environments...303

Sharath Babu Musunoori and Geir Horn

Orientation in a Trail Network by Exploiting its Geometry for Swarm Robotics...310

Heiko Hamann, Marc Szymanski and Heinz Woern

Solenopsis: A Framework for the Development of Ant Algorithms...316

Amos Brocco, Beat Hirsbrunner and Michele Courant

JaMOS - A MDL2e based Operating System for Swarm Micro Robotics...324

Marc Szymanski and Heinz Woern

Inspiring and Modeling Multi-Robot Search with Particle Swarm Optimization...332

Jim Pugh and Alcherio Martinoli

Adaptive Flocking of a Swarm of Robots Based on Local Interactions...340

Yosuke Hanada, Geunho Lee and Nak Young Chong

Using Formal Methods and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering for Modeling NASA Swarm-Based Systems...348

Christopher Rouff, Michael Hinchey, Joaquin Pena and Antonio Ruiz-Cortes

A Hybrid Particle Swarm Algorithm with Cauchy Mutation...356

Hui Wang, Yong Liu, Changhe Li and Sanyou Zeng

The Urbarium: A Socially Based Game Platform...361

Robert Reynolds and Farshad Fotouhi

A Trust Model based DRM technology on Distributed P2P and IPv6 Networks...366

Aina Sui, Yongbin Wang, Rui Lu and Cheng Yang

Novel Hybrid Approach for Fault Diagnosis in 3-DOF Flight Simulator based on BP Neural Network and Ant Colony Algorithms...371

Haibin Duan, Xiufen Yu and Guanjun Ma