IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing (CIISP 2007)

Author Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


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Aagaard, Mark D.

Opposition-Based Window Memoization for Morphological Algorithms

Abdullah, Azizi

CIREC: Cluster Correlogram Image Retrieval and Categorization using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors

Abedin, M. Anwarul

Developing a Reliable Learning Model for Cognitive Classification Tasks Using an Associative Memory

Ahmadi, Ali

Developing a Reliable Learning Model for Cognitive Classification Tasks Using an Associative Memory

Alexiuk, Mark

Intensity / Correlation Thresholding of FMRI Data: Data-driven Regions of Interest using Bridge Voxels

Alierzaie, Javad

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Alzate, Carlos

Image Segmentation using a Weighted Kernel PCA Approach to Spectral Clustering

Amer, Aishy

Chaos-Synchronization Based Representation of Objects and Events From MPEG-7 Low-Level Descriptors

Angelov, Plamen

Evolving Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers

Antonopoulos, Panagiotis

Hierarchical Face Clustering Using SIFT Image Features

Areibi, Shawki

Audio Environment Classification for Hearing Aids Using Artificial Neural Networks with Windowed Input

Ashlock, Daniel

Evolutionary Exploration of Generalized Julia Sets

Aydin, Nizamettin

An Adaptive Approach to the Segmentation of Dce-Mr Images of the Breast: Comparison with Classical Thresholding Algorithms

Azhar, Hanif

Chaos-Synchronization Based Representation of Objects and Events From MPEG-7 Low-Level Descriptors


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Babb, Brendan

Evolved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms for Improved Image Compression and Reconstruction under Quantization

Babyn, Paul

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

X-ray image segmentation using active contour model with global constraints

Bajaj, Meekal

Image Indexing and Retrieval in the Compressed Domain Using Color Clusters

Bao, Paul

Progressive Image Reconstruction based on Multi-scale Edge Model

Barros, Andre

Automatic FIR Filter Design Method and Tool based on Genetic Algorithms

Beheshti, Soosan

Minimum Noiseless Description Length (MNDL) and Thresholding

A new look at frequency resolution in power spectral density estimation

Bhattacharya, Prabir

Image Analysis, Object Extraction, and Change Detection in Retinal Images for Diabetic Clinical Studies

Bian, Yong

A Study on MMSE Hartley Algorithm

Binns, David

A Pilot Study of Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images using Standard Uptake Values

Bryden, Kris

Developing Metrics for Evolving a Musically Satisfying Result from a Population of Computer Generated Music Compositions


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Campbell, Duncan

Computational Intelligence for Automated Keg Identification and Deformation Detection

Celebi, M.Emre

Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Screening System

Chacon, Mario

Performance Analysis of the Feedforward and SOM Neural Networks in the Face Recognition Problem

A Wavelet-Fuzzy Logic Based System to Detect and Identify Electric Disturbs

Chakraborty, Basabi

A Novel ANN based Approach for Angle Invariant Face Verification

Chang, Ming-Wei

A New Vehicle Detection Approach in Traffic Jam Conditions

Chang, Yuchou

Color Image Quantization Using Color Variation Measure

Chantaraskul, S.

An Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to MPEG Video Transmission in Bluetooth

Chen, Cheng-Hung

A Recurrent Functional-Link-Based Neural Fuzzy System and Its Applications

Cheng, Chi-Cheng

Single-Row Superposition-type Spherical Compound-like Eye for Pan-Tilt Motion Recovery

Ciesielski, Vic

Towards Image Retrieval by Texture Segmentation with Genetic Programming

Cuadros-Vargas, Ernesto

Voice2SQL: A Hybrid Intelligent System for the recovery of information from databases by means of Spoken Natural Language


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Dabbah, Mohammad A.

Secure Authentication for Face Recognition

De Bruyne, Sarah

Enhanced Shot-Based Video Adaptation using MPEG-21 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema

De Cock, Jan

Improved H.264/AVC Requantization Transcoding using Low-Complexity Interpolation Filters for 1/4-Pixel Motion Compensation

De Neve, Wesley

Enhanced Shot-Based Video Adaptation using MPEG-21 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema

De Schrijver, Davy

Enhanced Shot-Based Video Adaptation using MPEG-21 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema

Diepold, Klaus

Robotic Localization and Separation of Concurrent Sound Sources Using Self-Splitting Competitive Learning

Ding, Qian

Classification of Recorded Musical Instruments Sounds Based on Neural Networks

Dlay, Satnam S.

Secure Authentication for Face Recognition

Dony, Robert

Audio Environment Classification for Hearing Aids Using Artificial Neural Networks with Windowed Input

Doreen, Engelberts

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Duran, Jose Luis

A Wavelet-Fuzzy Logic Based System to Detect and Identify Electric Disturbs


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Ertas, Gokhan

An Adaptive Approach to the Segmentation of Dce-Mr Images of the Breast: Comparison with Classical Thresholding Algorithms

Eslami, Abouzar

Fuzzy Motion Interpolation for Mesh-Based Motion Estimation


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Fakhrzadeh, Azadeh

Minimum Noiseless Description Length (MNDL) and Thresholding

Fan, Chung-Jui

A New Vehicle Detection Approach in Traffic Jam Conditions

Florez-Choque, Omar

Voice2SQL: A Hybrid Intelligent System for the recovery of information from databases by means of Spoken Natural Language

Folsom, Tyler

Non-pixel Robot Stereo

Freeman, Cecille

Audio Environment Classification for Hearing Aids Using Artificial Neural Networks with Windowed Input


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Georgiev, George

Function Approximation Through Growing Neural Network Based On RBF And Potential Functions

Georgieva, Antoniya

Neural Networks Applied for Cork Tiles Image Classification

Gianfelici, Francesco

Identification of Dynamic Nonlinear Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques

Goyal, Anshul

A Neural Network based Approach for the Vehicle Classification

Grasso, Francesco

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Guan, Ling

Human-Controlled Vs. Semi-automatic Content-Based Image Retrieval

Gubbi, Jayavardhana

A Pilot Study of Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images using Standard Uptake Values

Guehmann, Clemens

Intelligent Signal Processing in an Automated Measurement Data Analysis System

Gueorguieva, Natacha

Function Approximation Through Growing Neural Network Based On RBF And Potential Functions

Gulcur, H.Ozcan

An Adaptive Approach to the Segmentation of Dce-Mr Images of the Breast: Comparison with Classical Thresholding Algorithms

Guozhong, Dai

A new invariant descriptor for shape representation and recognition

A Novel Method to Recognize Complex Dynamic Gesture by Combining HMM and FNN Models

Gupta, Priya

Cognitive Model -based Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions for Live Human Computer Interaction


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Hasegawa, Osamu

Life-long Semi-supervised Learning: Continuation of Both Learning and Recognition

Hatanaka, Toshiharu

Evolution Strategies Based Particle Filters for Fault Detection

Helm, Emma

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Holmstrom, Lars

Experience Based Surface Discernment by a Quadruped Robot

Hope, David

Evolutionary Algorithms in the Classification of Mammograms

Hopgood, Adrian

High Performance Medical Image Registration Using a Distributed Blackboard Architecture

Hung, Chih-Cheng

Boundary Refined Texture Segmentation Based on K-Views and Datagram Methods


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Isernhagen, Henrik

Intelligent Signal Processing in an Automated Measurement Data Analysis System

Ishii, Toshiaki

Life-long Semi-supervised Learning: Continuation of Both Learning and Recognition

Iyatomi, Hitoshi

Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Screening System


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Jaekel, Arunita

Integrated Hybrid Channel Assignment and Distributed Power Control in Wireless Cellular Networks using Evolution Strategy

Jamieson, Brooke

Evolutionary Exploration of Generalized Julia Sets

Jarrah, Kambiz

Human-Controlled Vs. Semi-automatic Content-Based Image Retrieval

Jiang, Yuchong

X-ray image segmentation using active contour model with global constraints

Jin, Jesse

Video Adaptation based on Affective Content with MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) Framework

Jin, Renchao

Boundary Refined Texture Segmentation Based on K-Views and Datagram Methods

Jordanov, Ivan

Neural Networks Applied for Cork Tiles Image Classification

Juang, Jhy-hong

A New Vehicle Detection Approach in Traffic Jam Conditions


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Kaleli, Fatih

An Adaptive Approach to the Segmentation of Dce-Mr Images of the Breast: Comparison with Classical Thresholding Algorithms

Kamijo, Kenichi

Signal Processing Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimension and Grade of Fractality -Application to Fluctuations in Seawater Temperature-

Kamiya, Youki

Life-long Semi-supervised Learning: Continuation of Both Learning and Recognition

Kanakatte, Aparna

A Pilot Study of Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images using Standard Uptake Values

Katupitiya, Jayantha

A Multi-Window Stereo Vision Algorithm With Improved Performance at Object Borders

Kavanagh, Brian

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Kazemian, H. B.

An Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to MPEG Video Transmission in Bluetooth

Keir, Andrew

Computational Intelligence for Automated Keg Identification and Deformation Detection

Keyrouz, Fakheredine

Robotic Localization and Separation of Concurrent Sound Sources Using Self-Splitting Competitive Learning

Khalvati, Farzad

Opposition-Based Window Memoization for Morphological Algorithms

Khare, Ashish

Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform based Moving Object Tracking

Klawonn, Frank

Evolving Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers

Koide, Tetsushi

Developing a Reliable Learning Model for Cognitive Classification Tasks Using an Associative Memory

Kron, Tomas

A Pilot Study of Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images using Standard Uptake Values

Kuehn, Steffen

Intelligent Signal Processing in an Automated Measurement Data Analysis System

Kurnaiwan, Djaka

Towards Image Retrieval by Texture Segmentation with Genetic Programming


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Lay, Jose A.

Image Indexing and Retrieval in the Compressed Domain Using Color Clusters

Lee, Dah-Jye

Color Image Quantization Using Color Variation Measure

Lees, Michael

Computational Intelligence for Automated Keg Identification and Deformation Detection

Lei, Zhang

Image Analysis, Object Extraction, and Change Detection in Retinal Images for Diabetic Clinical Studies

Lendaris, George

Experience Based Surface Discernment by a Quadruped Robot

Li, Chunsheng

A Study on MMSE Hartley Algorithm

Li, Qin

Image Analysis, Object Extraction, and Change Detection in Retinal Images for Diabetic Clinical Studies

Lidicky, Ludvik

Fourier Approach to Moving Target Indication and Detection in Multichannel SAR Data

Lin, Cheng-Jian

A Recurrent Functional-Link-Based Neural Fuzzy System and Its Applications

Lin, Chin-Teng

A Recurrent Functional-Link-Based Neural Fuzzy System and Its Applications

Lin, Gwo-Long

Single-Row Superposition-type Spherical Compound-like Eye for Pan-Tilt Motion Recovery

Lopes, Heitor

Automatic FIR Filter Design Method and Tool based on Genetic Algorithms

Luo, Suhuai

Video Adaptation based on Affective Content with MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) Framework

Luo, Yu

Boundary Refined Texture Segmentation Based on K-Views and Datagram Methods


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Madarasmi, Suthep

A Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Gradient Difference Compatibility

Maier, Werner

Robotic Localization and Separation of Concurrent Sound Sources Using Self-Splitting Competitive Learning

Makki, Behrooz

Voice Conversion using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis

Mani, Nallasamy

A Pilot Study of Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images using Standard Uptake Values

Manzuri-Shalmani, Mohammad Taghi

A Skew Resistant Method for Persian Text Segmentation

Maringanti, Hima Bindu

Cognitive Model -based Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions for Live Human Computer Interaction

Marshall, Pat

Evolved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms for Improved Image Compression and Reconstruction under Quantization

Mattausch, Hans Jurgen

Developing a Reliable Learning Model for Cognitive Classification Tasks Using an Associative Memory

Medeiros Jr, Manoel Firmino

Influence of Signal Pre-Processing in the Efficiency of Algorithms Based on Neural Netwokrs for Disturbance Classification

Melo, Jorge

Influence of Signal Pre-Processing in the Efficiency of Algorithms Based on Neural Netwokrs for Disturbance Classification

Meng, Jeffery

X-ray image segmentation using active contour model with global constraints

Mohammed, Jafar

An Efficient RLS Algorithm For Output-Error Adaptive IIR Filtering And Its Application To Acoustic Echo Cancellation

Moore, Frank

Evolved Multiresolution Analysis Transforms for Improved Image Compression and Reconstruction under Quantization

Mugioiu, Alexandru

Concurrent Self-Organizing Maps for Multispectral Facial Image Recognition

Munday, Edward

Evolutionary Algorithms in the Classification of Mammograms


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Nakashima, Tomoharu

High Performance Medical Image Registration Using a Distributed Blackboard Architecture

Nang, Jongho

A Novel Approach to Collect Training Images on WWW for Image Thesaurus Building

Neagoe, Victor

Concurrent Self-Organizing Maps for Multispectral Facial Image Recognition

Neemann, Helmut

Intelligent Signal Processing in an Automated Measurement Data Analysis System

Ngom, Alioune

Integrated Hybrid Channel Assignment and Distributed Power Control in Wireless Cellular Networks using Evolution Strategy

Nikolaidis, Nikos

Hierarchical Face Clustering Using SIFT Image Features

Noori Hosseini, Mona

Voice Conversion using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis

Notebaert, Stijn

Improved H.264/AVC Requantization Transcoding using Low-Complexity Interpolation Filters for 1/4-Pixel Motion Compensation


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Ogawa, Koichi

Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Screening System

Oka, Hiroshi

Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Screening System

Oliveira, Jose Tavares

Influence of Signal Pre-Processing in the Efficiency of Algorithms Based on Neural Netwokrs for Disturbance Classification


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Pal, Sudeshna

A new look at frequency resolution in power spectral density estimation

Park, Joohyoun

A Novel Approach to Collect Training Images on WWW for Image Thesaurus Building

Pedrycz, Witold

Intensity / Correlation Thresholding of FMRI Data: Data-driven Regions of Interest using Bridge Voxels

Pires, Paulo

Influence of Signal Pre-Processing in the Efficiency of Algorithms Based on Neural Netwokrs for Disturbance Classification

Pitas, Ioannis

Advances in Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Verification

Hierarchical Face Clustering Using SIFT Image Features

Pizzi, Nick

Intensity / Correlation Thresholding of FMRI Data: Data-driven Regions of Interest using Bridge Voxels


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Rivas, Pablo

Performance Analysis of the Feedforward and SOM Neural Networks in the Face Recognition Problem


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Sadati, Nasser

Fuzzy Motion Interpolation for Mesh-Based Motion Estimation

Voice Conversion using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis

Sahba, Farhang

Application of Opposition-Based Reinforcement Learning in Image Segmentation

Salama, Magdy M.A.

Application of Opposition-Based Reinforcement Learning in Image Segmentation

Santiesteban, Luis

A Wavelet-Fuzzy Logic Based System to Detect and Identify Electric Disturbs

Santos, Crisluci

Influence of Signal Pre-Processing in the Efficiency of Algorithms Based on Neural Netwokrs for Disturbance Classification

Schaefer, Gerald

High Performance Medical Image Registration Using a Distributed Blackboard Architecture

Seyedsalehi, Seyed Ali

Voice Conversion using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis

Shing-Min, Liu

Real-Time Image-Based Stylistic Rendering Using Graphics Hardware Acceleration

Shirakawa, Yoshinori

Developing a Reliable Learning Model for Cognitive Classification Tasks Using an Associative Memory

Shirali-Shahreza, Mohammad Hassan

A Skew Resistant Method for Persian Text Segmentation

Shirali-Shahreza, Sajad

A Skew Resistant Method for Persian Text Segmentation

Siddiqui, Muhammad Naveed

Bare Bones Strategy for Human Detection and Tracking

Singh, Gurnam

An Efficient RLS Algorithm For Output-Error Adaptive IIR Filtering And Its Application To Acoustic Echo Cancellation

Smith, Stephen

Evolutionary Algorithms in the Classification of Mammograms

Song, Andy

Towards Image Retrieval by Texture Segmentation with Genetic Programming

Song, Enmin

Boundary Refined Texture Segmentation Based on K-Views and Datagram Methods

Stelle, Alvaro

Automatic FIR Filter Design Method and Tool based on Genetic Algorithms

Suykens, Johan A. K.

Image Segmentation using a Weighted Kernel PCA Approach to Spectral Clustering


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Tahira, Farid

Integrated Hybrid Channel Assignment and Distributed Power Control in Wireless Cellular Networks using Evolution Strategy

Tahseen, Rafik

Neural Networks Applied for Cork Tiles Image Classification

Tait, Roger

High Performance Medical Image Registration Using a Distributed Blackboard Architecture

Talakoub, Omid

An automatic wavelet-based approach for lung segmentation and density analysis in dynamic CT

Tanaka, Masaru

Parameterization of Dermoscopic Findings for the Internet-based Melanoma Screening System

Tefas, Anastasios

Advances in Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Verification

Thipaksorn, Panudech

A Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Gradient Difference Compatibility

Tipwai, Preeyakorn

A Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Gradient Difference Compatibility

Tiwary, Uma Shankar

Cognitive Model -based Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions for Live Human Computer Interaction

Tiwary, Uma Shanker

Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform based Moving Object Tracking

Tizhoosh, Hamid R.

Application of Opposition-Based Reinforcement Learning in Image Segmentation

Opposition-Based Window Memoization for Morphological Algorithms

Toland, Andrew

Experience Based Surface Discernment by a Quadruped Robot

Tsai, Ping-Tsung

A New Vehicle Detection Approach in Traffic Jam Conditions

Tudoran, Cristian

Concurrent Self-Organizing Maps for Multispectral Facial Image Recognition

Turchetti, Claudio

Identification of Dynamic Nonlinear Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques


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Uosaki, Katsuji

Evolution Strategies Based Particle Filters for Fault Detection


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Valova, Iren

Function Approximation Through Growing Neural Network Based On RBF And Potential Functions

Van de Walle, Rik

Enhanced Shot-Based Video Adaptation using MPEG-21 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema

Improved H.264/AVC Requantization Transcoding using Low-Complexity Interpolation Filters for 1/4-Pixel Motion Compensation

Van Deursen, Davy

Enhanced Shot-Based Video Adaptation using MPEG-21 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema

Verma, Brijesh

A Neural Network based Approach for the Vehicle Classification


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Wiering, Marco

CIREC: Cluster Correlogram Image Retrieval and Categorization using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors

Woo, Wai L.

Secure Authentication for Face Recognition

Wu, Bing-Fei

A New Vehicle Detection Approach in Traffic Jam Conditions

Wu, Kui

A Pseudo-Labeling Framework for Content-based Image Retrieval


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Xiying, Wang

A new invariant descriptor for shape representation and recognition

A Novel Method to Recognize Complex Dynamic Gesture by Combining HMM and FNN Models

Xu, Min

Video Adaptation based on Affective Content with MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) Framework

Xu, Xiangyang

Boundary Refined Texture Segmentation Based on K-Views and Datagram Methods


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Yamanouchi, Akiko

Signal Processing Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimension and Grade of Fractality -Application to Fluctuations in Seawater Temperature-

Yap, Kim-Hui

A Pseudo-Labeling Framework for Content-based Image Retrieval

You, Jane

Image Analysis, Object Extraction, and Change Detection in Retinal Images for Diabetic Clinical Studies

Yousaf, Bilal

Bare Bones Strategy for Human Detection and Tracking

Yu-Hung, Hsueh

Real-Time Image-Based Stylistic Rendering Using Graphics Hardware Acceleration


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Zafeiriou, Stefanos

Advances in Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Verification

Zhang, Nian

Classification of Recorded Musical Instruments Sounds Based on Neural Networks

Investigation of Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Filtering for Noisy ECG Signals

Zhang, Xianjun

Progressive Image Reconstruction based on Multi-scale Edge Model

Zhao, Jun

A Multi-Window Stereo Vision Algorithm With Improved Performance at Object Borders

Zhou, Xiaowei

Evolving Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers

Zhou, Yinqing

A Study on MMSE Hartley Algorithm